Come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord is good. There is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. All glory, glory, glory to the Lord. (All glory) All glory, glory, glory, glory to the Lord, alleluia, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, blessed be the Name of the Lord, amen! Alleluia, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna blessed be the name of the Lord.
Who is like unto Thee, O Lord! there is none like my Father, who stoop down and attend to every need, So Caring, So loving, So Gracious, So Kind, thank You Father, thank You Lord, receive all my Praise, all adoration belongs to You alone Who is worthy of our Praise. Thank You for another beautiful day You have made, glory be to Your Name on high. Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, read what the Psalmist said in Psalm 139 then you know that our God is so high to comprehend and nothing is hidden from Him and we therefore not bother as He knew and saw when you were form in your mother’s womb, glory be to Jesus.
Today, is the first praying day of this month and to the glory of God, the Spirit of God is here to give us a “Key” that will open the “Giant stride plan” as promised us by our God. beloved, do you know that if you don’t receive what God promise to you either in your private moment, in a group, or as you listening to message is not His fault, is just either you allowed doubt, or unbelief to cloud your mind/heart or you do not watch unto the promise by studying and praying the Word into being.
Your victory has been settled right from the foundation of the world but if you don’t receive it then there are some fundamental problem which today’s ministration is going to settle. So join me as we discover together what are those keys and vital things you must do to establish the plan God in your life.
Just come along with me:
Exodus 9:1-10:20, Psalm 18:13-19, Proverbs 4:1-2, Matthew 21:28-46
The Final Word
He pulled me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy.—Psalm 18:16-17
Once we become Christians, we are involved in a fight against Satan and his forces. God, however, has given us a defense against Satan and his tactics, which consists of six separate pieces of spiritual equipment.
First, He has given us the belt of truth—a willingness to let God’s truth govern every part of our lives. Second, the breastplate of righteousness—seeing clearly that we are not saved by our own righteousness but Christ’s. Third, we must have our feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace—our determination to stand firmly in the faith. Fourth, we must raise the shield of faith—the quick action by which we act upon God’s truth and refuse Satan’s lies. Fifth, we must put on the helmet of salvation—the glorious hope that, one day, the Lord will right all wrongs and establish His eternal kingdom. And sixth, we must take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and wield the written Scriptures in the same way our Lord did in His wilderness temptations.
Having done all this, it is still possible to be defeated by the Devil unless we know how to pray in the power of the Spirit. We must pray not only when things are going wrong but continuously, fervently, powerfully, and perseveringly. Our prayers must catch alight and burst into flame. Against such praying, the principalities and powers are helpless.
My Father, now that I have seen the resources that are available to me in Christ, I realize that my responsibility to avail myself of these resources is greater than ever. Help me to put everything I have learned into action. For Your own dear name’s sake. Amen.
Further Study
Ps 18:1-50; 65:6; Hab 3:19; Isa 41:10
With what was David armed?
Have you put on your armor today?
Our relationship with God is play of commitment, if you are committed to the course of God and obedient to commandment, He will never leave you nor forsake you. You will be the appel of His eye. He will answer whenever you call.
Beloved, let us among other tools given us to pray as if everything depends on prayer and work as if everything depends on us. why do I say so come with me in 1 cor 3:8.
The Word of God can never fail. His Word is Yea and Amen. Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.