I will exalt You Lord… For Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is Lord… Alleluia!// Glory! Honour! Power and Majesty be unto amen… Alleluia… Glory Honour Power and Majesty be unto God Amen!!!… Praising the Lord always… Praising the Lord always… Praising the Lord with all my heart… Praising the Lord with all my heart always… alleluia… My Lord is Good… alleluia… My Lord is Good… alleluia… My Lord is Good…is Good to me… alleluia…x2
Our Father we Thank You. We bless Your Name, we adore Thee… We glorify Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… Merciful Jesus, who is like unto Thee… O Lord there is none like Thee… all glory be unto Thee Jesus… All honour be unto Thee.. Jesus… all adoration be unto Thee… Jesus… Father we worship You now and forever more… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
I have seen the Lord Goodness, His Mercy and Compassion… x2 Alleluia Praise the Lord…
Beloveth, how are doing today… our God is God… all the time… His goodness and mercy shall follow us all the Days of our lives.. And His mercy enduerth forever alleluia!!!
Today is TGIF… Alleluia!!! Today is also our PCL day… Praise the Lord…
Beloveth… We have a clarion call before us to care for the poor…and the needy amongst us… Alleluia…
Oftentimes the facts starring us in the face makes someone to ignore to offer help as Jesus commanded us to take care of the poor… Moreover, past experiences may also be a hindrance to offering help to people in need…
I have been in the place of need and I know what lack is … however we must know that when you are offering help with the intention to reap it back later is no longer help but business transaction.
Also when you are rendering help and making the needy to feel unwanted, lower His/her self-esteem, Be nonchalant and with an element of hate… it is the most disgusting thing to do…
When you offer help and make someone play the game by your rule because you are offering a help is slavery and no longer help…
Beloveth, is it possible to offer help unconditionally because you are doing it for Jesus?…
I had a nasty experience months that brought me to a place of tears and I was wondering in my heart “Have I treated someone else like this … if I have, please forgive me, God.”…
You wouldn’t want to read the story… it a shame to the body of Christ… what some Christians do in the name of offering help… is a big shame…
Check your life and take count on how you relate with people especially those in need and helpless… God take into account every action and in-action we display to the needy, strangers among us … may God help us all…
Join us to discover more:
The Care of the Poor
“The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing.” Ps. 41:3
Remember that this is a promise to the man who considers the poor. Are you one of these? Then take home the text.
See how in the hour of sickness the God of the poor will bless the man who cares for the poor! The everlasting arms shall stay up his soul as friendly hands and downy pillows stay up the body of the sick.
How tender and sympathizing is this image; how near it brings our God to our infirmities and sicknesses! Whoever heard this of the old heathen Jove, or of the gods of India, or China? This is language peculiar to the God of Israel; He it is who deigns to become nurse and attendant upon good men. If He smites with one hand, He sustains with the other.
Oh, it is blessed fainting when one falls upon the Lord’s own bosom, and is borne thereon! Grace is the best of restoratives; divine love is the safest stimulant for a languishing patient; it makes the soul strong as a giant, even when the bones are breaking through the skin. No physician like the Lord, no tonic like His promise, no wine like His love.
If the reader has failed in his duty to the poor, let him see what he is losing, and at once become their friend and helper.
May God help us to fulfill this part ministry in our Christian race… Amen. There is a reward to us when we become God’s Hand and Leg… incidentally, God said the poor will always be in the land … so what more… may we receive grace to be all God wants us to be in Jesus Name… Amen.
Further Reading- Jas.1:18, Deut.15:11, Ps.9:18, Ps.29:14, Obad.1:5, Matt.26:11, Ps.52:8, Job.34:32, Matt.11:30, Col.4:6.
See you on Monday… by God’s grace… have a wonderful weekend..
Remain blessed in the Lord.