Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good. There is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. He gave victory, He gave me peace of mind there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. Victory is mine, victory is mine, victory is mine today, I told satan get behind me, victory is mind today, alleluia. I will lift up my voice, I will joyfully sing not what He has done but He who He is, You are song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to Praise you Lord, He reign, he reign, Jesus reign, He reign, forever more, forever more.

My Father, my Father we thank You, I bless Your Name. I come to give You salute, I come to give You honour, I come to worship You for another wonderful week You have navigated us through despite all the assault of devil and His agents. Be Praise forever more O God!

Thank You for winning all the battle for us, thank You for preserving our testimonies of salvation. Glory be the Name of Lord for His mercies remain forever. What I shall say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord. Thank You Lord, be lifted high above all the earth,

Beloved, how has it been with you? Hope you chose to rejoice as against sucking or murmuring during the course of this week? I had a fair share of many up and done this week but in all of it I merged a winner. Yes I am a winner man, what you?

We are set aside for God’s glory. A rundown of this week ministration is our bidding and doing only what God initiated in our life and nothing more. Our God have a special place in His heart for us. We are to influence those around us positively and turn sinners to Christ. We must turn our face away when we see souls dropping down to hell, it must show concern us and we have help them to turn back to Christ (Lk 15:10). Praise the Lord.

The PCL of today is aim in helping ministers and evangelist of the gospel to know what to do when they are go fishing (soul winning). Beloved, we were once like them until Jesus found us and save us to Himself, and today we can stand to say we are save from eternal destructions unto eternal life, glory be to God.

Beloved do you desire to be a soul winner? Then the ministration of today is for you. Join me as we go through it and be bless. I have been in this business for awhile and I can tell you that it pays to save the Lord. His beauty radiates on you and turns you anew. As you mind God’s business; He will be in-charge of your own business. He takes care of all that concerns you; you have a place in His heart as we were remind this week.

Join me as we discover how to work in this business of soul winning:


He who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins. James 5:20

One of the Christian’s greatest deterrents from sin is the life of another Christian. Some Christians maintain that it is none of their business if another chooses to sin. They are convinced that they are being judgmental if they respond to someone in sin. The world persuades them not to get involved, but this inaction prevents them from being an effective intercessor.

As Christians we are aware that sin brings death (Rom. 6:23). Sin kills relationships, dismantles marriages, stifles joy, and destroys peace. When we see someone wander from the truth into error, how should we respond? When Jesus saw sin, it broke His heart. He wept over entire cities as He saw them rejecting the truth (Matt. 23:37–39). He prayed fervently for His disciples to be strong when they were tempted (John 17). He warned those who were heading toward spiritual failure (Matt. 26:20–25, 34). Jesus was even willing to die to save people from their sins because He knew the devastation that sin causes. Jesus never stood idle as those around Him were led astray by their sin. He always took an active role in turning them back to God.

“Minding your own business” will save you some discomfort, but it will not help a brother or sister who needs to return to the Lord. If you are truly aware of the grave consequences for those who continue in sin, you will be moved to weep even as Jesus wept.

Pray fervently for your friend. That will safeguard your motives and prepare you to minister to him. Be alert, in the event that God asks you to confront your friend. If you do so, be loving and gentle lest you, too, be tempted (Gal. 6:1).

A checklist of a true discipler:

 The True Measure Of A Shepherd — Discipler

I wonder how much of what is accepted today as “shepherding” or “discipling” has the imprimatur of Christ’s life upon it?


  • Appear to be indiscriminate in their selection of people:
  • Jesus ministered at large to lepers and princes, outcasts and the elite. In selecting the twelve disciples, He chose rebels. Working-class men. Nondescripts. Their one commonality seemed to be a mutual hunger for God (Judas excepted).
  • By contrast, we tend to choose those with whom we find a natural affinity: Those who “fit in” with our social, educational, or economic milieu.
  • Are willing to suffer whatever is necessary to see their sheep mature:

Consider Paul’s example:

” Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect… I am in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” (2 Timothy 2:10a; Galatians 4:19b)

  • By contrast, we tend to evaluate ” success” in our ministry by such relatively superficial criteria as our disciples’ (1) mastery of certain disciplines, (2) their endorsement of our ministry objectives for them, or (3) their continued affirmation of us as their spiritual leader.

When John’s disciples met Jesus, John immediately stepped into the background, thereby allowing them to follow the Master. (John 1:35-39; 3:30)

By contrast, we run the risk of developing in our sheep an unhealthy sense of dependency upon us, or obligation to us. Unwittingly, this aberration is fostered through subtle manipulation or abuse of authority, thus delaying or inhibiting their matriculation toward healthy independence.

” Make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother‘ s way.” (Romans 14:13b)

QUESTION: In ministering to others, what is our primary motivation: The furtherance of God’s Kingdom and Glory, or something as mundane or minuscule as our personal fulfillment or aggrandizement?

Beloved, are blessed? Are you happy being part of God’s army? Are determine to continue to fight on despite what satan and his agents are doing, knowing that God is always on your side?

May the Spirit of God help us and make us true discipler in Jesus Name. See you next week by God’s grace and may the glory of God rest on us as we live a Holy life in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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