Finally finally the Lord has done it finally. Finally finally the Lord had done it finally. Finally finally the Lord has done it finally. Finally finally the Lord has done it finally. Finally finally the Lord has done it finally.
We are going higher, we are going higher, we are going higher, higher, higher, higher, higher everyday exceeding grace! We are going higher, we are going higher, we are going higher, higher, higher, higher, higher everyday exceeding grace!
Awesome God (Awesome God) Mighty God (Mighty God), Awesome God, Mighty God, we give You Praise (we give You Praise), Awesome God, we give You Praise (we give You Praise), Mighty God! You are highly lifted up Awesome God, You are highly lifted up Mighty God.
You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy, You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Mighty God! You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord! You are worthy El-Shaddia.
Come and see ooo; come and see. Come and see ooo, come and see. Come and see what the Lord has done, it is marvelous in my life, Come and see what the Lord has done, it is wonderful in my eyes.
I will lift up Your Name higher, I will lift up Your Name higher O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name Higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name Higher.
Lord, we bow down and worship Yahweh! Lord, we bow down and worship Yahweh! Lord, we bow down and worship Yahweh! Lord, we bow down and worship Yahweh! Yahweh! Yahweh! Yahweh! Lord, we bow down and worship Yahweh! Yahweh! Yahweh, Yahweh! Yahweh! Yahweh! Yahweh! Yahweh!
Who is unto Thee O Lord! who is unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods, who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praising doing wonders alleluia, Always doing wonders alleluia!
O! Lord my God how excellent is Your Name, O! God my God how excellent is Your Name, how excellent is your Name, how wonderful is Your Name, in all the earth how wonderful is your Name!
Who is on the Lord sides, I want know, I am on the Lord sides. Can you join to sing, I am on the Lord sides, my Saviour is on my sides, as long as I live as long I stay I am on the Lord sides. O! As long as I live, as long as I stay I am on the Lord sides.
Lift Jesus higher, lift Jesus higher, the Lord is good I will lift Him up higher, any where I go, I will lift Jesus higher. The Lord is good I will lift Him up higher, any where I go I will lift Jesus higher.
Take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Ghost now and forever more. Take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Ghost now and forever more.
Our Father receive all glory, receive all adoration, all honour be given unto Thee, for you are God, You are not man thank You for Your Goodness, Your Presence, Your love ever abiding in us, with us, glory, honour adoration be ascribe unto Thee in Jesus Name.
We bow before Your throne to worship and adore You, thank You for dealing kindly with us all through seven Saturday, help us in areas where we cannot help ourselves. You gave Your Word and brought it to past.
Thank You for great and mighty things You have done and keep doing in our midst glory be to your Name on high in Jesus Name.
Beloved, thank you for making it at this season of High praises To our God and in return He promised to deal with knotty issues in our lives. We are delighted and we assured you that you will not regret obeying God rather you will be clothed with abundance and His grace will be sufficient for you to run the race set before you.
Today as it pleases the Lord! We are going to receive from Him a staff of honour that will help us as we go daily with His Word. It was from the beginning and today it is passing on to us, and we believe it is still potent as it was in the beginning.
According to the word of God to us, Moses use it to show case the power of God before Pharaoh, Elijah used and Elisha covert double portion of the anointing and it was given him. Today I dare someone will covert three portions of it and the Lord will still grant (Rom10:17). Remember, God deal with us according to our faith in Him and the Word He sends through His servant and we have receive from the Lord as our yearly theme “from glory to glory.”
We cannot afford to go through the year without the help of God in our daily walk. God is saying to us “Fear not, I will help you,” if the person shout a believing Alleluia!!!!!!!!
If you trust God and leaning on Him dearly beloved and your hands are lifted up and you are saying “O! Lord help Me” this is an answer to your prayers, the power on high is resting on you through the power of the Holy Spirit as He clothe you with throngs of fire as in the day of disciples when they are in the upper room waiting to receive power before they venture into the work of ministry.
Many of us have different callings and today as you heed the instruction of the Lord to give Him High Praise for the first five Saturday in December and thanksgiving offering of Praise in the first and second Saturday in January now the hour of recompense is has come, you are being clothed with power from high.
The power of God is resting upon you in full measure to help you do exploits for the Lord. This year according to the Word of God to us, “you will move from one level of glory to another level of glory as the Hand of the Lord will bring to pass”
As you receive your mantle to run the race set before you, remember Elisha faith brought him into the place of receiving double portion of Elijah power.
Have you ever ask yourself what if Elisha didn’t receive this blessing as he requested from Elijah do you know he would have missed out, because he will never see Elijah again to ask why or make another request.
And see what Elijah told him “you have asked a hard: nevertheless if thou see me when I am taken from Thee, it shall be so unto Thee; but if not, it shall not be so.” (2king 2:10-15).
Beloved it was indeed a hard request because it is not in Elijah’s hand to bestow such a blessing unto Elisha but God. Hear me child of God, Elijah took him through many difficult situation, he never gave up but follow hard after him. He even knew that God is taking him away as said by the sons of prophets but that did not discouraged him, he was focus and his mind made up to follow him to the end, little wonder that God blessed him and granted his request to him.
