Father we are grateful unto Thee for Your Goodness endureth forever. Thank You yet for another day; another opportunity in Your presence, glory be to Your Holy Name.

Forever You will be The Lamb upon the Throne. I gladly bow my knees to worship You O! God.

Beloved, we have few days left in the Special month. And as the day go by, the Lord keeping revealing the theme of month in  more glorious ways.

Beloved, who could believe our report, that the most unqualified became qualified by God. The less desirable became the most honourable among the sons of men. Is so amazing as to how God does His things.

Among those who enjoyed this “uncommon grace” as mentioned in yesterday message was “Tamar”. She is not  among the popular message you will hear from the pulpit except in mentioning but yet this woman was ill treated by husband Er, the first son of Judah (whom the Bible recorded that he was wicked), abused by her brother in-law – Onan, deceived and accused by her father in-law (Judah) but was honoured by God.

Judah upon whom the Messiah is to come (Gen 49”8-12) married a Canaanite woman who did not worship God but burn incense to other gods. More so God had forewarned his fathers’ not to inter marry with them (Gen 24:3-9). Why? Please read (Gen 9:18-27)

In all, God saw her heart and hunger toward Him. Her action were carried out with the sole intention of having a child to carry on the family. God also saw Judah’s heart (having repented from his evil ways Gen 44:18-34 and being blessed by his father Gen.49:8-12) and provided a way for him to be restored to his family, as well as his descendants, to carry on his name. Ultimately, God used the line of Judah to give the world the Messiah. The Messiah is often referred to as the Lion of Judah. Jesus is Messiah! (Gen 38).

Beloved, where can you identify with Tamar? Trying to fix things yourself. Have you ever been ahead of God and tried to fix things yourself or do as Jesus commanded in Matt 11:38-39.

Beloved, where is your Bible? On the shelf, decorating it? Under your pillow, warding off evil spirit?  On the center table, showing that you are a Christian or do you go about with it everywhere to read and share with others that need more light from the word of God?

The Word of God is the place to discover the ways of God, always keep it very close. Note “The Bible Supreme Place”

“Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” Ps. 119:165

Yes, a true love for the great Book will bring us great peace from the great God, and be a great protection to us. Let us live constantly in the society of the law of the Lord, and it will breed in our hearts a restfulness such as nothing else can. The Holy Spirit acts as a Comforter through the Word, and sheds abroad those benign influences which calm the tempests of the soul.

Nothing is a stumblingblock to the man who has the Word of God dwelling in him richly. He takes up his daily cross and it becomes a delight. For the fiery trial he is prepared, and counts it not strange, so as to be utterly cast down by it. He is neither stumbled by prosperity, as so many are, nor crushed by adversity, as others have been; for he lives beyond the changing circumstances of external life.

When his Lord puts before him some great mystery of the faith which makes others cry, “This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” the believer accepts it without question; for his intellectual difficulties are overcome by his reverent awe of the law of the Lord, which is to him the supreme authority to which he joyfully bows.

Lord, work in us this love, this peace, this rest, this day. And may Your Truth O! God concerning us, family, career, ministry, and business be establish:

“The lip of truth shall be established for ever; but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” Prov. 12:19

Truth wears well. Time tests it, but it right well endures the trial. If, then, I have spoken the truth, and have for the present to suffer for it, I must be content to wait. If also I believe the truth of God, and endeavor to declare it, I may meet with much opposition, but I need not fear, for ultimately the truth must prevail.

What a poor thing is the temporary triumph of falsehood! “A lying lip is but for a moment!” It is a mere gourd, which comes up in a night, and perishes in a night; and the greater its development the more manifest its decay. On the other hand, how worthy of an immortal being is the avowal and defense of that truth which can never change; the everlasting gospel, which is established in the immutable truth of an unchanging God! An old proverb saith,

 “He that speaks truth shames the devil.” Assuredly he that speaks the truth of God will put to shame all the devils in hell, and confound all the seed of the serpent which now hiss out their falsehoods.

O my heart, take care that thou be in all things on the side of truth, both in small things and great; but specially, on the side of Him by whom grace and truth have come among men!

What a Wonderful God we serve. Keep a date with us as we will by the grace of God x-ray the other women, who also enjoyed the uncommon grace in their lives before the month end.

Beloved, this Grace –So Amazing”. Nothing like it, is a total package for the redeemed of the Lord (Ps 86:5).

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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