Come and join me sing Alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well. Alleluia! Amen and Amen x3. I will worship my God and I will shout alleluia, me I go worship my God, my God do em for me.
Wonderful Redeemer, we thank You, we bless Your Name, we worship You, we give You praise forever and ever. Blessed be Thy Holy Name, forever. Thank You Lord for in Thy presence, there is fullness of joy (Ps 16:11).
I return this day to give God glory on this day of His Faithfulness in my life and family. He’s been too Faithful and His loving kindness towards us is measurable. O! that I may sing of Your goodness forever, I pray Thee Lord. Amen!
Someone is praising God with me, for a joyful spirit maketh fat. It maketh us robust in our spirit mind. Thank God for Jesus. He is God! A crushing spirit who can bear?
Beloved, I may not know what you are going through right now but we have One Who knows. He oversees the affairs of men. Whose thought for you is of good and not of evil and He promised to give you an expected end. Am seeing a smile on your face. Give that smile unto the Lord. He said, you shall laugh, I want you to laugh even as you reading now in Jesus Name.
Laugh over those concerns of yours. Even with that heavy burden laugh for Jesus, He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Even in that situation He is position to bring glory to Himself but you must empty yourself before Him and He will fill you up to overflowing before the very eyes of your enemies. Yes! your enemies.
Beloved, you are too hot for the enemy to toy with. You are too secure for the kingdom of darkness to dominate. Every depressing and oppressing spirits limiting you is hereby destroyed in Jesus Name.
Beloved, the Spirit of God opened me up recently on Isa 65:21-22:- And they will be building houses and living in them; planting vine-gardens and getting the fruit of them. 22 They will no longer be building for the use of others, or planting for others to have the fruit: for the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and my loved ones will have joy in full measure in the work of their hands. Isaiah 65:21-22 (BBE)
My understanding of the above scripture opened me up to something I have been trying to put my finger on for a while now and could not.
Are you still there with me? I pray that the Spirit of understanding be giving you that as you communion with God; move about your daily chores, that you will have the ever Abiding Presence of God in operation in your life.
Here, the devil and his cohorts are not stopping you to labour but as soon the sowing is done, beloved, you will not reap or harvest your labour. Do I have a witness in the house? Also read verses 17-20; 23-24 of Isaiah 65.
Come with me to judges 6:1-6 (In recap, after the children of Israel had sown, the Midianites, the Amalekites, and the children from the East came up against them and destroy their increase. They destroyed all what they have labour for, they were greatly impoverished).
The starting point of this ordeal was that they sinned against God and God handed them over to their enemies and until they cried unto the Lord. They continued to be in lack, lived in fear and have no good thing. Until then, God sent a deliverer in the person of Gideon to put an end to that siege.
I see the siege of unfruitfulness ending in your life today in Jesus Name. Every unprofitable works of the kingdom of darkness over your life is ending today in Jesus Name.
Beloved, as you labour and you will harvest. You will not only harvest, you will eat out of your labour. You will also build and inhabit in Jesus Name.
The era of fruitlessness has come to an end in Jesus’s Name. That siege of unfruitfulness is ended now in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Are you hearing me child of God? From this day forward, there be new wine in your vats, there will grain in your store house according to the Word of the Lord (Joel 2:24) in Jesus Name.
Beloved, what do you want to see happen, decree it now and it will be. The Lord will bring it to performance and the devil and his agents will be put to shame.
Do you also know that most people are operating under closed heaven? I decree your heaven open now in Jesus Name and every power limiting you from entering into your rest is destroyed now in Jesus Name.
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord. Beloved when the Lord is your Companion, “blessedness” is your lots. Success will be chasing you; you are above reproach and disgrace.
Do you know the meaning of “disgrace?” Beloved, is when the “grace” over your life is no longer speaking. You are not operating under the finished work of “Calvary.” You are disfavored (Ps 30:5). The Spirit of God is not helping your infirmities (Rom 8: 26). Now you are toiling other than an overseer God made you from the very beginning (Gen 3:17-19; 23, Gen 4:11-12, Gen 1:28-30).
Come along as we discover more from the message before us:
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Ps. 23:4
Sweet are these words in describing a deathbed assurance. How many have repeated them in their last hours with intense delight!
But the verse is equally applicable to agonies of spirit in the midst of life. Some of us, like Paul, die daily through a tendency to gloom of soul. Bunyan puts the Valley of the Shadow of Death far earlier in the pilgrimage than the river which rolls at the foot of the celestial hills. We have some of us traversed the dark and dreadful defile of “the shadow of death” several times, and we can bear witness that the Lord alone enabled us to bear up amid its wild thought, its mysterious horrors, its terrible depressions.
The Lord has sustained us, and kept us above all real fear of evil, even when our spirit has been overwhelmed. We have been pressed and oppressed, but yet we have lived, for we have felt the presence of the Great Shepherd, and have been confident that His crook would prevent the foe from giving us any deadly wound.
Should the present time be one darkened by the raven wings of a great sorrow, let us glorify God by a peaceful trust in Him.
Yes, I like the word “Confident”. Be confident enough that God is more able to see you through all you are passing through right now. Beloved, could “confident” also means “faith”.
Do you know that Faith is a speaking force? Both God and Satan needs it to operate in your life. If you are too confident of what God can do, you become unstoppable for Jesus. No power can limit you even in the face of challenges, you know that Jesus will bear you though whatsoever be it.
Now how does Satan need your “faith” to operate too? When you begin to see impossibilities in every situation. Mountains higher, taller, and bigger than Your Maker. Beloved, when you begin to doubt, complain, murmur before God, other than praying and giving thanks. Then you have boosting the devil’s tactics and he will come in to operate fully. Telling you, “you see, God wouldn’t have been able to do it as He claimed He would.” And before you know it, he will lure you away from your blessing ground to everlasting damnation. God forbid, I decree, in Jesus Name.
“The Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” Judges 4:9
Rather an unusual text, but there may be souls in the world that may have faith enough to grasp it. Barak, the man, though called to the war, had little stomach for the fight unless Deborah would go with him, and so the Lord determined to make it a woman’s war. By this means He rebuked the slackness of the man, and gained for Himself the more renown, and cast the more shame upon the enemies of His people.
The Lord can still use feeble instrumentalities. Why not me? He may use persons who are not commonly called to great public engagements. Why not you? The woman who slew the enemy of Israel was no Amazon, but a wife who tarried in her tent. She was no orator, but a woman who milked the cows and made butter.
May not the Lord use any one of us to accomplish His purpose? Somebody may come to the house today, even as Sisera came to Jael’s tent. Be it ours, not to slay him, but to save him. Let us receive him with great kindness, and then bring forth the blessed truth of salvation by the Lord Jesus, our great Substitute, and press home the command, “Believe and live.”
Who knoweth but some stouthearted sinner may be slain by the gospel today?
Are you ready to fight the war again? To bring back lost souls to the kingdom? I just shared with you His blessedness, can you do same by sharing this message with people in your contact list. Tell about Him in the open, in the area of your influence and the enemy of your soul once again will be defected even as this great woman of God did in the time past.
Beloved, will you slay this day with the gospel? And be sure your reward will not elude you (Rev 22:12). Please remember that God rewards us in “TIME” and “ETERNITY”, therefore be reward conscious (Jer 5:24). As God has ordained for you appointed weeks of harvest. And it shall start speaking from now on. Amen.
Remain blessed in the Lord.