September 10


Heavenly God Your Name is Wonderful,

Your Name Excellent,

Your Name Beautiful,

I worship You Lord for You are Mighty,

You got the whole world in Your Hand.


That my song unto the Lord this blessed morning. Beloved, do you have a song on lips this morning to sing unto Your Maker? Father, I thank You for You are my God. You are my Safety, there is none to be likened to You. Glory to Your name in the highest.

As there are season in the year, so it is in a man’s life. Each season comes with its uniqueness that makes it obvious to be perceived by the observer. During the spring season, if the sky becomes cloudy and you leave your house in a hurry without an umbrella is most likely you will get to your destination wet by rain if you decide to walked why is raining. You were beaten by the rain because you fail to take precaution of the season you are in, likewise when it is summer, autumn, winter. Each has its own peculiarities; so it is in our experiences in life, Praise God.

In each of these, the Lord tries His children. He has a reason for it, (1 Pet. 4:12-19) all you need do is to hang on and wait, watch and pray. Trust in His arm; behold he comes:

“The Lord trieth the righteous.” Psalm 11:5

All events are under the control of Providence; consequently all the trials of our outward life are traceable at once to the great First Cause. Out of the golden gate of God’s ordinance the armies of trial march forth in array, clad in their iron armour, and armed with weapons of war. All providences are doors to trial.

Even our mercies, like roses, have their thorns. Men may be drowned in seas of prosperity as well as in rivers of affliction. Our mountains are not too high, and our valleys are not too low for temptations: trials lurk on all roads. Everywhere, above and beneath, we are beset and surrounded with dangers. Yet no shower falls unpermitted from the threatening cloud; every drop has its order ere it hastens to the earth.

The trials which come from God are sent to prove and strengthen our graces, and so at once to illustrate the power of divine grace, to test the genuineness of our virtues, and to add to their energy. Our Lord in His infinite wisdom and superabundant love, sets so high a value upon His people’s faith that He will not screen them from those trials by which faith is strengthened. You would never have possessed the precious faith which now supports you if the trial of your faith had not been like unto fire. You are a tree that never would have rooted so well if the wind had not rocked you to and fro, and made you take firm hold upon the precious truths of the covenant grace.

Worldly ease is a great foe to faith; it loosens the joints of holy valour, and snaps the sinews of sacred courage. The balloon never rises until the cords are cut; affliction doth this sharp service for believing souls. While the wheat sleeps comfortably in the husk it is useless to man, it must be threshed out of its resting place before its value can be known.

Thus it is well that Jehovah trieth the righteous, for it causeth them to grow rich towards God. I am a product of this message and am sure many professing children of God will share in the testimony too. You never can tell how far you can go for the Lord until He tries you in fire of affliction after you emerge, you will appear not only stronger; you will trust God most exceedingly far than ever before. Praise God. Let go on a little further:

“On mine arm shall they trust.” Isaiah 51:5

In seasons of severe trial, the Christian has nothing on earth that he can trust to, and is therefore compelled to cast himself on his God alone. When his vessel is on its beam-ends, and no human deliverance can avail, he must simply and entirely trust himself to the providence and care of God. Happy storm that wrecks a man on such a rock as this! O blessed hurricane that drives the soul to God and God alone!

There is no getting at our God sometimes because of the multitude of our friends; but when a man is so poor, so friendless, so helpless that he has nowhere else to turn, he flies into his Father’s arms, and is blessedly clasped therein! When he is burdened with troubles so pressing and so peculiar, that he cannot tell them to any but his God, he may be thankful for them; for he will learn more of his Lord then than at any other time.

Oh, tempest-tossed believer, it is a happy trouble that drives thee to thy Father! Now that thou hast only thy God to trust to, see that thou puttest thy full confidence in Him. Dishonour not thy Lord and Master by unworthy doubts and fears; but be strong in faith, giving glory to God.

Show the world that thy God is worth ten thousand worlds to thee. Show rich men how rich thou art in thy poverty when the Lord God is thy helper. Show the strong man how strong thou art in thy weakness when underneath thee are the everlasting arms. Now is the time for feats of faith and valiant exploits. Be strong and very courageous, and the Lord thy God shall certainly, as surely as He built the heavens and the earth, glorify Himself in thy weakness, and magnify his might in the midst of thy distress.

The grandeur of the arch of heaven would be spoiled if the sky were supported by a single visible column, and your faith would lose its glory if it rested on anything discernible by the carnal eye.

Someone is saying, Sister Ify, God declared this month “a month of remembrance” but that is not what is happening in my own case. Well, am here to let you  know that all that is happening now are all in His plan to get you where He want you to be (1 Pet.1:6-7). I will suggest “like the wise virgins” take extra oil in case He delays in coming, your oil will not burn out (Matt 25:4-5).

May the Holy Spirit give you to rest in Jesus especially as you go through this day. Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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