Come and see what the Lord has done for me… He has taken away my sorrows and now I am free… Agam e buru alleluia e buru… Agam para alleluia para… Because of Jesus every day na shakara I dey do… double, double heavenly blessing na Him I dey receive (from Him I receive)… God Your Grace amd Mercies always dey follow me… ehhh the Lord has given me victory…ehhh He has given me victory…// Amen Amen… Blessings and Glory… Wisdom Thanksgiving… and Honour.. Power and Might… belong to the Lord… forever and ever Amen!!!
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee for Your glory that liveth forever more… Ancient of Days hallow be dey Name… let Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in heaven as it is on earth… Almighty King of Glory… we worship You Father… Thank You and Thank You forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… is TGIF… Is PCL… O my God I am excited… I am happy for the God’s Goodness never fail… let us shout Alleluia… somebody… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
Maybe you are wondering why are things going the way is going in your life… Isn’t the call to serve Jesus the highest call… why is it looking as if the people around you is going to a different direction from where you are going…
Some friend has either blocked your calls or have stop relating with you as they use to… and you are wondering what is going on… you are asking God why are things turning horror for you…
Beloveth.. you need not worry…you need not be afraid… The Lord is on your side… If the whole world seems as if it turning against you… Beloveth you are not going to continue living as you were when you have not receive Jesus…
Yes! You are called out from among them… so your preference definitely will be different from their too… you are not going to continue doing business/ living as usual there is going to be some changes in life styles… aside the way you relate or dress… also the way you communicate with your heavenly Father definitely going to be different…
You are going to be spending more time in fellowship with your heavenly Father… In prayer… Praise worship, and the likes… You will also position to receive from the heavenly realm… that the part I enjoy so much… suddenly a Word of knowledge drops in your heart and you are wondering what is … is either the Spirit of God prompt you to pray or you receive the same Word in your fellowship or church gathering… the man or woman of God speaks exactly the same Word you received… Beloveth is amazing how God works… or someone will walk-in and speak or ask you question where the exact Word is need….I fear this our God…. He is Awesome and He is Amazing…
Truly there is none like Him… He never fail…He never slumber… He is a Mighty God… Alleluia… our God is good… somebody shout alleluia!!!!
Now that you know what is excepted of you… now that you know that you are not weird… Come along with us for more:
The Solitary Life Of A Disciple
The path of the serious disciple is a lonely one indeed. In the past couple of weeks, three professed believers have indicated to me that for various reasons they are choosing not to pursue a thoughtful commitment to follow Jesus Christ:
- For one it has to do with the crushing pressure of getting a new business up and running.
- Another, it seems, is seduced by the pleasure his newly acquired affluence now affords him.
- And a third honestly admitted to me that applying Biblical ethics to the operation of his business would prove his financial undoing.
Why should I be surprised or chagrined, as the life of the serious disciple has always been a lonely one:
- Jesus faced the prospect of the cross alone.
“Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.‘ He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled… He fell with his face to the ground and prayed… Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?‘ he asked…?” (Matthew 26:36-39)
- Paul faced the trial for his life alone.
“At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them.” (2 Timothy 4:16)
Over a period of time, as the Holy Spirit puts His finger on various issues in our lives, we are faced with the choice of obedience, or of going our own stubborn way.
The more we obey, the greater will be the sense of alienation from the vast bulk of fellow-believers who have long since chosen the easier path of compromise.
During one of Jesus’ critical interactions with His followers, “many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. ‘You do not want to leave too, do you?‘ Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.‘” (John 6:66-68)
QUESTION: Are you prepared to walk the passage of obedience alone with Jesus – at whatever the cost – while most fellow-believers are surrendering to the world’s seductive forces? I am sure you are!
Beloveth listen… you have to chose between living a life of a worthy child of God or the other side …
You cannot be a true born again Christian if you live like the world and accept the ways of the world… Why? Because God chose you out of the world.
Beloveth…solitary life make you feel lonely but never mind… be brave enough to travel the unknown path, and learn what you are capable of… the mystery behind your calling…
Refuse to be fearful about what will happen to you. God is Faithful and He will take care of you…if you trust Him…
So embrace your calling… never give up… Jesus lived a solitary live and fulfilled His calling… Same way is expected of you to live your life …
Beloveth, there are paths of your life you must walk alone… don’t be afraid for the light of God will shine even in dark places of the path…
Have a wonderful weekend.. See you again on Monday if Jesus tarry…
Further Reading – Acts.14:22, Prov.20:22, 1Cor.4:10, Mk.6:31-32, 1Tim.2:1-8, 2Cor.7:1, Gal.5:22, Prov.11:4, Heb. 11:8, 1Pet. 2:9.
Remain blessed in the Lord.