You are the Lord that is Your Name…You will never share your glory with anyone…You will never share glory with anybody…Almighty God that is Your Name…// Only You I will serve! Only Jehovah, Only You I will serve…I have no other God…
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… who can be compared with Thee… in heaven You are God…on earth You remaineth the same even in the sea You reign forever… You raise Jesus from the grave… in the grave You are God … we worship and adore You Father… be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!!!!!
We come in adoration Father and we bow before Your Throne and worship You … Your Sovereignty cannot be over-rule, is unquestionable… glory be to Your Name now and forever…
Beloveth… how are doing today… are you getting the vibes of the touch of the Holy Spirit… It’s quickening power is contagious and peaceful…. Am basking in the Joy of the Holy Ghost….
People dey ask me say…. ebeg wetin dey make you smile… I just dey tell them say…. Na Jesus dey make me smile… I dey smile, I dey smile, I dey smile, I dey smile I dey smile smile smile I just dey tell them say…na Jesus dey make me smile….
Yes the power of God over me makes me happy even in the midst of storms, the peace of God calm me down and make joy to overflow instead in Jesus Name
Beloveth, here are some of Jesus final words are being recounted. He gave His Disciples a strict instruction that seems to carry a deep sense of importance, gravity, and weight. He is basically saying, Don’t do anything!, don’t move a muscle, don’t make plans, don’t wander off, just wait…until the Holy Spirit comes.” Jesus knew His disciples couldn’t fulfill their calling and commission in their strength. This is such a critical moment in each of our lives as disciples of Christ.
We live such busy lives and often at a pace that doesn’t wait for the Holy Spirit; therefore, we end up struggling and striving in our own strength. This is truly one of the greatest lessons we can learn in every moment: to give space for the Holy Spirit to get it in the middle.
The purpose of the Holy Spirit in our life to too numerous to mention …something we all must understand about the Holy Spirit is that we don’t just receive Him in order to experience more of Christ , but actually so that we would represent Christ more.
The ultimate purpose of the Holy Spirit is not just to make us feel good for a moment, but to transform us into a clearer image of Jesus. When we receive the Holy Spirit, our lives are not designed to act as a final destination, but rather a funnel, so that God’s Spirit wont just flow to us, but through us.
As we go out as witnesses of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will quickly see we each have our own version of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and beyond. These are expanding levels of influence which start with those closet to us and go to those furthest away… beloveth who among you has God called you to be a witness to?
Beloveth, the Holy Spirit gives us boldness. I have found there are two types of people in the world: people who love personality tests and people who hate them! Personally, I love them, but I must admit, there is one thing about them that I don’t love…when we start using them as a box to stay within instead of a platform to work from. As I read the scriptures, I see an incredible pattern in the lives of the people who are filled with the Holy Spirit : boldness!
There is a supernatural confidence that the Holy Spirit births within us- a boldness that helped David slay goliath, a boldness that helped Moses deliver the Israelites, a boldness that help Peter get up and preach on the day of Pentecost despite his past failures, a boldness that surpass any personality type or disposition.
We all need this boldness to help us be the people God called us to be…. It doesn’t mean you will become extroverted or loud, but it will cause you to be unashamed and undignified! (2 Sam. 6:21-22)…. Have you box yourself in and disqualified yourself from go’s boldness due to your personality type?
The Holy Spirit bears witness before God that we are His children…how someone want to know… come along with us for more:
The Spirit Himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ—seeing that we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.—Romans 8:16–17
It is impossible to perceive all that became ours when we were born again. There is no way we can understand all that heaven is like. How could we ever comprehend all that is ours as fellow heirs with Christ? The knowledge that we will share Christ’s inheritance with Him absolutely astounds us! Left to our own, we could not begin to understand all that we received once we became children of the King. The Holy Spirit convinces us that we are indeed children of God and helps us understand the riches of our inheritance.
Perhaps you did not have a loving father. The Spirit’s role is to teach you how to respond to a Father who relates to you only in perfect love and how to live like a child of the King. Perhaps you grew up in poverty. The Spirit will show you the inexhaustible riches available to you as a child of God.
If you were simply declared an heir and then left on your own, you could not begin to use your inheritance. But the Father has given you His Spirit to serve as your Guide and Teacher. The Holy Spirit will lead you to the magnificent promises and resources that became available when God adopted you into His family. Take time to meditate on the wonderful promises of God that are available to you. Let the Holy Spirit convince you of the reality that you are, indeed, a child of God and a fellow heir of Christ.
Beloveth when was the last time you stilled your heart and waited on God. The Holy Spirit leads us on and we live for God alone…
Further Reading- Jn 16:7,3; Acts 1:4-5, Acts 1:8…Acts 4:31….
Remain blessed in the Lord.