Glorious God…Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne… Glorious!!! Glorious God…Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne we worship at Your feet… we bow before the Throne … You are a glorious God…// I am thanking You Lord for Who are… what You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You Lord for who You are what You have done … Dan Sakari Baba…
Our Father we Thank You, we blessed Your Holy Name… Excellent Jehovah … Who is like unto Thee … Who can be compared with Thee… Jehovah we worship You…. We give You Praise….We honour You… Blessed be Thou Holy Name in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!
Beloveth…Friday is here again …am so excited because is PCL… is TGIF… or is a day like no other…when God literally show Himself to us by teaching us Himself what He want of us…
Beloveth Jesus said I have shown you what to do… go and do like wise… so today we are going to be talking about what is expected of us to do as children of God …
Beloveth if you are sensitive in your spirit… all what we having being studying all through week is more of the topics we consider on PLC sessions… for each of the study the Lord is teaching what is expected of us as His children… It emphasized more on Christian lifestyle… Beloveth a lot is expected of us… we are the light of the world… we are the salt of the world beloveth… so our Father is equipping us to able to represent Him and stand for what He stood for…anywhere…everywhere. Please the Living Jesus…
Our discussion today is on “The Kingdom of Self” … Is that you? Does that look like you?
Someone is saying what exactly is evangelist saying about “Self”… beloveth join us as we discover more below….
The Kingdom Of Self
When a child enters the world from the warm and secure environment of the womb he announces, “I have arrived, and I expect you – all of you to respond at once to my every need, whim and desire!” And we, the enthralled parents of this little bundle of cuddly “Goo-goo-ga-ga” joyfully comply. Immediately.
And thus the “kingdom of self ” is established as “Goo-goo-ga-ga” develops into a paragon of self-centered indulgence in a society where personal “rights” have been elevated to near deity status. And just how does the adult version of “Goo-goo-ga-ga” manifest itself ? In at least three ways:
The insatiable quest for self-gratification focuses on the greedy longings of the mind (uncontrolled imagination, greed, etc.), the physical craving of the body (uncontrolled indulgence in sex, food, sleep, indolence, etc.), and in the unquenchable quest for recognition. (1 John 2:15, 16)
The former CEO of a company that went belly up told me how he was hauled into court and queried by the judge as to why the corporation had failed. “It was my fault. I failed in running the company. I am responsible,” said he. Stunned, the judge sat in muted silence. Finally, after gaining his composure he uttered, “In my 20 years on the bench, you are the first person to voluntarily admit they were to blame.“
Self-protection says, “It‘s not my fault.” “I couldn‘t help it.” “You don‘t understand my background” (Thank you, Freud!) “The devil made me do it.” (Remember Flip Wilson?).
Self-pity declares, “No one appreciates me.” “I got the shaft.” “Why does it always happen to me?“
So what is the solution to relinquishing the enslaving “kingdom of self “?
How about a daily funeral for “self.” Better yet, how about a moment-by-moment funeral? “I am crucified with Christ… ” (Galatians 2:20). In order to die to self we need to win the battle on at least two fronts:
(1) Regular quality time alone with God in meditation on His Word, worship and prayer.
(2) Cultivating the art of living moment-by-moment in His presence.
Beloveth… “The kingdom of Self” can only be overcome through mediating on God’ Word and also cultivate the moment to moment Presence of God….
Beloveth… is only the grace we received from God is what keeps us going… aside it we will despaired… May God help us to overthrow self and enthrone godliness in Jesus Name… Alleluia somebody…
Beloveth… human by nature cannot please God … Apostle Paul wrote… in Rom.7:15, 19… but that which I hate that I do… and the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
Beloveth… we cannot please God outside the Holy Spirit …Yes… without the help of the Holy Spirit you and I cannot please God, so we cultivate the Presence of God… mediate on His Word… live instructively through the guidance of the Holy Spirit … that way… we will please God… we will be indeed light and salt of the earth as it is in God’s Word… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
Beloveth we live for Jesus till the end of time… so glad to come to end of this week… see you on Monday for more insight in God’s Word… if Jesus tarries….
Further Reading- Gal.4:6, Gal.5:24, Jn.1:4, Job.34:32, Rom.13:12, 2Cor.9:8, Acts.4:33, Ps.17:8, 2Cor.5:20, Ps 30:5, Rev.4:8.
Remain blessed in the Lord.