Father, who is like unto Thee. Thank You for this blessed day before us. Thank for the gift of life, good health of mind and body. We are most grateful to You for being there for us.

Beloved, the month of March is almost up and I believe that God has been good to us, His faithfulness is forever sure. In so many ways we have come short of His glory but His mercies has kept us. The devil has asked for our dear life but He persevered us.

Even when we are so unfaithful, He remaineth faithful. His promises can be delayed according to man’s timing but when His time is due. Nothing is strong enough stop His move, delays what He has planned for us, be able to withstand Him. Glory be to Him alone. Do you why am dancing? Because what He says He will do for you and I, He will surely do. No one can utter His plans for us. All their gathering against us is in vain, for the silence of God does not depict powerless but to show them how foolish they are. Thank You Lord for saving our souls from the land of the dead.

Beloved, like I mentioned earlier or even in yesterday devotional, the sovereignty of God cannot be underestimated but sometimes God keep silence or allow some unpleasant moments in our lives to test our heart. He uses what we go through to strengthen us especially in the areas where we are not fully developed yet. But believe you me, most times those testing is up to the neck, as if it will break us but it will never do by His divine grace.

Come along with me as we read more on this:

Remember that the Lord your God led you on the entire journey these 40 years in the wilderness, so that He might humble you and test you to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands.

He humbled you by letting you go hungry; then He gave you manna to eat, which you and your fathers had not known, so that you might learn that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.—Deuteronomy 8:2–3

God allows us to suffer difficulties and hardships for a purpose. God led the children of Israel to wander through the wilderness for forty years in order to humble them and test them. When they refused to obey Him and enter the Promised Land, the Israelites revealed that they did not really know Him. If they had, they would have had more faith. God spent the next forty years testing the hearts of His people to see if they were prepared for His next assignment.

Testing reveals what is in your heart and produces a robust faith (James 1:3, 12). God allowed His people to hunger so they could experience His provision and develop a deeper level of trust in Him. As the people walked with God they came to understand that their lives depended upon His Word. They learned that God’s Word was the most important thing they had.

After depending on God for forty years while living in the desert, the people listened when God spoke, and they believed. When they finally entered the Promised Land and waged war against their enemies, the Israelites knew that God’s word meant life and death. They were prepared to listen to Him, and as a result He led them to an astounding victory.

Is God presently testing you in some area of your life? What has His testing revealed? Have you become bitter toward God because of where He has led you? Or have you come to trust Him more as a result of what you have gone through?

Just know that a Word from God means life and death. If you believe Him, it brings life to you and when you chose to disobey Him, your choice is clear. For truly as He said so will He do unto us. The certainty of His supply is guaranteed. Let’s dig further in the message below:

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:19

This verse is one of the most practical we will ever encounter in the Bible. Every one of us faces needs in our lives; at times, they are beyond our own means. Those are not the times to become anxious or to panic. Nor should we give up in defeat. It is at these times that God wants to draw from His unlimited storehouse to meet our need as only He can.

Do you believe God can meet the needs of your finances? Your health? Your children? Your parents? Your church? Scripture says you will never face a need for which God’s provision is not more than adequate. This promise appears over and over again in the Scriptures (Ps. 116:6; Heb. 4:16; Matt. 6:8; Ps. 69:33). If you are not experiencing God’s bountiful provision, what is the problem? Is the difficulty with God? Or could it be that you do not really believe that God stands ready to meet your every need?

Every resource of God is available to any child of God who will believe Him. No one has ever exhausted God’s supply nor suffered a shortfall when trusting Him. Unfortunately, some Christians live as if God’s abundant resources were not available to them. They are children of the King, but they live like beggars! Would the people close to you affirm that your life gives evidence of an unwavering belief that God will do what He said?

Or are you panicked? We all have individual needs and we all desires God’s intervention, Let us pray continual for the grace to believe God in any areas we are trusting Him for. May we not like Judas seek out to betray our Master and our Friend but like Peter, may we repent and come to Him.

Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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