I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me… above my enemies..Your banner over me is Love… I will exalt You Jesus.. I will exalt Father…for Thou has lifted me…above my enemies…Your banner over us is Love…// Glory, Honour, Power and Majesty…be unto Christ Amen!!!… He is alive forever…. He is alive… Jesus is alive forever He is alive Amen!!!

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee… We give You Praise…Glory! Alleluia…to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, The Ancient of Days…The Lion of the tribe of Judea… Almighty Jehovah… Glorious God we bow before Thy Throne…. Shout Alleluia

Beloveth… how are doing today?… The Lord has so well to us… let us lift up our voices in worship… Alleluia…Somebody! What a Mighty God we serve… our God is Mighty…We cannot magnify Him enough… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Beloveth… we are in the eight month of the year, and the Lord promised us “A Great Month… for A Great God.”… Whatever this means to you… Just know that it is sealed and delivered… Alleluia!!!

Today we are going to pray…because today is our praying day… our first prayer point is to Thank God for watching over us through the month of January to July… and still in watch…Amen. We will also lift up our voices to ask God for protection in this new month… Yes! May He also watch over us as we travel through this part of eternity Amen…

Great is Thy Faithfulness…O Lord my Father… there is no shadow of turning in You… Thou changeth not ….and Thy compassion faileth not… Great is Thy Faithfulness… Lord unto Thee…

Beloveth… we will pray until we receive answers to our request… is only God that knows when is right to answer… but we must not fail to pray… to keep reminding Him… until what we are waiting for …happens… Praise the Name of the Lord somebody… Alleluia!!!

Where are you  believing God for a break through?… God will do it if you faint not… Where are trusting God for miracles … Beloveth keep standing firm… The Lord will perform it… Truly, He will not fail us… neither will He forsake us… He will arise and show Zion mercy…for the time to favour is here… Yes! The time is now…

Beloveth… life can be challenging and bitter experiences may come your way… but the Lord is  saying to you… don’t give up… Keep praying and trusting God and He will come through for you…

How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land… the Israelite once cried unto God…

Beloveth, are you in a strange land? What are those things and conditions that are asking you where is your God? I want you to know that God sees you… He feels your pains and infirmities, He knows but He wants you to trust Him that He will come and deliver you, bless you, honour you… if you keep declaring to yourself and those around you that He is good… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!

Beloveth you may not see it… but if you are convince in your heart that God faileth not… that is all that is needed from you… Praise the living Jesus…. Alleluia!!!

We are trusting God that we will soon testify of His Goodness … Does that excite you…? I am super excited…

Come along with us as we discover more Amen!!!

The Crucible

The other morning I wept through breakfast with a businessman who has been whiplashed into financial oblivion in a “down economy” through circumstances beyond his control. Highly capable in his field of expertise, he has chosen to tough it out and pay off his creditors rather than declare bankruptcy and walk away from debt.

Another friend who recently lost his wife through a sudden, devastating attack of cancer, is now left to raise their two young boys.

And a third, who was falsely accused of sexual incest, has endured years of litigation, coupled with unimaginable financial and emotional stress; only to be vindicated by the eventual recantation of his accuser.

Today, each of these men exhibit an uncommon spiritual depth and intimacy with Christ, unknown to them prior to their “crucible” experience.

It was C. S. Lewis who observed that “God whispers to us in our pleasure, but shouts to us in our pain.” Someone has sagely noted that “God rarely uses a man greatly until He hurts him deeplyincluding His own Son.

Before his devastating losses, Job was indeed a righteous man (1:1-5), but it was only after the agony of his “dark night of the soul” that he made the greatest journey of his life: The 18 inches from his head to his heart:

My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” (Job 42:5)

So, where are you today? Cruising above the circumstances of life in blissful affluence and good health?

Or do you find yourself in the crucible of adversity through a state of affairs allowed or orchestrated by our loving Heavenly Father who cares infinitely more about the development of your character than in the comfort often afforded through easy circumstances?

Now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:6, 7)

QUESTION: If you are in the middle of a “crucible” experience, are you choosing to praise and thank Him for the wonder He is working in your soul?

Beloveth… it takes a lot to stand the pains that come when challenges hits you… but if you can lay that burden on the Feet of Jesus… as He commanded us to do… if you can then take up His yoke as He also asked to do…beloveth you will discover that in midst of it all God will carry you on His Hand… He will guide you and lead you if you will follow Him… and Obey Him too… sooner than you think He will make Name for Himself in that situation(s)… Amen!!!(Matt.11:28-30).

The psalmist said “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing”… Amen!!! And Amen!!! (Ps.34:10).

I am a living testimony… and so shall you… Amen!!! Keep praying…

Our Father! We Thank You for loving us so much… You said in Your Word “Even if a nursing mother will forsake her sucking baby… that You O Lord will not forsake us… this is our confidence in You that whenever we call You that You will answer… so many of us are weary and heavy laden with burdens that we don’t know what to do… Precious Father we ask that You locate us at our points of need and show Yourself Mighty on our behalf in Jesus Name…

You are the Lord show us Your mercy Father… Let Your mercy speak for us in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Beloveth… remember that if there is a man to pray; there is a God to answer… So pick up your Bible… go on your knees and pray… Jesus is a phone call away… Dial in through prayer; He is at the receiving end to answer…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!

Further Readings- Jas.1:12, Phil.1:27, Isa.32:18, Ps.117:2, Eccl.3:14, Matt.9:28, 1Thess.5:6,21, Jude 21.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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