Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God, we bow before Your throne. (Glorious) Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God, we bow before Your throne.// Take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Ghost now and forever more.

Our Glorious Father we thank You, we bless Your Name, we worship You! We give You Praise! Adoration to Your Holy Name! Receive our Praise, receive all honour, adoration to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name. Thank You for Your Great auction upon our lives, Thank You for answers to our prayers, glory be to Your Name forever and ever.

Everlasting Father, have Your way in this place! Send Your Word to rekindle our lives afresh, baptize us with the fire of Holy Ghost and make us danger zones for satan and workers of iniquities in Jesus Name! Bless our lives and make us vital instruments in Your Hand for the benefits of Kingdom businesses in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, this is the month we have been waiting for, Praise the Name of the Lord! There shall be showers of blessings according to the Word of God! Yes! We shall have More of His Blessing abundantly supply to us each time the need arise in Jesus Name!

Welcome to the first faith clinic of this month where your faith will enlarge to receive the promise of salvation as it is the only gate Way to the Father. our study yesterday revealed the state of a sinful man/woman and the sovereigns Power God delivers such one from eternal damnation. A quick reminder is that our salvation was not of works, wisdom or power or righteousness rather it of grace so that no man will boast.

Beloveth our Father Abraham did believe the promise of God and it was counted unto him  as righteousness. Not of work but of faith. Today by the special grace of God you that is reading this message it shall counted for you as the righteousness. Praise the Name of Jesus! Somebody shot alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, the Blood of Jesus brought us to the place of righteousness.  Praise the Lord! God gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ that we who believes in Him shall not die eternally but shall have eternal life. Praise the Name of Jesus and brother David in his time revealed to us that any man whose  transgressions is forgiven, whose sins is covered is blessed. And to any man whom the Lord imputed no iniquity and in whose Spirit there is no guile that man is also blessed (Ps 32:1)

Beloveth, you are blessed in Jesus Name. And more of this blessing you and I will receive this month as we bask ourselves in the revelation in the mystery of death of our Lord Jesus Christ in Jesus Name. But first things first dearly beloveth; you must first believed.

Abraham received God’s promise and it was counted for him as righteousness, are ready to do the same?  (Rom 4). Beloveth believe God and see that situation turning around for good. Believe God and see your glory shine forth. Beloveth believe God and see your enemies brought under your foot stool in Jesus Name.

Abraham believed God and it was counted for as righteousness; are you ready to believe God too? If you are then let discover how it works in the school faith. Praise the Lord!

“The barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which He spake by Elijah.” 1 Kings 17:16

See the faithfulness of divine love. You observe that this woman had daily necessities. She had herself and her son to feed in a time of famine; and now, in addition, the prophet Elijah was to be fed too. But though the need was threefold, yet the supply of meal wasted not, for she had a constant supply.

Each day she made calls upon the barrel, but yet each day it remained the same. You, dear reader, have daily necessities, and because they come so frequently, you are apt to fear that the barrel of meal will one day be empty, and the cruse of oil will fail you. Rest assured that, according to the Word of God, this shall not be the case.

Each day, though it bring its trouble, shall bring its help; and though you should live to outnumber the years of Methuselah, and though your needs should be as many as the sands of the seashore, yet shall God’s grace and mercy last through all your necessities, and you shall never know a real lack.

For three long years, in this widow’s days, the heavens never saw a cloud, and the stars never wept a holy tear of dew upon the wicked earth: famine, and desolation, and death, made the land a howling wilderness, but this woman never was hungry, but always joyful in abundance.

So shall it be with you. You shall see the sinner’s hope perish, for he trusts his native strength; you shall see the proud Pharisee’s confidence totter, for he builds his hope upon the sand; you shall see even your own schemes blasted and withered, but you yourself shall find that your place of defence shall be the munition of rocks:

“Your bread shall be given you, and your water shall be sure.” Better have God for your guardian, than the Bank of England for your possession. You might spend the wealth of the Indies, but the infinite riches of God you can never exhaust.

Praise the Name of the Lord. Beloveth it is impossible to please God without faith. Wear your faith jacket now, ask God to increase your faith and it will done unto you.

Believe that all shall be well; and it will truly be in Jesus Name. your natural eye may not see it but if your faith eye shall it then it is done. Shout a believing alleluia!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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