July 18
Song 1
You are worthy to be glorified!
You are worthy Lord Jesus
You are worthy to be glorified!
You are Worthy Lord!
Song 2
Do do do, Oghene do, Oghene do
Do do do, Oghene do, Oghene do x2
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
We thank You Lord, We thank You Lord
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
We thank You Lord, We thank You Lord.
Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s Psalms 103:1-5 (KJV)
Indeed, He has done it at His own “Time”. All other effort to birth this project before now met with brick wall. When the appointed time came, He order my steps right into the office where the work began in earnest and today I can look back and praise Him like Sarah’s Isaac, my mouth is filled with laughter. For it pleased the Lord to pour out his gifts on me and be me a vessel of honour unto Himself. He is still searching for willing vessels; will you be available for His use? Consider further:
Godly Pursuits
So then, we must pursue what promotes peace and what builds up one another.—Romans 14:19
A mark of spiritual maturity is a willingness to sacrifice personal comfort in order to strengthen other believers. Paul urges Christians to pursue only activities that promote peace and behavior that builds up others.
To pursue means to passionately focus one’s undistracted effort toward a goal. This is not a casual matter. It involves using all the resources God has given us to ensure growth and peace in the life of a fellow Christian. To the Colossian church, Paul said he labored, “striving . . . to present every man perfect in Christ” (Col. 1:28–29). This took concentration and effort!
For Paul, choosing to edify Christians meant refraining from any activity that caused others to stumble. He did not concern himself with his own rights or comforts because his greater priority, over his personal freedom, was to lead others to Christian maturity (1 Cor. 14:12, 26).
This is how Jesus related to His disciples. He taught them that they could express no greater love than to lay down their lives for one another (John 15:13). As Christians, we ought to be so devoted to strengthening one another’s faith that we pursue this goal relentlessly, even if it means laying down our own lives. This behavior characterized the early churches (Acts 2:40–47). This is what love is like among God’s people (Gal. 6:9–10).
As God reveals to you what those around you need in order to grow in their faith, be prepared to make the necessary sacrifice on behalf of your fellow Christians (Col. 1:29).
Will you? What we are celebrating today is a hallmark of “obedience” to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who after the vision was delivered, persistently said to me “will you make yourself available for My use”. At first, I did not understand what He was saying until He gradually gave me understanding to the same and preparation ensue.
When He called me, I obeyed Him. Though the cares of the world wanted to hinder me but His Love and Faithfulness preserved me. He caused me to leave all and follow Him and He has never fail to give rain and harvest at its season.
The passion for the lost, the doubter, the hurting, the captive, the deceived, and the lonely has been the propelling force that has kept me going. He first brought me into the same situation and as I humbly followed His leading in everything, He delivered me and His Mandate to me is “Those comforting words He comforted me, use same to comfort all that He will send my way (2 Cor 1:3-4). And to the glory of His name, same words have been made available to comfort others and bring peace to their raging storms (Phil 2:25); Tap into it.
The compassionate story of Jesus will throw more light on how the driving force in the love of God can compel you to be obedient to the Lord’s vision than your ambition. Discover more:
When He saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. Then He began to teach them, saying… —Matthew 5:1–2
Christ sees people far differently than we do. Throughout the Gospels we see a pattern in the way Jesus taught His disciples. Whenever He saw the multitudes, Jesus would reveal to the disciples what was on His heart for the people. Jesus wanted His disciples to share His love for the people. The disciples did not always understand all He was telling them, but He assured them that later the Holy Spirit would reveal the significance of His words (John 14:25–26). When the multitudes began pressing in on Him, Jesus would get alone with His disciples and teach them about God’s love for people.
You will experience this same pattern as you walk with Jesus. When God places you in a crowd, you may sense the Holy Spirit impressing upon you the heart and mind of God for those people. Perhaps your Lord will lead you to a solitary place where He shares with you His compassion for the people you have been with.
He may reveal to you His will for the people and invite you to join Him in His redemptive activity. He may place a burden on your heart to pray for them. If you are among people and are unmoved by their spiritual condition, God may develop your love for them so that you are prepared to minister to them as He desires.
The next time you are in a crowd, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. You may discover that God has much on His heart for those people and that He is waiting for one of His disciples to respond to His prompting.
Jesus did the assignment entrusted in His hand with compassion, same here until you are filled with compassion on the things happening around you, you cannot obey God; it may be difficult for you to offer “help” I mean “selfless service to those around you.
So celebrate with us on what the lord has done for us “to set the captive free and bring peace to the troubled heart”, praise the Lord, halleluiah.
If you are happy and you know it, shout Amen! By acknowledging His wonderful deeds amongst us, of the truth indeed, He has made us an ensign to our generations.
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Remain blessed in the Lord.