Glory glory alleluia His banner over us is love. All Glory glory alleluia His banner over us is love. All Glory glory alleluia His banner over us is love. His banner over us is love 2x // Take glory Father, take glory Son, Take glory Holy Spirit now and forever more. Take glory Father, Take glory Son, Take glory Holy Spirit now and forever more.
Yes Father we return to give glory, we return to You Praise, let everything that has breathe Praise Your Holy Name. You are worthy of our Praise, thank You for watch over us, thank You for miracles, thank You for mercies, thank You for grace, blessed be Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, hope your week was good? How are your faring having heard very powerful imparting Word of God all through the week? Our God is good, all the time. Beloved, I am yet to recover in most of ministration that the Holy Spirit brought our way most especially that of yesterday. Am so glad to be reminded that again that am not forsaken by maker. He said in Isaiah that even if a mother will forsake her sucking babe he will never forsake me. Praise God!
I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross to redeem me from hell and open a door of salvation that will lead me to heaven. Praise God!
Beloved, our everyday life must count. You must not be careless with the way you live your life because you may never know when the son man will appear in His glory. Therefore beloved let us be deliberate in our everyday activities to live it all to the glory of God.
In our PCL class today, we will be considering the games of life. “the law of sowing and reaping” and what can ensure that we have an “inner peace” as ordained by God.
Whatever a man sow such will He also reap. If you sow discord one day you will reap it. If you sow hate, it will not be long you will harvest same. But that man who sow love, peace, joy and encouragement will like wise reap same.
Beloved, what are sow in your various activities. Do you go around making life unbearable for others and pretending to be still be good to them. I have seen a lot and I believe you also have your own story however we must know that there is one who is in heaven, who oversees the affairs of men. A day will come He will hold you accountable for all what you did in this body.
Will you receive a well done salute or will it be go behind Me, you unfaithful servant. May God help our souls in Jesus Name.
Far from the chaos all around the world, a child of God must work towards peace. Either to man or environs . Praise God.
Our peace is in Christ Jesus the prince of peace and the Lord of lords. He left it behind when He was going to meet with His Father.
I once wrote that “Peace” is meant to co-exist with us here on earth. Is nothing something we are looking forward to have but it is what we already have in Christ Jesus, the Spirit of God gave me that rhyme weeks ago and it was very smoothing to my soul.
So it mean then that our peace must come from no other place or means except in Christ Jesus as we live to please and obey all He has commanded to do.
Do you agree with me? If you do let’s go on a little excursion in the message below for more discovery, Praise God.
The Sobering Truth About Sowing And Reaping
Let’s be realistic! We’re gonna get away with,
- Shading the truth now and then in order to facilitate our business dealings
- Refusing to clean up messy or unresolved relationships
- Dabbling with pornography and sexual fantasies
- Muscling and manipulating people to our advantage
Guess again! God has a law most of us would like to pretend does not exist: That of sowing and reaping:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:7, 8)
Forty five years ago, as a teenager, I with intrepidity shared with a teenage friend and her boyfriend how Christ had changed my life. Mockingly, they brushed me off as intellectually naive and emotionally unstable. A decade and five children later, infidelity, child abuse, drugs, and alcohol had eaten away at their troubled marriage.
Recently I learned that she had committed suicide, and that her husband died four years later of a degenerative disease, exacerbated by stress and high alcohol intake.
And their five children? Well, to date, they have garnered six divorces; one is a professional criminal, and two struggle with chronic depression. Now in their late 30’s and early 40’s, most it seems, are finally settling down into careers.
The Scriptures warn us that one of God’s methods of judging rebellion is by allowing us to live with the consequences of our actions:
“Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord… they will eat the fruit of their ways… ” (Proverbs 1:30a, 31b) (Note Proverbs 1:24-32; Lamentations 1, and Romans 1:24-32)
So, the question we must ask of ourselves is this, “Are we prepared to live with the inevitable aftermath of what we are presently sowing?” Because reap we will. Either for good or for evil.
Let’s continue going:
Inner Peace
Today, amidst the jangle of the phone, production deadlines, gnarled traffic, and family demands, you may be wondering if experiencing His peace is possible. Contrary to how you may be feeling, the answer is a resounding “YES!” And here’s why: Peace is not something we seek to attain; rather it is a quality we already possess:
“He Himself [already] is our peace… ” (Ephesians 2:14)
Rather than striving for peace, simply appropriate the peace that is already yours to enjoy… in Christ. Why not take a moment right now, and thank Him for the peace that is yours by virtue of the indwelling Christ.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid… “ I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 14:27; 16:33)
The word “peace” in these Scriptures conveys the idea of quietness. Rest. Welfare. The Old Testament counterpart is shalom, communicating security. Safety. To be at ease.
And how, in a practical sense can we sustain His peace? Here are a few suggestions:
- Understand that experiencing peace is the natural outgrowth of our justification: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… ” (Romans 5:2)
- Evaluate where your mind is focused. On the sinful? Or on values synonymous with those of the Spirit? “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace… ” (Romans 8:6)
- Choose to surrender moment-by-moment to the Spirit’s prompting: “Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature… The fruit of the Spirit is… peace… ” (Galatians 5:16a, 22b)
- Offer each of your anxieties up to Him. And then leave them there! “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6, 7)
- Seek to divest your life of confusion, working toward simplicity and focus: “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace… ” (1 Corinthians 14:33a)
QUESTION: We are faced with the choice of living anxiously or drawing on The Source to live at peace. Which will it be?
Beloved, needless to say much on the law of sowing and reaping. Do you want to reap happiness; then go ahead and sow same? Do you want to reap good health, read and meditate in this book of law, eat healthy and you will reap same. Beloved do you want to keep away poverty, sow your seed of offerings and tithes. Do you want to harvest at the end of every season than endeavour to sow. It is a law that God upholds, no satan has any power in it except to discourage you from sowing. And when you don’t sow; there will be nothing to reap. Praise God.
It is God who will confirm you at the end, sow bountifully and reap likewise (1 Cor 1:8). Be diligent in all that you do and God will have you rewarded at the end.
May the peace that passeth all understanding be your potion as you live at peace with all men. Jesus is our peace, may He grant you His very nature as the world go round you in Jesus Name.
Never lose sight of Jesus beloved so that it will be well with your soul. A peace environment results in diverse sickness and problems. Let the blood of Jesus subdue every restlessness in your life in Jesus Name. pray at all time and hand over all your anxious moment to Jesus and it will well with you. Amen! Jesus is our peace
Have a peaceful weekend and see you next week by God’s grace. Read Jer 15:20-21.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.