I will call upon the Lord… Who is worthy to be Praise… I will magnify the Lord… He is worthy to be Praise… The Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord. honour to the Lord… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted… the Lord reigneth… blessed be the Lord… honour be the Lord… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted… // I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… above every other Name….
Our Father we Thank You, we worship You, we give You Praise, we honour You.. we magnify Your Holy Name… Thank You for the gift of a brand new week… hallow be Thou Name… Thank You for holding us by Your outstretched arm… O Lord we bow before Your Throne and worship Your Holy Name…O! we exalt You Father … come and have your way… in our life… make our hand strong against the enemies of the Cross…O Lord… we worship You… be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name… Amen!
Beloveth… praise the Name of the Lord! Lift up Your hands in worship to our King, Glorify His Holy Name….indeed our God is a good God… in spite of the current situation in the world… our God remaineth God… He is still in the business of blessing His people not withstanding all the confusion raging all over the world… the beautiful thing about our God is that He is a respecter of nobody… He does what He want… He raises He chooses and bring down the other… one key thing is that he keep all those that loves Him…
Do you love the Lord?…. then you are among those He is committed to take care of… Praise the Name of the Lord…stand firm on His Word and you will have peace like a river…
This week is very crucial to both the church and the nation. As a church of Christ, the observation of lent takes-off from Wednesday which will take us through the celebration of Easter which is an all-important event in church history and as a nation the number one man of this great nation is going to be elected… therefore a lot is going on and this call for prayer from every individual to pray for God’s Will to prevail in this nation…. Amen!!! Please remember to pray for the peace of Nigeria during and after the election….
We are taking off the week by this topic The Law of Psychological Acceptance… what is your own understanding of it…can you guess? Not to worry… The Spirit of God is here to do just that… alleluia somebody!!!
Eve never knew what God deposited in her… so she fall… dragging Adam along… the Bible told us that we are made in God’s image … that should have been a enough … but satan twisted it and Eve fall into sin wanted to be like God… which was her natural state from creation…
Same in our time… people craving for what God says He has already given us… “Love” and “Acceptance.” In quest to belong; people fall into all kinds of sins and traps… we unknowing crave for what God has deposited in us before now…
This topic coverage is wide, therefore join us to discover more below:
The Law Of Psychological Acceptance
Perhaps you recall in Gone With the Wind (1940) when Rhett Butler told Scarlett O’Hara “Frankly my dear, I don‘t give a damn.” We all gasped in shocked disbelief, while today we yawn at four-letter words and explicit bedroom scenes.
The Law of Psychological Acceptance: “When, in our minds, we habitually tolerate sin, our senses become dulled, thereby diminishing our ability to discern good from evil. Consequently, when faced with choices between the two, we may well choose evil over good, without the slightest awareness of sin or tinge of conscience.”
Because of our magnetic attraction toward that which is depraved, God calls us to nip sin in the bud before we have time to embrace it:
“Abhor that which is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9b)
“Flee youthful lusts.” (2 Timothy 2:22a)
“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.” (Proverbs 8:13a)
But we live in an “enlightened age” where tolerance is a mark of sophistication. It seems so uncivilized… so dogmatic to “abhor” or “hate” anything.
Are you mentally tolerating evil by:
- Flowing with the crowd when questionable values are put forth as normative?
- Accepting the notion that you have to bend the rules to survive in business?
- Embracing the idea that it’s OK for a married person to develop an emotional relationship with a friend of the opposite sex?
Remember the story of the camel, who on a cold night poked his nose under the tent and begged his master to let him keep it warm? “Surely allowing the camel to warm his nose isn‘t so terrible,” thought the Arab. Before he realized it, he was sleeping outside and the camel was in the tent.
QUESTION: Given the present TREND in your thinking of either toleration or abhorrence toward sin, what will you be doing a decade from now: LIVING IN SIN OR CONFORMING TO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST?
This is a question to keep in your view to guide you from falling from the state of grace which God original placed you…make sure you review your stand-point and standards of operation both spiritual and secular… as you do the Holy Spirit keeps you in check… Amen…
On this note we declare the week open and blessed in Jesus Name… we will return at the end with greater testimonies in Jesus Name….
Further Reading- Jn.10:9, Ps.115:13, Heb.12:14, Rom.8:26, 2 Tim.2:, Heb 2:11
Remain blessed in the Lord.