Glory be to the Lord… Alleluia… Glory be to the Lord… Alleluia…x2 I will shout alleluia, alleluia…. Alleluia ehhhh…// Be Thou exalt O! Lord!… And my soul will Praise the Lord alleluia…
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee… We give You praises. All honour, all Glory, all adoration, be ascribe to You o Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen!!!…
Thank You Father for another day in Your Presence… Glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!! You come quickly without delay… O Lord… for Your Name is High and Mightier than all other names in Jesus Name… …
Come and take control O! Lord…x2 In my life come and take control … In my life… come and take control… Alleluia!!! Amen!!! Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia.
Beloveth… how are doing today… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!! Men always ought to pray and not faint… Alleluia!!!
Today, we see God purging us from all filthiest… Yes, everything unclean in us He will purge us and empty us Amen! For nothing unclean will the Lord allow in us… Yes nothing unclean can access heaven alleluia!!! Therefore we must purge of all uncleanness… Amen…
Come along with us for more:
The Dross Purged
“And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.” Zech. 13:9
Grace transmutes us into precious metal, and then the fire and the furnace follow as a necessary consequence. Do we start at this? Would we sooner be accounted worthless, that we might enjoy repose, like the stones of the field?
This would be to choose the viler part: like Esau, to take the pottage, and give up the covenant portion. No, Lord; we will gladly be cast into the furnace rather than be cast out from thy presence!
The fire only refines, it does not destroy. We are to be brought through the fire, not left in it. The Lord values His people as silver, and therefore He is at pains to purge away their dross.
If we are wise, we shall rather welcome the refining process than decline it. Our prayer will be that our alloy may be taken from us rather than that we should be withdrawn from the crucible.
O Lord, thou triest us indeed! We are ready to melt under the fierceness of the flame. Still, this is thy way, and thy way is the best. Sustain us under the trial and complete the process of our purifying, and we will be thine for ever and ever
Beloveth having known that God purifies; would we rather not submit unto Him to purge us and make us whole… Yes! He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness…alleluia… Amen!
But most importantly… beloveth… may we never go back to our vomit again in Jesus Name… we live righteously as He commanded us alleluia!!!
Let us pray… that the Spirit of God will rest upon us and make us to live as God’s children Amen… we will truly be His Ambassadors in Jesus Name… we will shine as light to our generations in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
O God our Father… Show us your mercy and let Your light rest on us in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Let us pray….
Further Reading- 1Thess.5:15, Eph.1:7, 2Tim.1:12, 1Cor.4:20, Ps.27:8, Ps.50:3, Rom.12:10, Ps.17:8, Lk.22:27.
Remain blessed in the Lord.