Blessed be Thy Name of the Lord You are Worthy to be praise and adore Lord we life our Holy hands in one accord singing blessed be thy Name blessed be thy Name Blessed be thy Name of the Lord.// Worthy You are Worthy, King of kings; Lord of lords You are Worthy. Worthy, You are Worthy, King of kings; Lord of lords I worship You.

Father in heaven o God Who is like unto Thee, Thank You Lord for Your mercies endureth to all generation.  Worthy are You Lord. Thank You for Your Mighty Power and sovereignty over all you have made. Thank you and Thank You forever. I thank you because you are strength and our hope, in you is our deliverance. Blessed be your Name forever.

Beloved, how are you doing? I believe you are doing great. I will start off by the way of questioning, when you are not exercising self-control, what is in operation? I will say anger. is that your own answer too? If not you send in your own answer. When you lose self-control the attitude that will show forth is Anger. self-control is an emotional attitude deplay by an individual like wise anger. anger oftentimes leads to sin when it is miss directed.

Self-control cannot be achieve outside God’s Word, “How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word and following its rules (Ps 119:9). Follow the Lord’s rules for doing his work, just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize (2Tim 2:5).

Self-control involves first knowing God’s guidelines for right living as found in the Bible. You need to know what you must control before you can keep it under control. Regular, consistent reading of God’s Word keeps God’s guidelines for right living clearly before us.

Esau was so angry at Jacob that he failed to see his own wrong in giving away his birthright in the first place. Jealous anger keeps us from seeing the benefits we have and makes us dwell on what we don’t have.

When Esau lost the valuable family blessing, his future suddenly changed. Reacting in anger, he decided to kill Jacob.

When you lose something of great value, or if others conspire against you and succeed, anger is the first and most natural reaction. But you can control your feelings by (1) recognizing your reaction for what it is; (2) praying for strength; and (3) asking God for help to see the opportunities that even your bad situation may provide.

Beloved, are you exercising self-control or you are yet to master it? Today’s topic will help us a great deal. The “Magnitude of grace” Wow! Enter into this grace that only God can bestow on you and you will never remain the same.

His grace will be sufficient for Thee and in His strength you will exchange for your weakness:


“My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2Cor. 12:9

Our weakness should be prized as making room for divine strength. We might never have known the power of grace if we had not felt the weakness of nature. Blessed be the Lord for the thorn in the flesh, and the messenger of Satan, when they drive us to the strength of God.

This is a precious word from our Lord’s own lip. It has made the writer laugh for joy. God’s grace enough for me! I should think it is. Is not the sky enough for the bird, and the ocean enough for the fish? The All-Sufficient is sufficient for my largest want. He who is sufficient for earth and Heaven is certainly able to meet the case of one poor worm like me.

Let us, then, fall back upon our God and His grace. If He does not remove our grief He will enable us to bear it. His strength shall be poured into us till the worm shall thresh the mountains; and a nothing shall be victor over all the high and mighty ones.

It is better for us to have God’s strength than our own; for if we were a thousand times as strong as we are, it would all amount to nothing in the face of the enemy; and if we could be weaker than we are, which is scarcely possible, yet we could do all things through Christ.

“I will pour water upon him that is thirsty.” Isaiah 44:3


When a believer has fallen into a low, sad state of feeling, he often tries to lift himself out of it by chastening himself with dark and doleful fears. Such is not the way to rise from the dust, but to continue in it. As well chain the eagle’s wing to make it mount, as doubt in order to increase our grace.

It is not the law, but the gospel which saves the seeking soul at first; and it is not a legal bondage, but gospel liberty which can restore the fainting believer afterwards. Slavish fear brings not back the backslider to God, but the sweet wooings of love allure him to Jesus’ bosom. Are you this morning thirsting for the living God, and unhappy because you cannot find him to the delight of your heart?

Have you lost the joy of religion, and is this your prayer, “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation”? Are you conscious also that you are barren, like the dry ground; that you are not bringing forth the fruit unto God which He has a right to expect of you; that you are not so useful in the Church, or in the world, as your heart desires to be? Then here is exactly the promise which you need, “I will pour water upon him that is thirsty.”

You shall receive the grace you so much require, and you shall have it to the utmost reach of your needs. Water refreshes the thirsty: you shall be refreshed; your desires shall be gratified. Water quickens sleeping vegetable life: your life shall be quickened by fresh grace. Water swells the buds and makes the fruits ripen; you shall have fructifying grace: you shall be made fruitful in the ways of God.

Whatever good quality there is in divine grace, you shall enjoy it to the full. All the riches of divine grace you shall receive in plenty; you shall be as it were drenched with it: and as sometimes the meadows become flooded by the bursting rivers, and the fields are turned into pools, so shall you be—the thirsty land shall be springs of water.

I receive this promises in Jesus Name. Beloved, this is wonderful to behold. May God help you to enter into the full revelation of this message and be blest of it in Jesus Name.  May the Holy Spirit help you to gain control over ever desires and things that are not pleasing to God in Jesus Name.

Remain bless in the Lord.

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