Beloved, you have followed through all this Saturday Praising and worship God as He instructed us to do. You will also bear me witness that I celebrates Fridays because I know I have a rest coming on Saturday but when the Lord give His Word, I knew what is ahead of me but if the Lord has spoken, who am I to do otherwise. I simply obey and today our reward is here.
The Lord having received our Praise offerings is here to cloth us with power to run the race ahead of us in this 2020, beloved, we will finish strong. We will not fall by the way, the devil will not make a mixed meat, we will not fail God because His Hand will uphold us till the end and beyond in Jesus Name.
Are you ready to receive your mantle? Jesus promised His disciples and they received the Holy Spirit. Today, the Spirit of God will fall afresh on us as we praise and worship God in His holiness. We will receive power from on high and as we do, be ready to step out in boldness and power that is from high as did the disciple of our Lord Jesus. Be ready to commend the Lord to all sundry. Beloved, be ready to defeat fear and stir up your faith in Christ Jesus so that you will run the race set before you to the very end according to rules laid down, so that you will receive the crown promised in Jesus Name.
Come along for more discoveries:
Joshua 1:1-3:17, Psalm 49:1-9, Proverbs 11:22-23, Luke 13:1-21
The Mantle of Power
Above all, be strong and very courageous.—Joshua 1:7
The Holy Spirit clothes His people with supernatural power. It is one thing to be unified on the inside; it is another to be fortified to meet whatever happens on the outside. The Holy Spirit—if we let Him—can do both. Jesus, when speaking of the Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel (14:17), used two different prepositions to describe His work. He said, “He remains with you and will be in you” (italics added). In Acts 1:8 he uses a different preposition: “the Holy Spirit has come on you”(italics added). The word “on” gives us a picture of the Holy Spirit placing a mantle of divine omnipotence around the shoulders of His disciples, which would enable them to do great exploits in His Name.
The story of Elijah and Elisha in the Old Testament illustrates this particular aspect. Elijah, you remember, wore a mantle that was invested with supernatural power. Elijah’s servant Elisha no doubt greatly coveted that supernatural mantle. Elijah promised him that if he saw him when he returned to heaven, the mantle (the double share of his spirit) would be his. On the day of Elijah’s departure to heaven, Elisha fulfilled the condition and received the desired mantle. He then went out and performed twice as many miracles as his master.
The mantle of power Jesus used when He was here on earth, He has now given to us. Now, hold your breath, for this is what Jesus said of those who have faith in Him: “He will do even greater works than these” (Jn 14:12).
O Father, what a challenge this puts before me and everyone else in the church today. We are hardly performing a tenth of what You did, let alone twice as much. Something is wrong. Show me how to put it right in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
2Kg 2; Zch 4:6; Lk 4:14; Ac 19:11-12
What characteristics did Elisha show in obtaining the mantle?
What is said of Jesus when He returned from the wilderness?
Remember Elisha fulfilled the condition and he received the desired miracle. Today as you fulfill God instruction to us, your own heart desires will be granted. God will show forth powerfully in that situation and show forth His Praise.
God will promote you and give breakthroughs in any area you desire. He will uphold and honour you even as you have honoured Him. Like we pointed out God does not speak because He love speaking, God speaks because He is ready to do something great and powerful in the midst of his people. He speaks when people risen to pray/ praise Him into action, now you have fulfilled your own part be, be ready to receive as God will fulfill His own part.
Very important to note that Elisha doubted not, not even when Elijah made it clear that it was not resting on him to grant his request his faith was strong as it was from beginning (Rom 10:17). We will recall that Elisha indeed received double portion’s of Elijah’s miracle because he never was afraid of any king neither did he run away from any king or army (2Kin 2:22, 6:17-20).
Beloved we have a better order of “mantle” the Holy Spirit; He will do more than the mantle f Elijah and Elisha did in their time. The Holy Spirit will clothe you with power according to your faith and as Jesus declared to His disciples you will do far more than He did (Jn 14:12).
Beloved, you have are been clothed with power from on high therefore you and I will do more than Jesus did because we are “sent” disciples of our days.
Therefore be ready!
Beloved, with great delight, we draw the curtain close in this session of Saturday Praise, to God alone be all the Praise. As we live and obey the Word of God, our blessings will be in manifold.
Thank you for being there always. God has set the pace for us, make sure you receive your own “Mantle” because the race is not for the swift, or the battle to the strong… rather, time and chance happen to all of them (Eccl 9:11).
Thank God you belong to the household of God where His Word is not scarce, thank God that we have been opportune to hear from the Lord and have positioned ourselves to be blessed by God. And as indicate by the Word of God to us by “time and chance” we receive mantle of the Holy Spirit to run the race and move from glory to glory. Praise the Lord!
Therefore see you at the very top at the end.
Once again, we say “Congratulations to you!” from allofus at
Have a splendid weekend as you praise and worship God.
Remain blessed in the Lord!