I will glorify the Lord (I will glorify the Lord ), He is worthy to be Praise (He is worthy to be Praise) I will magnify the Lord (I will magnify the Lord), He is worthy to be Praise (He is worthy to be Praise) Hosanna, blessed be Thy Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted, Hosanna, blessed be Thy Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.// Glory glory to the Lord, alleluia; glory glory to the Lord alleluia. sing alleluia alleluia alleluia, alleluia eeee, sing alleluia alleluia alleluia, alleluia eeee.

Our Father in heaven we thank You we bless Your Holy Name we adore Thee, we give You Praise be Thou glory forever more. I will magnify Your Name O Lord for You are worthy to be Praise. With Twenty-four elders in heaven we bow to the King of all the Earth to worship and adore Him forever. Father be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name.

 Everybody testify You are good Father, thank You for guiding us all through the week with uncountable miracles that only You can do. We Praise Thee Father, we adore Thee, we give You Praise forever more. How excellent, how Wonderful are You Lord, You are everything to me Lord be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name. You are more than what we call You Lord, be Thou exalted in Jesus Name.

Let the Living flow over my soul, let Thou Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my cares and burden unto Thee I come, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, calling Father Father, Father, Father. calling Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.

Our Father we bow to worship You, we adore Jesus, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name.All the glory be unto Thee Lord, for You are worthy to be Praise, no man on earth should glory to himself, all the glory must to the Lord.

Yes! Father all the glory must be to Thee O Lord. glory be to You Name in the highest. Receive our Praise adoration, honour, power in Jesus Name.

Beloved, we are to profess Jesus for there is no other Name in heaven on earth that can be likened to Him. His Name is higher far above every other Name.  for the Father has glorified Him having completed the work He was sent to do, His Father, our Father keep His Word, by raising Him up from the grave on the third day and having conquered satan, sin, and death, He ascended into heaven and He is seated at the right hand of his Father, the God  Almighty,  that the mention of His Name every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. (Eph 2:1-10, Phil 2:5-11). Praise the Living Jesus.

The grave did not hold Him bound neither did death held Him captive but according to Word of God on the third day, He rise from death and today He is interceding for us at the right Hand of His Father, our Father. Glory be to Jesus.

Surprise whiles the emphasis over and over again. It is good we remind ourselves of things very fundamental to our belief and faith. For that is our very foundation, because satan and his agent has entered the church and subtly leading us astray, capitalizing on our ignorance and naivest and introducing  wrong doctrines to our original belief better still that belief laid by Christ through the disciples of old. (Act 19:13, 1 Cor 1:12-13, Eph 2:19-22)

Apart from what you will read about the Spirit-centered and Christ- centered Christianity in the context of today’s teaching. I want emphasis on what is happening in our so called churches where the founders glorified themselves above the Christ they are preaching, some of their congregations refers to them as if they were Christ and they kept mute about all these development.

Beloved, today again in this PCL session, we are reminding you of Jesus Christ of Whom you were saved and was delivered from darkness to light. We remind you to be sober and humble yourself before God, that yea many not be tempted. The Holy Spirit came to exalt Jesus and not Himself, therefore, we should not be lead into temptation of spiritism, those who emphasis what the Spirit is saying or not saying. Be warned because the days we are living are evil. We must seek to exalt Jesus Christ and no other. Evan John the Baptist bore witness for Jesus Christ and never exalted self (Matt 3:11-17).

May God deliver us from all such practice in Jesus Name, also know that there is no other Name through whom we shall be save except in the Name of Jesus. Seek to know Jesus and it shall be well with you.

Come on for more discoveries:

  2 Kings 7:10-9:13, Psalm 77:13-20, Proverbs 16:25-26, Acts 5:12-32

The Final Emphasis—Jesus

We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.—Acts 5:32

The Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus. The promise of John 16:14—”He will glorify Me”—was fulfilled after the Holy Spirit came on the disciples at Pentecost, for we read: “We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him” (Ac 5:32). This shows that the divine Spirit and human spirits were working together for the same end—the glorification of Jesus.

The statement that the Holy Spirit would glorify Jesus was one of the most important lessons in the process of spiritual education. The whole purpose of the Spirit’s coming was not to glorify Himself or the person who receives Him, but to glorify Jesus. That puts the emphasis in the proper place. If the Holy Spirit glorified the person who received Him, then that would make Christianity an eccentric religion—off center. If He glorified Himself, then it would make Christianity Spirit-centered rather than Christ-centered. Christianity that is not linked to the Incarnation can have no fixed idea as to what God is really like. Spirit-centered Christianity would leave us going off on a tangent into all kinds of weird areas of subjectivity.

There are some Christians who are more Spirit-oriented than Christ-oriented. They hear what they describe as the “voice of the Spirit” telling them to do strange and unseemly things. Every “voice” we hear must be tested against the character of Jesus, and if it doesn’t come up to His standard, then it has to be rejected. The Holy Spirit will always glorify Jesus.


O God, my Father, I am conscious that I am thinking through a delicate issue here. Give me such a clear vision of Jesus that I shall always decide according to Him. Amen.

Further Study

Mt 3; Isa 11:2; 42:1; 61:1; Jn 1:32, 16:14; Ac 10:38

What did Isaiah prophesy?

How was this fulfilled?

Beloveth, there is no other Name aside the Name of Jesus through which we shall be save, therefore hold on to Him and reject every other teaching contrary to the teachings of the Bible. May God help us and give us discerning Spirit to know when satan is prowling like a roaring lion and rebuke him instantly in Jesus Name. Read Heb 3:7-8

Beloved, Jesus loves us. always keep that in your mind. Have a blissful weekend and let unending joy be your portion in the remaining days of this month in Jesus Name.

See you on next week by God’s grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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