I will magnify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise…. I will glorify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise… Hosanna, blessed be the Lord…honour to the Lord…let the Rock of salvation be Thou exalted… Hosanna blessed be the Lord…Honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.// I will sing alleluia Amen! Amen!! Alleluia! Amen! Shout alleluia Amen! Amen!! Alleluia! Amen! I will Sing Alleluia Amen! Amen!! Alleluia Amen! Sing Alleluia Amen! Amen!! Alleluia Amen!!!
Yes beloveth we shall sing alleluia to the King of kings the Lord of lords The Ancient One…The Beginning and The End…The One Who is and is yet to come…O Lord we bow before Thee, we worship and adore His Holy Name in Jesus …. Christ is risen!!! Yes He is Risen… Praise the Lord…somebody …. alleluia!!!!!!!!! Up from the grave He arose!
Beloveth am so glad I belong to the family of God with Jesus as my King… thank You Father for the gift of Your Son Jesus for the remission of my sins and the sins of the whole world… O Father we lift up our Ebenezer to You and worship You…Who reigneth forever and ever Amen!!!
The gift of Christ to us is immeasurable and unquantifiable … Glory to be God. He could not afford to have us loss in this world, therefore He sent His only Begotten Son to come on rescue mission to the people He created for His own pleasure… Beloveth, let us magnify His Name for this Awesome Kindness, Our Father we glorify You forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth, congratulations…you made it to the resurrection morning and like Mary and company, you are wondering can Jesus arose as He promised? You are eager to go the tomb to discover the latest truth and gossip in town…but there is hindrance on the way…’The Stone.’ Who will roll away the stone at the entrance of the tomb in case Jesus did not make it as promised? ….But at last the stone was moved and the tomb was empty…and you are wondering where can Jesus be…will you still be able to recognize Him after His resurrection…. So many thoughts racing through your mind at the same time when you saw Jesus you never knew He was the one….
That was the case of Mary Magdalene and company when they went to Jesus tomb early in the morning to anoint His body (though they are different account of this part story in the Bible). In some account “the Angel told Mary Magdalene that Jesus is risen and had gone ahead of them to Galilee” While some had it that “Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and told her to go, tell His disciples and Peter, that He goeth before you into Galilee:…as He told you” (Mk 14:28).
Whichever way it goes…beloveth Christ is risen and has gone ahead of us as He promised ….alleluia somebody…
Notice you that despite Peter’s denial of His Master on the day crucifixion Jesus is still interested in Peter…remember He prayed for him because He knew what satan was up to and Peter is to take over from Jesus but satan wants to scuttle the plan but not again I guess Jesus must have said….praise the Lord!
Beloveth, we saw the love of God bestowed upon Peter despite his short- comings…Jesus didn’t pushed Him aside…He did not forsake him or give His place to another as we see in our secular world truly demonstrating what He taught His disciples shortly before His departure about the world order (Lk22:25) but His Kingdom is to run on love rather than superior knowledge….. Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, all have sin and fall short of the glory of God…do you need a second chance in your life…Jesus died for you… like Peter He is willing to give you another chance in that place where you failed…don’t run away, stop the self- blame rather repent of your failure…. come back to Jesus, He is waiting for you… He is will to restore you back… if only you will come back…
Come along for more:
“But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see Him there just as He told you.’ ”—Mark 16:7
Does God give second chances to those who have failed Him? He certainly did so for Peter. Peter had proudly announced that he was Jesus’ most reliable disciple (Matt. 26:33). Yet Peter not only fled with the other disciples in the moment of crisis, but also blatantly denied he even knew Jesus (Matt. 26:69–75). Peter failed so miserably that he went out into the night and wept bitterly (Luke 22:62).
How compassionate the risen Christ was to Peter! The angel gave the women at the tomb special instructions to let Peter know that He was risen. Jesus took Peter aside to allow him the opportunity to reaffirm his love and commitment (John 21:15–17). The risen Lord also chose Peter as His primary spokesman on the day of Pentecost, when three thousand people were added to the church.
God’s desire is to take you from where you are and bring you to where He wants you to be. When He found His defeated followers hiding together in an upper room, Jesus’ first word was “peace” (John 20:19). Jesus’ first words to you after you fail may also be “peace.” Jesus will find you in despair and bring you peace. Then, He will reorient you to Himself so that you can believe Him and follow Him. Don’t give up if you have failed your Lord. Remember what happened to Peter. God has not yet finished developing you as a disciple.
Beloveth, you still work in progress in God’s hand… He is not yet done with you…so don’t let lie from the pit of hell separate you from your glorious destiny…arise and see your lifting come true…Alleluia! Somebody!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!
Jesus has redeemed the whole world from their iniquities (Ps 130:8). Make sure you don’t get yourself entangled again (Gal 5:1). It cost His life (Blood)…beloveth it is priceless; don’t toy with it…
Join us as we pray…
Father, never stop blowing my mind that in Christ, I am a new creation. Help me remember what my life was like before. Don’t let me lose the joy of my salvation. Help me walk in You. Remind me that my life is hidden in You. Set my heart, set my thoughts, set my actions, and set my intentions on eternity. Reduce my interest in this world and the things of it.
Protect me from putting my identity in inferior things, Lord, even if they are good things. My identity is not in my past. It’s not in my spouse or my children; it is not in the work You have given me to do. Lord, all of those things are blessings and gifts from You. I am grateful for them, but none of them can satisfy me. None of them can withstand my worship. Only You can.
When my identity is in You, then activity will follow. Give me a variety of places, roles, and relationships to be Your witness. But Lord, simplify every responsibility I have with the reminder that I am Your child. Keep me dependent on You and confident in You.
Help me do what matters. Keep me far more in awe of what Jesus has done for me than what I can do for You. I love You and trust You.
Bravo, that’s amazing beloveth… You are a new creation…You Father is a Father of second chance…He is willing to love You even in that your failure…rise up and pledge your allegiance…He gave Peter a second chance…He is also extending same to you if you are willing and obedient…
On this note beloveth we declare this open and by God’s grace we will return at the end with multiple testimonies in Jesus Name….
Beloveth, don’t look back…keep your hand in the plough and Your Master will be please with (Lk 9:62)…
Further Reading- Rev 3:19, Ps 130:7-8, Ps 118:8, Jn 14:3, Rom 10:17.
Join us to sing Up from the grave He arose:
Verse 1
Low in the grave He lay,
Jesus my Savior,
Waiting the coming day,
Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes,
He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever,
With His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Verse 2
Vainly they watch His bed,
Jesus my Savior;
Vainly they seal the dead,
Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes,
He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever,
With His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Verse 3
Death cannot keep its Prey,
Jesus my Savior;
He tore the bars away,
Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes,
He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever,
With His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Remain blessed in the Lord.