When I come into Your Presence Lord I am happy, when I come into Your Presence Lord am glad, in Your Presence there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me in Your Presence anointing breaks the yoke.// You are Messiah (You are Messiah) You are Messiah (You are Messiah) You are Messiah (You are Messiah) You are Messiah the Rose of Sharon, You are Messiah, the Bright Morning Star, You are Messiah, the Lily of the valley, You are Messiah.

Yes He the Messiah, He is our Healer, He is our Savoiur, He is the Baptizer, He is my soon coming King. Praise the Lord! glory be to Jesus on high. There is power above the Name of our Messiah. In all things He is God, from heaven on high He is the same. Blessed be His Holy Name in Jesus Name.

Beloved, when you how are doing today? Hope it is well with you. Praise God for another opportunity to be all God created us to be Praise the Lord. I believe you are still in attitude of worship to our God for His benevolence towards His children for His plan for us this month, glory be to Him on high.

The topic before us is one that comforts the heart every time I see it written or voice. It is so smoothing to my soul that nothing else matters so much. A verse in the Bible asked “what can separate us from the love of God?

So I ask you ‘what can separate you from the Love of God?” the text before us was written by Prophet Hosea, reading through this book you will be imagining Who God is? I for one cannot understand Him, see God goes beyond anything, everything when He wants to save, heal, deliver, and make whole. Like Joseph, prophet Hosea was used by God to demonstrate His unfailing love to us His creature.

I cannot even imagine it but beyond what we think or feel God cannot let you be destroy by satan and his cohorts. He fights everything on His way to save you and restore if that is what is needed.

Hosea was a prophet who was called by God to symbolically illustrate the message he was called to give the people of the northern Kingdom of Israel,  since these people were living lives of spiritual adultery by worshipping other gods, Hosea was called illustrate that face by marrying a prostitute who subsequently committed adultery. The goal was to give the people some knowledge about their spiritual sate; the goal was to warn them that they were being destroyed (by the Assyrians) for lack of knowledge.

Beloved, the knowledge Hosea reference in his prophecy is not the everyday knowledge of ordinary life, or scientific knowledge, or aesthetic knowledge, or any other form of knowledge that is oriented to the things of the world. The knowledge Hosea is speaking is the knowledge of the transcendent God and His Will. It is a religious knowledge or spiritual knowledge. It is the kind of knowledge that can only come about by the faith in something God has revealed.

The people had this revelation in the form of Moses and the prophets, but they chose not to have faith in it. Hosea’s job was to give them even more revelation- that they were being destroyed for their lack of the kind of knowledge that comes from true faith in God’s revelation

Hosea’s message is not limited to his time and place. It is universal message for all time and all places. Lack of spiritual knowledge can destroy your life, both now and for all eternity. Ignoring God’s revelation is to ignore the most important thing one could ever know. It is to ignore the most fundamental state of affairs in life—the fact that we stand in relationship to God, the fact that we are creatures of an Almighty God to whom we are subject and by whom we are held accountable.

It is good reason, therefore that Proverbs says that “knowledge begins with fear and respect for the Lord”(Prov 1:7). Every other form of knowledge is in the final analysis, blind without the true knowledge of God.

Above all, then get knowledge.  In our day, that knowledge can be acquired primarily and authoritatively from the Bible.

Beloved, it is important you garbed the prophesy of this month and ask God to be your guide and as He guide and lead you through the month you will not miss your path.

God demonstration of love to us is through His Presence and when we are in God’s Presence our walk/work will be easy. Remember any other knowledge as the knowledge of God is blind, therefore key into the Word of God as it come from this platform to help you live a life pleasing to God. Alleluia Amen.

Come along with us for more disclosure about His love for us:

“The love of the Lord.” Hosea 3:1

Believer, look back through all thine experience, and think of the way whereby the Lord thy God has led thee in the wilderness, and how He hath fed and clothed thee every day—how He hath borne with thine ill manners—how He hath put up with all thy murmurings, and all thy longings after the flesh-pots of Egypt—how He has opened the rock to supply thee, and fed thee with manna that came down from heaven.

Think of how His grace has been sufficient for thee in all thy troubles—how His blood has been a pardon to thee in all thy sins—how His rod and His staff have comforted thee. When thou hast thus looked back upon the love of the Lord, then let faith survey His love in the future, for remember that Christ’s covenant and blood have something more in them than the past. He who has loved thee and pardoned thee, shall never cease to love and pardon.

He is Alpha, and He shall be Omega also: He is first, and He shall be last. Therefore, bethink thee, when thou shalt pass through the valley of the shadow of death, thou needest fear no evil, for He is with thee. When thou shalt stand in the cold floods of Jordan, thou needest not fear, for death cannot separate thee from His love; and when thou shalt come into the mysteries of eternity thou needest not tremble, “For I am persuaded, that neither death; nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Now, soul, is not thy love refreshed? Does not this make thee love Jesus? Doth not a flight through illimitable plains of the ether of love inflame thy heart and compel thee to delight thyself in the Lord thy God? Surely as we meditate on “the love of the Lord,” our hearts burn within us, and we long to love Him more.

Praise the Lord! My heart burn as I meditate on the love of God towards me and I think yours also burn, not even death can separate us from the love of God. Therefore, don’t ever lose hope nor ever think that God does not love you enough to help or see you through the pressing needs or problems that are facing you, keep your eyes on Jesus “the author and finisher of our faith.” Heb 12:2

Hold on to His promises and lean solely on Him and it shall be well with you. Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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