I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love. I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love. I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. I will up Your Name Jesus, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, above every other Name.

Let the living Praising the Lord! let the living Praise the Lord. Yes! Father, we come to Praise and worship You for who You are. Great and mighty is Your Name. blessed Thy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Father, we declare that we love You, come and fill this place with Your Presence. Let Your glory surround us and make us whole, I know thata my Redeemer liveth, Ancient of Days, Arise and have Your way. Remember we pray Thee, make a way for us that only Your Name be Praise forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing? Hope your prayer altar is lit and there is a constant refill of coal so that the fire will not go off. Our topic today is essential to keep our faith glowing and never fall into the satanic strategies.

Doubt and fear has been constantly treated here to make sure that we know when we are drifting from faith, Satan fills our heart with doubt if not check will result to unbelief and in no time we might start doubting whether God exist or was God that made the promise we are standing on.

Thomas may be viewed as the one of the unfortunate disciple because every time we hear his name, we think the word “doubt.” Even though Jesus spoke about his resurrection to the disciples many times prior to His death, and even though the disciples tried to convince him, Thomas needed hard proof.

Here is the good news: Thomas overcame his doubts. He eventually went to India and preached the gospel there. Today, there are many believers in India as well as a shrine to this disciple. Thomas was ultimately martyred by spears for his faith there. Though he doubted at first, he did not remain a doubter. On the contrary, Thomas was a great man of faith who changed nations through his ministry.

Doubting is a part of our human condition. We all doubt, but we need to overcome our doubts as people of faith, if you are dealing with doubt, God is not your enemy. He is actually your best friend. Jesus expressed hostility towards those who doubted him. He was not hostile towards Nicodemus, the Pharisee who came late at night with sincere questions. He was not hostile towards Mary and Martha, who questioned why he did not come in time to heal their brother Lazarus.

Jesus did not reject Thomas for having doubts, you have doubts today. But God is not offended by questions or struggles of faith. He only knows they exist, and He wants to be part of the process of our doubts becoming faith.

However this will not happen if we try to hide our struggles from Him. Some people feel as though God is going to punish or reject them for their doubts, so they pretend everything is fine. Please understand this: if you are doubting but you are sincerely seeking God, you a friend in Jesus. in Rom 10:17 says “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” turn your doubt towards God and trust His Word- not skeptics or unbelievers- to resolve it.

When you are sincere and honest about what causes you to doubt, God will guide you in assurance to the truth of His Word.  Beloved, I receive from the Lord daily about my doubts and cares even my fears but in all of it He knows that am just a human and may also wonder “how can these things be.” He will send His Word to reassure me and affirm His promises that seem bigger than my heart can carry.

So do not fall into satanic strategies “Adam and Eve did” and all human races are suffering from that single mistake. Do not doubt God’s Word rather chose to doubt your fear and find Bible passages that will give answers to your problems.

Lister to this – “if you are ever wondering how this thing is gone be, then hear this –“He turned water into wine” also hear this “Is there anything difficult for the Lord to do.” (Jn 2:1-11, Gen 18:14, Lk 2:37;18:27).

Beloved, hold on to God to help you where you faith is weak and see the power of God defect every satanic strategy on your path.

Join me as we receive more from the throne of grace:

2 Samuel 22:1-23:7, Psalm 70:1-5, Proverbs 15:16-17, John 12:34-13:11

The Satanic Strategy

The Devil had already put it into the heart of Judas … to betray Him.—John 13:2

The “fiery darts” of the Devil are quite different from the thoughts that are generated by our carnal nature. These “fiery darts” come at us rather than from within us. A satanic attack can usually be differentiated from something that arises within by the force with which the thought hits us. Thoughts that arise out of the carnal nature are offensive, but the thoughts that come as “fiery darts” from the Devil burn.

Many Christians have told me that they often experience these attacks when they go to read their Bibles or to pray. When they read a newspaper, nothing seems to happen. But when they turn their attention to something spiritual, they find it almost impossible to concentrate, by reason of the shameful thoughts that occupy their minds.

The other thing one notices about these attacks is that they seem to come in cycles. They are not there permanently, but they come at certain times and seasons. I once counseled a man for one hour a week over a period of a whole year and got him to write down in his diary the times and dates when he felt under satanic attack. When we looked through his diary together at the end of the year, we discovered an amazing thing—every single attack took place immediately prior to his doing something special for the Lord, like leading a Bible study, conducting a service, visiting the sick, or giving a public testimony. I shall never forget the expression on his face as he looked at me and said: “Who says that Satan isn’t a strategist?”


My Father and my God, I realize that even though Satan is a strategist, he is no match for You. You know how to outmaneuver his every move. Help me to stay close to You, that I might experience Your strategy and not his. Amen.

Further Study

Gn 3; Mt 4:1-10

How did Satan seek to penetrate Eve’s mind?

How does this correlate with the temptation of Christ?

May we never ne used of satan in Jesus Name but we must check our lives and make that we are not hiding any vices in our lives, else we will be an instrument in satan hands,

Beloved, always remember that yesterday grace is not sufficient for today’s walk always go back to the Lord for a refill to face your task daily. May God increase our faith in Him in Jesus Name. help us O Lord we prayed Thee in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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