And all my life You have been Faithful… All my life You have been so so good… With every breath that I am able Oh, I will sing of the I will sing of the Goodness of the Lord!//  Adonia… Adonai…Adonai, You reign on high…Casting crown… lifting hands… is all we come to do Name …Adonai Adonai, Adonai….You reign on high….//

Yes forever O Lord we sing of Your Goodness… Glory be to You on high… Faithful Father hallow be Thy Name… Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth… Glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever Alleluia… Amen!!!

(Song)I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love…. Alleluia…

O Lord Who is like Thee… In heaven You are God… On earth You remaineth the Same…. Beneath the earth You reign… Glory alleluia… Praise the Name of Jesus…. Alleluia….

(Song) Let the Spirit of the Lord come down Amen… Let the Spirit of the Lord come down in Jesus Name…. Let the Spirit of the Lord…from heavens comes down… Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down… Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia!!!

Beloveth…. Praise the Name of Jesus… Alleluia… today is for the overcomers…. Are you an Overcomer? If you are…shout a Jericho wall breaking Alleluia!!!! Aleluiaaaaaaaaaaaa

I am rejoicing that Jesus conquers satan… I am rejoicing… I am rejoicing … I am rejoicing… I am rejoicing that Jesus conquers satan … I am rejoicing Praise the Lord….

The Lord called you, Overcomer… Rev 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21; 21:7, 1Jn.5:4. Beloveth are you an Overcomer as describe by the Lord… then you got some works to do… Yes… You got to live right, stay off from sins and negative vices… You got fight doubt, sickness and failure, every wickedness… must not be part of you…

An overcomer is action word… therefore you cannot be an Overcome by watching-on, Idleness, compromise, laziness, prayerless, so if you wanna be an Overcomer… You either get on your knees or stand up and start going… each has a place or role to play in your life… Praise the Lord!

So beloveth… come along with us for more:                      

The Overcomer

“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” Rev. 2:7

No man may turn his back in the day of battle, or refuse to go to the holy war. We must fight if we would reign, and we must carry on the warfare till we overcome every enemy, or else this promise is not for us, since it is only for “him that overcometh.”

We are to overcome the false prophets who have come into the world, and all the evils which accompany their teaching.

We are to overcome our own faintness of heart, and tendency to decline from our first love. Read the whole of the Spirit’s word to the church at Ephesus.

If by grace we win the day, as we shall if we truly follow our conquering Leader, then we shall be admitted to the very center of the paradise of God, and shall be permitted to pass by the cherub and his flaming sword, and come to that guarded tree, whereof if a man eat, he shall live for ever.

We shall thus escape that endless death which is the doom of sin, and gain that everlasting life which is the seal of innocence, the outgrowth of immortal principles of God-like holiness.

Come, my heart, pluck up courage! To flee the conflict will be to lose the joys of the new and better Eden; to fight unto victory is to walk with God in Paradise.

Yes… we are walk in confidence and fight against anything that wants to hinder us from making it to end as declared Apostle Paul … I have fight a good fight, I have finish my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing…2Tim.4:5-8.

So if you want to be an Overcomer… you must learn to live an Overcomers life… live above sin, offenses, negative values and worldliness… you got to love, serve and kingdom consciousness… You must keep your heart with all diligent… Prov.4:23….. You must fear and honour God only 2kin.17:39… Praise the Name of Jesus… Alleluia…

Beloveth are you an Overcomer?… If no… please accept Jesus now…. so that you become one of the “Team Jesus Group”…  Alleluia…. and if you are already on the Lord’s side… keep going, don’t give up, remember they a witnesses who are awaiting your arrival at the other side of the Overcomers… Heb.12:1

Have a pleasant weekend…. See you on Monday… God loves you… and we love you too…

Further Reading- Ps.19:3, Rom.5:5, 1Pet.5:7, Jas.2:22, Gen.6:8, 2Cor.13:11, Phil.4:3, Jn.5:14, Acts.20:24, 1Jn.1:7, Eph.1:7, Jn.5:14, Acts.20:24, 1Jn.1:7.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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