Good morning Jesus good morning Lord…I know You came from heaven above, the Holy Spirit is on the Throne…good morning Jesus good morning Lord…// Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb… Worth Worthy is the Lamb, worthy worthy is the Lamb that was slain… Praise him alleluia!!! Praise Him alleluia!!! Praise Him alleluia!!! Praise the Lord!
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee we give You Praise… Thank You Father for Who You are…You are God and changeth not… we worship You Father we exalt Your Holy Name… Thank You…Thank You…Thank You again and again in Jesus Name…
Come and see the Lord is good…come and see the Lord is good… There is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good. He gave victory, He gave me peace of mind… come see the Lord is good… come and see the Lord is good…
Yes the Lord is good… victory to us His children…glory alleluia…glory alleluia… Praise the living Jesus alleluia!!!
Thank You Lord for a brand new week… a week that is ending the month of August and ushering in September … Wow! Praise the Living Jesus….Alleluia!!!
We give God Praise, we adore Your Holy Name… be Thou exalted forever and ever amen!!!
Beloveth…I believe the month of August is a blessing to you, and in the Name of Jesus, it will leave in you peace in the Name of Jesus.. we are at the last lap of this month and by the grace of God…every blessings meant for the month shall be delivered to us in Jesus Name…
This month has been awesome… our Wonder working God moving around and blessing us… delivering those that are oppressed by the satan and his cohorts… it’s been awesome in this place… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia somebody…
Beloveth… having enjoyed God’s goodness through deliverance can you relate with today’s topic? Are you a fragrance of Christ…. everywhere you go? That is what God required of us… can God made boost of you like He did for Abraham, Noah, and Job? These ones show cased Christ … who are you showing casing? Are you a sweet aroma for Christ? Is your life pointing men to Christ as did the three Hebrew boys and Daniel … who even in land of captivity showed the heathen King and people that is a true God… the God of Israelite.
These ones did not preach the Word… but their lifestyle showcased God to their world… in fact they convert the whole city… because the God of Israel was instituted in the land as the True God…. Praise the Lord somebody….
What about you… can be said of you… that you boss came to Christ because of your lifestyle… your friends turn from their evil ways and came to Jesus…, your parents forsake their heathen life and came to Christ… your partner came to Christ because of what he or she saw in you… yes… that is what God wants from us …our life to be a fragrance of Christ to those around us… (Ps 63:8) Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!
Come along with us for more:
But thanks be to God, who always puts us on display in Christ, and spreads through us in every place the scent of knowing Him.For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.—2 Corinthians 2:14–15
Whenever the Romans won a major military victory they would celebrate with a spectacular parade. The commanding general would lead the procession in a magnificent chariot, followed by his soldiers, musicians, and other officials. Then, soldiers would lead the defeated enemies through the city in bondage.
As a part of the celebration, the Romans would burn fragrances on altars, filling the entire city with a pleasant aroma. Even those who could not witness the triumphal procession could hear the victory music and smell the pleasing incense. Everyone would know that their army had been victorious. The special fragrance came to symbolize victory to anyone who smelled it.
Paul used this vivid imagery to describe the effect that Christians should have in the world. According to Paul, God permeates our lives with the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, our lives should demonstrate to others that Christ is victorious.
As unbelievers observe our lives, they should become aware of the victorious power of Christ. As other Christians witness the victory Christ gives us over our sin, they can rejoice in the triumph of their Lord and gain confidence that Christ will bring victory in their lives as well.
The most compelling evidence that Christ is alive and triumphant is His activity in the lives of His people. It is a privilege to be the fragrance of Christ by which others learn of God’s life-changing power over sin. Your life ought to be convincing proof that God continues to work powerfully in the lives of His people.
Let the work of Calvary not be in vain in our lives in Jesus Name… yes… we will glorify Jesus in our lives and situation… in Jesus Name… we will be what God created us to be in Jesus Name… The Name of the Lord will continue to be a strong tower for us to run into and be secured in Jesus Name…. pray that the power that raised Jesus from death will arise on your behalf and deliver to you and all that are yours what God planned for us this month before it rolls away… alleluia somebody…
On this note we declare this blessed in the Name of Jesus… we will return at the end with greater testimonies in Jesus Name…
further Reading:- Rev.22:11,Tit.2:11, 1Thess 4:7, Ps.149:4, Jude.21, Ps 91:2…
Remain blessed in the Lord.