Glory be to the Lord… Alleluia! Glory be to the Lord… Alleluia… Glory be to the Lord… Alleluia! Glory be to the Lord Alleluia…. Glory be to the Lord in the highest… Alleluia! Alleluia! Gloria be to the Lord in the highest… Alleluia… Everybody shout alleluia!!!// I am Thank You Lord for Who are! What You have done in my life Lord… I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done… Dan Sakari Baba….
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee for Who You are, we give You Praise! Adoration to Thee Lord… Be Thou exalted O God! In Jesus Name!!! Everlasting King of glory, we bow in worship… Come and have Your way again in my life Father… Ancient of Days…. Be Thou magnify forever and ever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… Prayer is the KEY! Do you remember the song… let’s sing it together….
Prayer is the key… prayer is the key… prayer is the Master key!!! Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer… Prayer is the Master key!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!
Yes… when you knee before God…. situations and circumstances bows at you….Yes! I am a living testimony…. A man seek God’s presence before embarking on a journey or project will always pull through… you know why? He said “For I am with you always….” This is what happens when you seek His consent or guidance first always…. Praise the Lord….
So again today we are going to go before the Lord… our Maker, the Owner of the universe to pour our heart before Him… Yes He will answer us and show us what to do… so are you ready to pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting some Christians religious bodies are starting the preparation towards the celebration of Easter today being Ash Wednesday… Is starting with fasting which will run through till Palm Sunday, then Passion week then the Good Friday, Holy Saturday and then finally the Easter… so we are entering into a season of the Cross, which is the same thing as the suffering of Christ… His death and resurrection… this is an important feast in the Christendom.. is marked with so much reflection of Christ life here on earth… followed by His command of “Go Yea.”
Beloveth.…is imperative that we follow and observe what this season will be teaching us and ensure that we are not only hearers alone but also doers of His Word…. Amen!!! Praise the Lord!
What do you understand about today’s topic… The Cross, the Resurrection and Eternity…
Like it was mentioned earlier… The Cross is the suffering of Christ right from the time of prayer in the Garden, His appearance before Pilate, His scourging, His journey to the Calvary to be crucified….
All these are pointing to one thing- our eternal salvation and eternal rest… Praise the Lord… alleluia!!!
So as we gather today to pray… we must ask God to give us understanding of the mystery of the Cross, The Resurrection and the eternity that awaits us here after….
Until your eyes of understanding are opened beloveth, the message of salvation remains a mystery… however when you receive grace of salvation beloveth… you will desire to have fellowship with God not the other way round…
May the Spirit of God Himself opens us up we pray in Jesus Name…. come along with us for more insight…. Alleluia!!!
The Cross, The Resurrection… And Eternity
“I saw… a Lamb standing, as if slain… ” (Revelation 5:6)
Thomas doubted.
Judas double-crossed.
Peter denied.
And the other nine ran away in fear.
… Until the reality of the CROSS and the RESURRECTION dawned upon them.
They (Judas excepted) then became men POSSESSED by Jesus… men OBSESSED with Christ:”The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world… who takes away the sin of the world” (Revelation 13:8; John 1:29)
As you embark upon this week’s challenges, ask yourself:
The resurrected Lamb of God?
- Which rung of the corporate ladder I am on?
- How to bolster this quarter’s sales?
- Whether I should get the BMW or the Benz?
Unless and until we are obsessed and possessed by the CRUCIFIED and RESURRECTED
Lamb of God, we will continue to live in the self-imposed prison of:
Doubt, denial, and fear… Like Thomas, Judas, Peter, and the other nine that ran away.
Let’s concentrate on making a living… but keep the effort in the perspective of the cross, the resurrection… and eternity.
Did you read the last paragraph… God’s promise in the entire Bible is eternal life…. and it is free….. Surprised? Because Jesus has secured it… all you need to do is to accept it and walk therein… alleluia somebody!!!
Let us pray to God to open us up to His free gift… if you are yet to give your life to Jesus do that now… if you have … this is another opportunity to be filled afresh… Amen!!!
Our Father in heaven… again we come before Your Throne… show us mercy and grant us eternal life when we come to end of our journey here in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… let us pray….
Further Reading- Heb.4:3, Eph.1:7, Rom.8:14, Matt. 29:16-26, Eph.5:8, Matt.5:16, 2Cor.13:11, 1Sam.16:3…
Remain blessed in the Lord.