I will lift up Your Name higher…. I will lift up Your Name higher…O Jehovah… Alpha Omega… I will lift up Your Name Higher… O! Jehovah… Alpha Omega… I will lift up Your Name higher…// You are Worthy O Lord… You are Worthy…  You are Worthy O Lord… Everybody saying Lord…. You are Worthy O Lord … You are Worthy… You are Worthy O Lord…

Precious Redeemer… We Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You Jesus… Thank You Father for the Great and Mighty things You have done for us… Alleluia… Jesus… Thank You for the gift of this week… O Lord… Hallow be Thou Name O Lord… O Lord… Your Goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives in Jesus Name….

Is PCL somebody shout alleluia!!! Yes Our God is Good… so Good and Great is His Faithfulness… Alleluia…

Beloveth… what an Awesome week… Overflowing Blessing and Exploits is my portion… what about you?…

Do you have reasons to “Trust God?”… we just did that yesterday… at the end we saw people that trusted God and they were not disappointed… Alleluia!

Beloveth, today we will be consider the “The Richest Person In Babylon.”

If you are thought ran wide like mine… my first thought on this topic was referring us to an individual who made it through life challenges… hummmmh… but wait a moment… not at all… It is referring you and I…

In spite of what is happening around us beloveth… we are standing strong irrespective of what the devil is doing …. We have not forsaking the assembles of the righteous as commanded us by Apostle Paul …

Beloveth… what are those things that are challenging you now… “Be still and know that God is still God… Put all your trust and hope in Him and He will come through for You…

The God we serve answers prayers … He is a Great Provider… He will do it for us …. Yes He will do it for us Amen!!! Praise the Lord…

If you can hold on the Lord promises beloveth… Be assured that you are the Richest Person In Babylon… alleluia!!!

Come along with us for more:

The Richest Person In Babylon

In an upside down world, where lunatics often reign, and personal safety remains uncertain; where calamity looms from every quarter, and I am incessantly bombarded and lied to by media and marketing “spin doctors”, God’s Word stands firm as the one stronghold upon which I can stake my life. Fathom this:

  • The law of the Lord is perfect… ” (blameless, complete, unblemished, intact). Can you think of anything in your world that can begin to compete with that claim? I can’t. And the effect of that truth upon my life?

It “restores (turns back, recalls) my soul,” which is prone toward seduction, wandering and duplicity.

  • The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy” (faithful, lasting, firm, established. Like a door post). What, let me ask you, in our defective world, can you point to that is “trustworthy”? Precious little, I would guess. And the effect of that truth upon my life?

It makes the “simple (the easily seduced, silly, foolish [Hey! That’s me!]) exceedingly wise.”

I don’t know about you, but in this world of charlatans, nutzoid fruitcakes and wolves, I need His exceeding wisdom to make it through life’s variegated minefields. (Matthew 10:16; James 1:5-8)

  • The precepts of the Lord are right” (straight). No devious doublespeak here, because His Word never wavers. It can be counted on. (Joshua 21:45) And the effects of that truth upon my life?

It “rejoices” the heart. That is, it is an influence that makes me glad. Even gleesome!

Again, in a world of terrorists, downsizing, gyrating currencies, car bomb explosions, and the specter of global warming, isn’t it nice to know that there is a source that can cheer my shopworn soul?

  • The Word of God is “more precious than goldsweeter than honey.” And the effects of that truth upon my life?

I am warned and greatly rewarded. (See Proverbs 3:16-18; 6:22, 23; Psalm 119)

So, my fellow pilgrim, are you regularly immersing your easily bartered, battered soul into the ocean of His love? A love that is revealed to us through unrushed, attentive, and prayerful processing of His Truth? If so, you are indeed THE RICHEST PERSON IN BABYLON!


So which are you going to chose? Is not a choice by “confessing”… It is a choice by “action”… Always immerse yourself in God’s Word… pray and discover the truth… and live by it… beloveth… live by the truth in God’s Word… then and then you will become “The Richest man in Babylon”…. May God give you more understanding in Jesus Name…

Further Reading – Acts.4:31, 1Cor.3:16, Ps.55:16, Gen.15:1, Prov.17:27, Jer.50:5, Jas.4:7, Dan.3:17, Jon.2:9, Rom.5:1. Ps.119:38, Rom.10:15, Rom.8:14, 2Tim.1:9.

See you on Monday by God’s Grace… Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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