Thank You for saving me: thank You my Lord. Thank for saving me: thank You my Lord. Thank You for saving me: thank You my Lord. Thank for saving me: thank You my Lord. I will exalt You Lord, for Thou have lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is Love.
Our Father in heaven we thank You, we bless Your Name, thank You for the privilege we have to call Abba Father, we are grateful and we return to give you Praise, hallow be Thy Name forever. Excellent Father in whose Name we bow be glorified in the Name of Jesus.
Beloved, are You ready to pray? Are you ready to shout a benefitting alleluia because answers are coming as we pray?. I want assure someone reading this devotional that you are in line for a twenty-four hour miracle. Are you hearing what the Spirit of the One Who is able to do all things is saying right now? Your miracle package is delivery can you be bold enough to declare and claim it right now?
I don’t know what is issue that is giving you sleepless night? What those things that are asking you questions where is your God? Beloved that hour is now and your answers are coming and the glory of God are descending and ascending the ladder for your sake. Answers are calling and I see God granting the desires of your heart
Beloved, conditions for receiving is as contained in our theme text of the day. Another reason is when you read, meditate as instructed us in the Word of God. In other Words you receive “the desires of your heart” when you have sweet communion with God as we will be reading in the below:
Adam and Eve enjoyed it while they were in Garden of Eden, but when they were driven from Garden, their glory departed likewise an end to that fellowship they once enjoyed with our father. Beloved, the Spirit of God just dropped a rhyme into my Spirit so you pay attention.
He said that “your heart desires (provisions) are guaranteed when are where God has placed you but if you lost it as was the case of Adam and Eve, than you should be ready to sweat it out as was the case of our fore parents. It therefore means that once in your position/ place/ where God placed you will be positioned to be blessed if otherwise than you are in for more troubles:
Let’s discover more below:
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.Psalm 37:4
Your relationship with God ought to bring you more joy, satisfaction, and pleasure than any other relationship, activity, or material possession you have. Scripture exhorts you to delight yourself in the Lord, finding your greatest pleasure in God and the things dear to His heart.
How can you find pleasure in what God enjoys? Only as you spend time with Him will you begin to take delight in the things God loves. As you spend intimate time with God and allow Him to show you your situation from His perspective, you will begin to see things as God sees them. As you adjust yourself to God, your heart will begin to desire the same things God’s heart desires.
When you pray, you will find yourself asking for the very things God desires. Matters foremost on God’s heart will be preeminent in yours. Your first request in prayer will not be for yourself, but for God’s name to be exalted and His kingdom to be extended (Matt. 6:9–10).
Have you been asking God to give you the desires of your heart without first seeking to understand what is on His heart? God places this important requirement for those who pray: that we seek His priorities and make them our own. This great qualifier prevents us from asking out of selfishness. As we find joy in the Lord, we will see what is truly important, and we will long for these things as the Father does.
Beloved, in beginning God walked in the garden with Adam, He also walked with Enoch and translated to heaven without seeing death. He walked with Abraham and changed his name, today something must drop into your heart that will settle you forever. Come along:
“The voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” Genesis 3:8
My soul, now that the cool of the day has come, retire awhile and hearken to the voice of thy God. He is always ready to speak with thee when thou art prepared to hear. If there be any slowness to commune it is not on His part, but altogether on thine own, for He stands at the door and knocks, and if His people will but open He rejoices to enter.
But in what state is my heart, which is my Lord’s garden? May I venture to hope that it is well trimmed and watered, and is bringing forth fruit fit for Him? If not, He will have much to reprove, but still I pray Him to come unto me, for nothing can so certainly bring my heart into a right condition as the presence of the Sun of Righteousness, who brings healing in His wings.
Come, therefore, O Lord, my God, my soul invites Thee earnestly, and waits for Thee eagerly. Come to me, O Jesus, my well-beloved, and plant fresh flowers in my garden, such as I see blooming in such perfection in Thy matchless character! Come, O my Father, who art the Husbandman, and deal with me in Thy tenderness and prudence!
Come, O Holy Spirit, and bedew my whole nature, as the herbs are now moistened with the evening dews. O that God would speak to me. Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth! O that He would walk with me; I am ready to give up my whole heart and mind to Him, and every other thought is hushed. I am only asking what He delights to give.
I am sure that He will condescend to have fellowship with me, for He has given me His Holy Spirit to abide with me for ever. Sweet is the cool twilight, when every star seems like the eye of heaven, and the cool wind is as the breath of celestial love. My Father, my elder Brother, my sweet Comforter, speak now in lovingkindness, for Thou hast opened mine ear and I am not rebellious.
Beloved, we hear from God as we call upon His Name today in Jesus Name.
Father hear our prayer. May it come up to you as sweet smelling sacrifices Praise the Name of the Lord.
Beloved pour before our Father your heart desires and see the glory of God descending on you and I. Praise the Lord Alleluia.
Pray for the grace to be where God can pour His blessings on you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu