Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart all cares and burden I come, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sing to Father Father, Father, Father, sing the Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit!// Who is wonderful is Jesus, who is marvelous is Jesus, who is powerful is Jesus, who is merciful is Jesus! shout alleluia, alleluia, shout alleluia, alleluia, shout alleluia, shout alleluia alleluia.
Glory glory alleluia glory glory Praise the Lord! glory glory alleluia! glory glory Praise the Lord! glory glory Lord, we give glory, we give you glory Lord, alleluia glory glory Lord you are mighty God! // I feel like dancing…. I feel like shouting…. I feel like Praising…..i feel like clapping.
Father we bow before Your Presence, alleluia to Your Holy Name! we worship and adore Thee, who is like unto Thee, Glorious God. Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. Thank You for another wonderful opportunity to be part of what you are doing in the life of Your chosen ones, be Thou glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name! Thank You for your promises that standeth firm, thank You for answers to prayers and supplications, thank You Father for help us in places where we are weak, glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name!
Beloveth, thank God is Friday! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is another PCL Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!, let us magnify the Name of the Lord because He will yet reveal Himself afresh to us even as we mediate on His Word this day, because His Word is new every morning and it bring refreshing to the spirit of the hearer, Praise the Lord.
Indeed it have been very refreshing moment in His Presence all through this week, with wonderful promises that can wake the death from sleep, the Lord Word is so powerful and smoothing, it brings healing to the hearer and restoration to the troubled mind. The Lord keep us from all evil because His Name is Faithful, His love can never fail. He upholds us with an excellent Spirit, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!
Beloveth, the topic before us is to teach us how base we are without the help of our Lord Jesus. The moment you realize that you are nothing without God and go to the cross to draw strength from the One who is able to all things then you stepping in the right direction, but if you fail to seek help and nourishment from the tree of life – Jesus, just know that you are dying gradually, your leaves will soon wither because you are malnourished Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, you cannot bear fruit without first giving your life to Jesus, if you have then you fruit bearing is guaranteed, then you keep close the Fountain and draw daily from it, yes draw daily from the fountain that will never run dry nor experience drought.
Our fruit bearing is guarantee by confessing our Lord Jesus to be the Living God, encouraging those around us to look steadily on Him, help them to find the Way and teach them truth in the Book of life- Bible. We should also make our life to shine forth as light to the dark world, then and only then will you bear fruit effortlessly, because your life will radiate the beauty of God and the heathen will come to your light according to the Word of promise. Praise the Lord!
Do you want to learn more about the secret of bearing fruit then come along with us:
“The branch cannot bear fruit of itself.” John 15:4
How did you begin to bear fruit? It was when you came to Jesus and cast yourselves on His great atonement, and rested on His finished righteousness. Ah! what fruit you had then! Do you remember those early days? Then indeed the vine flourished, the tender grape appeared, the pomegranates budded forth, and the beds of spices gave forth their smell.
Have you declined since then? If you have, we charge you to remember that time of love, and repent, and do thy first works. Be most in those engagements which you have experimentally proved to draw you nearest to Christ, because it is from Him that all your fruits proceed. Any holy exercise which will bring you to Him will help you to bear fruit.
The sun is, no doubt, a great worker in fruit-creating among the trees of the orchard: and Jesus is still more so among the trees of His garden of grace. When have you been the most fruitless? Has not it been when you have lived farthest from the Lord Jesus Christ, when you have slackened in prayer, when you have departed from the simplicity of your faith, when your graces have engrossed your attention instead of your Lord, when you have said, “My mountain standeth firm, I shall never be moved”; and have forgotten where your strength dwells—has not it been then that your fruit has ceased?
Some of us have been taught that we have nothing out of Christ, by terrible abasements of heart before the Lord; and when we have seen the utter barrenness and death of all creature power, we have cried in anguish, “From Him all my fruit must be found, for no fruit can ever come from me.” We are taught, by past experience, that the more simply we depend upon the grace of God in Christ, and wait upon the Holy Spirit, the more we shall bring forth fruit unto God.
Oh! to trust Jesus for fruit as well as for life.
Beloveth, when we obey the commands of God in the way we live, then Jesus will come and abide with us and use us to draw the dying world back to Himself. Amen!
Our usefulness in kingdom work is of high essence as that is the way that the kingdom of God will come and live amongst us. Beloveth, do you want to be a fruit bearing Christian then join us to sing this song and as you do so may the Spirit of God rest upon for greater exploits in Jesus Name.
Beloveth there is no end to fruit bearing as a child of God (Ps 92:12-15). So engage yourself strong in the kingdom business and see God arise and over take your enemies and make your prosperous in the land where He has placed you in Jesus Name! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!
So let to sing unto the Lord. I see a new you after this encounter in Jesus Name 2 Cor 5:17. Let go there!!!!
Song 1
Create me a new heart O! Lord and renew right Spirit within me! Create me a new heart O! Lord and renew right Spirit within me! Cast me not away from Your Presence O! Lord! Take not the Holy Spirit from me unto me. Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation and renew right within me.
Song 2
Keep me through, Lord Jesus keep me through! Keep me through, Lord Jesus keep me through! There is a race I must run, there is victory to be won, give me power every hour to be through.
Beloveth the songs that you just sang now is a sign of humility before God as reveal to me by the Spirit of God. By this confession you are telling God to come and help you because you cannot help yourself. Like I said earlier, “you are a brand new you.” The Lord will renew you and put in the right Spirit in you. He will lead you and keep your step so that you fall into no evil. The strength of the Lord will preserve you and make your fruitful even in your old age in Jesus Name. He will not fail you but will renew you like eagle for great exploits in Jesus Name.
Have a wonderful weekend and by His grace we will meet again on Monday for higher encounter in Jesus Name.
May the grace for fruit bearing be realize upon you now in Jesus Name! Don’t forget that Jesus is coming back soon; if He come back right now, will He see you occupying?
Remain blessed in the Lord!