I will exalt You Lord for Thou lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will ecxalt You Jesus… for Thou has lifted us above Your enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name above every other Name…// Come see the Lord is Good… come and see the Lord is Good… there is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good… He gave me victory… He gave me peace of mind… Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good…

Blessed Redeemer we Thank You, we bless Your Name.. We worship and adore Your Holy Name… O Lord who is like unto Thee… there is none like Thee… Thank You Father for the gift of a brand new month… a brand new week, a brand new day, alleluia Jesus… Thank You for bring us to the tenth month of the year 2023… Glory be to Your Name on high… Thank You Jesus for bring us to the last quarter of this year…. …O Father! Glory be to Your Name on high… Alleluia to the King of kings… the Lord of Lord… The Ancient of Days… The Lion of the tribe of Judea… We exalt You Lord… We magnify You forever and ever Amen!!!

Beloveth… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia!!! Welcome to the tenth month of the Year 2023… Is Good we Praise the Lord and rejoice in Him always… Thank God for the privilege to be part of this season… It is the Lord’s doing and is marvelous in our eyes… Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia!!!

Tenth month is significant in the Bible… when the Lord brought down flood that destroyed Noah’s world…. but preserved Noah and his household in ark… after the rain came down and destroyed every living things creeping and moving upon the surface of this world and cover every trees and mountain but on the tenth month, on the first day something significant happened… The mountains tops were seen… Gen.8:5.

Beloveth at the beginning of this chapter 8… it was recorded that God remembered Noah and everything thing with Him in the ark…. Wait a minute… did you say God “remembered” Does it mean that God “forgot” Noah….hummmmh…

God commanded Noah to enter the ark… God then we are reading “And God remembered Noah… Does it mean that even though God commanded a thing we still need to keep at it and keep reminding Him until His set time comes…. exactly that… you keep reminding Him through prayer, through worship, through acts of charity and kindness….

One significant thing that happened was the mountains tops were seen… remember that water covered everything on the surface of the earth… but when God remembered Noah… He caused wind to pass over the earth, and the water asswaged… the fountain also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven were restrained.

Beloveth… The Lord when remembered Noah… He caused wind to pass over the earth and the water asswaged”…. Beloveth what are those things in your life that needs to move out or be altered so that your destiny will be birthed… Do you know is possible for Noah to stayed longer then God purposed Him… but not with our God… He came right on time and He did not just come He caused changes to take place so that the desired result will be seen…

Yes… wind pass through the earth and the water asswaged… and Noah and entire household and all the living thing with him in ark came out from the ark to the earth… they will released to fulfill purpose…

Beloveth… in this tenth month… God is going to remember you and altar some things in your life… some things need to be removed… and some things need to be put in place to achieve what God has ordained to happen in your life from the foundation of the world in this remaining quarter of the year…

Beloveth according to the plan of God for us as a ministry we are glad to welcome you to the tenth month of the Year 2023… Our month of Remembrance for Settlement…Neh.13:31, 1Cor.1:4-9, Heb.10:36.

Alleluia… yes! You heard me well…. You have laboring all this years and you have nothing to show for it… or even from the beginning of the year up until now and you are yet to see result… The Lord has finally remembered you to settle you… There is someone in the house who is saying to God “This year is ending without Job, without a spouse, a house of my own… without my own child…

Beloveth… hummmh I want you to rejoice because our God has finally remembered you to settle you… Yes… our King come with His reward in His Hand.. Whatever He needs to alter will be done… either to remove or to replace… The Lord will do just that in this tenth month…

Have the world termed you forsaken? … I say again rejoice… for the time to favour Zion has come now… yes the set time is now… You will be remembered and the Lord will give you a new name… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Someone is calling on God to intervene in his/her situation… He/she is asking God to turn around this situation for good… some others are asking God to break the chains of poverty upon their lives…in Jesus Name it is done…

Someone needs visibility and The Power of God is doing that immediately in Jesus Name… Receive your visibility in Jesus Name… Yes!!! To some others what you are asking God is clarity of mind and vision.… The Lord is releasing it right now in Jesus Name… Let your eyes of understanding be open now in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Right now in Jesus Name.

Beloveth… in case your particular case has not be  mentioned… I want you to believe that the Spirit of God will reach out before this month is over… Just make sure you are praying… and you are also following… The Lord will surely visit you… Jas.5:16

You will no longer be hidden beloveth… God is given you global visibility in Jesus Name… Let it manifest now in Jesus Name… 1Jn3:1

Are still doubting whether God will do your own?… I want assure you that He will… Your case is that your life is dirty and you don’t think that Jesus will forgive you talk less of remembering you for settling…

Listen to what Matt. 11:28-30 has to say… Come unto me, all ye that labour and heavy laden, and I will give you rest….. take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light…..

Jesus said- “I died so that you might live… have life in abundance”…Isa.53:6…. Jesus came into the world to save sinners – 1Tim.1:15

Our Lord is merciful and full of compassion… He will forgive you all your sins and bless you… This was David request at a time and God granted it unto him… “Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to Thy mercy remember thou me for Thy goodness’ sake O’ Lord…” Ps.25:7. And finally Jn 3:16- The Love of God made Jesus to died on the cross for your sake … so you got your back covered…

Beloveth…on this first day… of the month of Remembrance for Settlement… we bring you a “Topic” that will put you on top of every situation… that might come your way this month and beyond…. “The Power of Words.”…

Come along with us for more below: 

The Power Of Words

Alfred, a friend of mine, decided to visit Gold’s Gym. This is the place where men the size of boxcars seem to have nothing else to do but “pump iron” by the eon. As he entered, a square-jawed, muscle-bound, steel-gripping specimen grasped his hand and exclaimed, “HI! BIG GUY!”

Now Alfred, an accountant who has never lifted anything much heavier than a paperweight, thought to himself, “Is he talking to me? Does he think I am a ‘BIG GUY?'” And with that he entered Gold’s determined to do something about his sagging coat hanger-sized deltoids.


Ever call your kid “stupid”? Or, “lazy”? Or scold him with, “Can’t you ever do anything right?” Guess what? Your words become self-fulfilling prophecies. When I was a teenager, a close relative said to me, “I don’t trust you.” And from that day on I determined to give her reason not to trust me, and I became a juvenile delinquent. Again, THE POWER OF WORDS!

Solomon drove home THE POWER OF WORDS in stating, “The tongue has the power of life and death… ” (Proverbs 18:21a)

Instead of calling the kid “stupid,” why don’t you grab him (or her) by the shoulders and say, “Wow, you are something! Am I ever proud of you! What a privilege it is for me to be your parent!” Like my friend Alfred, the kid might just decide to do something about his coat hanger-sized life and rise to your expectation. Again, THE POWER OF WORDS!

Nathaniel, upon hearing of Jesus Christ, made a derogatory remark concerning his place of birth, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Instead of retaliating, the Master drew attention to Nathaniel’s integrity, “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there nothing false. And Nathaniel’s response? Instant belief: “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” (John 1:45-51) Clearly, Jesus understood and demonstrated THE POWER OF WORDS.

Paul appreciated THE POWER OF WORDS in asserting, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs… ” (Ephesians 4:29a)

QUESTION: When was the last time you used THE POWER OF WORDS to build up your spouse with a kind word, or a note of encouragement? Or an employee? Or a colleague? Or one of your kids? Silence – saying nothing – is usually interpreted negatively by others as anger, indifference or disapproval… As anything but affirmation.

The behemoth at Gold’s Gym understands THE POWER OF WORDS!

Do you?

Beloveth… do you understand the power of “Spoken Words… which you have either confess or acted upon… Have you denied yourself the opportunity to be blessed by God… by refusing to accept the forgiveness He granted you on the Cross… Listen, allow God to come into your life right now and shed light upon your spirit-man… Yes the Lord will deliver and make you whole… He will lift off the burdens off your shoulder and break every yoke on your neck… He will set the captive free and make the wanderer to come back home… A prodigal is returning home right now in Jesus Name… You that is trusting God for deliverance same is coming your way right now in Jesus Name… Healing is locating someone with that sickness that seems terminal and you asking God when will He remember you… Your healing is now in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… this month is going to be that month you have been waiting for… be patient… keep trusting God and it shall be well with you in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Isa.45:23

Once again we declare the month of October as our month of Remembrance for Settlement… Alleluia!!!

Am so excited because… God is going to remember me for good… my settlement is here finally… God is changing my name… God’s promise of “Goodness” for the year is locating me finally in the Name of Jesus… I am rejoicing in the Lord Jesus…. Amen!!! Alleluia…

On this note beloveth… we declare this month blessed and in the Name of the Lord… this week is also declared opened… and at the end of this week we will have so many testimonies in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord…

Further Reading- Neh.13:31, Ps.118:8, Jn.3:16, 2Tim.2:1, 1Pet.3:12, 1Thess.5:18 Lam.3:25,  Heb.3:4, Jer.15:20, Col.1:13, Prov.10:28

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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