Blessed be the Name of the Lord….You are worthy You are worthy You are worthy…so we lift our Holy hands in one accord…singing blessed be Thy Name… honour to Thy Name… Blessed be Thy Name of the Lord…// I will call upon the Lord… He is worthy to be Praise…I will magnify the Lord…He is worthy to be Praise…hosanna, blessed the Rock, honour to the Rock… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…2x….
Our Father we exalt Your Holy Name… Thank You for saving us from everlasting damnation in Jesus Name… Who is like unto Thee Father…. what shall we say unto the Jehovah…. For Your Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, Miracles, Healing, and deliverances still so many to mention…. Answers to prayers….. O! Father be Thou glorify again and again in Jesus Name….
Our God is a perfect God… Our God is a perfect God…Our God is a perfect God… Yes He is a perfect God…
Beloveth… Our Father is a perfect so we shall also be perfect…Matt.5:48….
Are you ready to be perfected? Apostle Paul in all his teachings, writing and admonishing emphasized so much about finishing strong…finishing well… which anchored on fighting a good fight…
And do you fight a good fight…. By following the teachings in the Word of God… beloveth…there is a race that is set before us that we must run…there is a victory to be won…and there is crown to wear… so No victory; No crown…
The truth is that you cannot run this race in isolation…I think many would have preferred it… but No… you run this race with others in competition but now not against each other but each on it own…. Praise the Lord…
The Bible acronym is Basis Instructions Before Leaving Earth…. So to run the race set before us… by God who is the owner of the Word (Bible) and the world… you need to follow strictly everything written in the Bible…. Correctly… there is hiding place for anyone… we just have to walk towards salvation after which we will be perfected by God Himself after the second coming of Jesus…
So by this apostle Paul encourages us to hold on to the World of God …”Fight the good fight of faith… finished the race…kept the fight”
Therefore beloveth… we must not fall by the way-side, we must also kept the fight to qualify for the crown… Praise the Lord somebody….
Worthy to note that there are so many things that might hinder you from finishing well and strong… we must therefore be on the look for them as they come subtle, unassuming and unannounced too… hardly can be recognize until establish…. So if you are on guard…it will unguided you….
Come along for more:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.—2 Timothy 4:7
There is much satisfaction in finishing something you have begun! The success of a race is determined not only by how well you begin but also by how well you end. Many athletes can begin a race impressively, but if they stumble or are injured or lack the stamina to finish, their good start is useless. Paul rejoiced that he had not only begun the race but he had also finished it. His prize was a robust faith in God and a life filled with God’s powerful presence.
The Christian life is not easy. Some mistakenly assume that once they become children of God, their struggles are over. Many Christians begin their walk with Christ enthusiastically, but as the pressures mount, they lose heart and abandon their pilgrimage.
Paul described His Christian life as a battle. There were times when he struggled, and only through perseverance could he continue. It may surprise us to know that the great apostle had to struggle at times to be faithful to God. Paul faced persecution, misunderstanding, betrayal, and death threats. His Christian life was anything but easy, yet he persevered.
Your faith in God is not proven by beginning the race but by enduring to the finish. Publicly announcing your commitment to Christ in your church does not compare with a lifetime of devotion to His cause. Use Paul as your model. Live your life in such a way that you can one day conclude, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith!”
Beloveth…did you read that…is not about how well you started but all lie in how well you end/finished the race… so we must guide against fallen by the way-sides and given up.
To guide against it we must award of offences… offences from an enemy is easier to recognize and deal with… but offence by friends, beloved ones is not usually clear until the harm is done… so we must be very careful….. Alleluia! somebody….
Hold on to God’s Word and it will guide your feet into eternal life with crown adorned with stars as a gift….. Alleluia… so run the race set before you and finish strong.
Further reading Matt.12:20, Ps.17:8, Zech.14:1, 1Cor9:24, 1Pet.1:16, 2Cor.5:19-21, Rom.8:28, Isa.32:17, Isa 26:4, Ps 19:3….
Remain blessed in the Lord.