Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!x2 // Come and join me sing alleluia… Jehovah Jireh has done me well x2
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we worship and adore You for You are victory… Thank You and Thank You everlasting King of Glory… Who is like unto Father be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!
Thank You for the miracle of the week… It can only be You The Most Holy God… Thank You for live, for provisions, blessings, protections, O God! Thank You healing, for restorations, Safety, and defense, Thank You for making a Name for Yourself… O Lord! We worship You… We exalt You, We give You Praise…. Alleluia!!!
Cone and join me sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well… come and join me sing alleluia… Jehovah Jireh has done me well wellooo..Praise the Living Jesus…. Praise the Name of the Lord somebody!!!
Alleluia! ehh Alleluia ohh… Alleluia ehh…is sounds of victory…x2 let the sounds of rejoicing fill this place….
Beloveth, this week has been a wonderful one… we must give glory to God… Yes God’s Faithfulness enduerth forever…. When I look back and begin to count His sure mercies… I can only sing and rejoice… for Jehovah God is my strength and my song. He has become my salvation… (Isa.12:2)
Beloveth if that is your experience join us and celebrate our God…. for He is Good and His mercies enduerth forever…
Beloveth our topic today is typical of our Friday’s topic which X-rays to us various facts about the life we are living… we learn the Word of God, we put it into practice… so today we will considering an important topic tagged… “The Sobering Truth About Sowing and Reaping…” What do understand by that… join us as we discover more below…. Not forgetting that whatever a man soweth same He will reap… Come along with us for more:
The Sobering Truth About Sowing And Reaping:
Let’s be realistic! We’re gonna get away with,
- Shading the truth now and then in order to facilitate our business dealings
- Refusing to clean up messy or unresolved relationships
- Dabbling with pornography and sexual fantasies
- Muscling and manipulating people to our advantage
Guess again! God has a law most of us would like to pretend does not exist: That of sowing and reaping:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:7, 8)
Forty five years ago, as a teenager, I with intrepidity shared with a teenage friend and her boyfriend how Christ had changed my life. Mockingly, they brushed me off as intellectually naive and emotionally unstable. A decade and five children later, infidelity, child abuse, drugs, and alcohol had eaten away at their troubled marriage.
Recently I learned that she had committed suicide, and that her husband died four years later of a degenerative disease, exacerbated by stress and high alcohol intake.
And their five children? Well, to date, they have garnered six divorces; one is a professional criminal, and two struggle with chronic depression. Now in their late 30’s and early 40’s, most it seems, are finally settling down into careers.
The Scriptures warn us that one of God’s methods of judging rebellion is by allowing us to live with the consequences of our actions:
“Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord… they will eat the fruit of their ways… ” (Proverbs 1:30a, 31b) (Note Proverbs 1:24-32; Lamentations 1, and Romans 1:24-32)
So, the question we must ask of ourselves is this, “Are we prepared to live with the inevitable aftermath of what we are presently sowing?” Because reap we will. Either for good or for evil.
Yes! either good or evil… everyone has a reward… so be mindful of what you do… because there is a reward for every action… may the Spirit of God lead us right and make us to walk in the path of righteousness… in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Beloveth… lift up Your Hand and ask God for the “Grace to please Him, to live right and live worthy… that the Power of Holy Spirit will rest upon you and make you a winner both in life and ministry in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Alleluia!!!
Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia! Have a victorious weekend… don’t forget to make today’s teaching part of your life agenda…. See you on Monday by God’s Grace Amen!!!
further Reading Isa.12:2, Ps 25:4, Ps.62:12, Ps.119:105, Ps.119:130, Lk.2:52,
Remain blessed in the Lord.