Not unto man, not unto man O! God have Your children come but unto You O God; You Who dwells in the Highest. Heavenly Father, we bow before Your presence, we thank You for Whom You are. Blessed be Thy Holy Name Forever.
Lord, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us all our trespasses and leads not into way of Temptation but deliver us from all evil. This is our heart desire this day, let it be granted unto us now and forever more. Amen!
Beloved, we are gathered unto the King of kings; the Lord of lords; the Ancient Days, The Holy One of Israel. Whose Word standeth firm and secured. The God that says a thing and it comes to pass. He answers prayer. Who removes all our fears and make us bold against our enemies.
He is the Shepherd of our soul, our consolation….aboundeth in Him (2 Cor 1:5) Praise Jesus.
Beloveth, what key is in your hand? An access to the right keys keeps you in command of every opportunity in life. It grants you access any time; any day. Beloved, you can have various windows of opportunity right in front of you but only the right keys gives you access into it. Praise God.
In the kingdom of God, access to the Father can only be guaranteed through “Worship”. You can worship God through your Giving (persons, churches, organizations to honour God); Praises (adorations, singing and dancing); Prayer (various kind of prayers) and meditation (in the Word and workings of miracles by His Mighty hands).
A song writer in one of the songs, wrote “Jesus! X2; Sweet Jesus! X2; how I love calling Your Name. Every day, Your Name is so sweet. From this song I have this understanding, that the Name of Jesus is to be mentioned daily and how sweet it sounds in a believer’s ear, this another version.
It then means that our access to the Father is through the worship of His Son Jesus Christ with Whom He is so pleased (Matt 3:17; 17:5).
Beloveth, the key to eternal life in Christ Jesus (Jn 14:5) (Rev 3:21) and to him that overcometh will sit with Him on the throne. I don’t want to miss it. What about you? Come with me as we discover more about this in the message below:
“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven.”—Matthew 16:19
The keys of the kingdom represent the access you have to the Father through your relationship to Jesus Christ. With this relationship you have access to everything that is accessible to Christ. However, this access is not given indiscriminately; Jesus gave the keys to His disciples only after they recognized that He was the Christ. Once the disciples were convinced that Jesus was the Savior, they entered into a unique and personal relationship with Him. Their relationship to Jesus gave them direct access to their heavenly Father. Likewise, your relationship with Christ opens the door of heaven for you and gives you direct access to the Father.
Peter discovered that once he had keys to the kingdom, he could go to the Father in every situation. When he stood to preach before thousands on the day of Pentecost, this simple fisherman opened the door to the kingdom for three thousand people in one day (Acts 2:41). When he encountered a lame man, he used his access to God and His healing power, and the man was healed (Acts 3:6). When he was imprisoned, Peter discovered that the keys of the kingdom could open even the most secure prison door (Acts 12:6–10).
If you are a Christian you, too, have keys to the kingdom of heaven. You do not need an intermediary, for you have an unobstructed access to God. With that access come all the resources you need to face any circumstance. When you are afraid, you have access to God’s peace that surpasses comprehension (Phil. 4:6). When you have a broken relationship, you have access to the God of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18–21). When you meet someone in need, you have access to God’s provision for that person.
What an incredible privilege to be entrusted with keys to the kingdom of heaven! Are you excited?
Beloved, I also discover that “Wisdom” is a key. How? The word of God told us that we should seek wisdom, because it is a principal thing. The darkness you are experiencing in any area of your life is because you have not encountered light that will lighten it. When the light come, which is Christ, Who is also the wisdom we need to stay in command, you gain command over the situation and overcome the challenges in your life (Prov 2:6;10. 3:13;21. 4:5;7. 8:11).
It is good that we get keys to our situation but we also discovered that in as much we have discovered the key to a situation or a challenge, there can be a hindrance in accessing the doors to our breakthroughs. How? My friend wants to know.
Beloved, another setback suffered by most people in the kingdom is “what comes out from their mouths”. More from the next message:
But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man.—Matthew 15:18
The Bible stresses that what you say is an accurate indicator of what is in your heart. If your words bless and encourage others, they give evidence of a compassionate heart. If you often share the good news about Christ, you demonstrate a heart that is grateful for your own salvation. When others are in a crisis, do they know they will find peace and comfort in your words? Do you frequently and spontaneously offer prayers for others? Do your words and the manner in which you say them reveal a patient heart? All of these behaviors indicate a heart that is like the heart of the Father.
Or do you often regret your words? Are there people even now who are hurt or angry because of something you have said? Do you enjoy gossip? Do you tend to criticize others? Do you feel that you are not responsible for what comes out of your mouth when you are angry? Does your mouth spew grumbling and complaints? These behaviors come from a heart that is unlike God’s heart.
You may say, “Oh, but that’s just the way I am! I’m always saying the wrong thing!” Yet Scripture clearly states that an abusive tongue is not under the control of the Spirit (James 3:3–l0). A sanctified mouth is a wonderful instrument for the Lord. A heart like the Father’s heart will produce only pure and loving words. Without making any excuses for your words, ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you for any words that have brought harm. Then ask Him to discipline your mouth so that every word you speak is used by God to encourage and edify others.
It also means that when you are feeling ache in your body, you have the authority to command it to leave your body which is the temple of the Most High God. When the situation is not what you expect, you have the authority in your mouth to speak what you want and it shall be so. Praise God! Beloved, even if it seems as if nothing is happening in the physical, continue saying it, suddenly you will experience a turn around. Remember the experience in the upper room (Acts 1:1-2)? Until you are ready, you will not experience the manifestation of God’s glory.
Ask God for the keys into His secret place. This also include Wisdom to operate in other sections of your life. Praise the Name of Jesus.
We are going higher everyday; hope you are tagging along with the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.