All power belong to Jesus Christ, All power belong to Jesus Christ, All power belong to Jesus Christ no power belong to satan… alleluia. What a mighty God we serve alleluia! what a mighty God we serve alleluia! Heaven earth adores Thee, angels bow before Thee! What a mighty God we serve… We are serving Him…
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name…We adore Thee, we give You Praise…honour, adoration to You Father for all the wonderful Things You have done for us… when I look me and behold You in every single act, Father You too much… receive all our Praise Father, receive all honour Father, we adore Thee Lord…be Thou exalted
From January up until now Father You have been Faithful, walking side by side with us, ever protecting and providing… loving and caring for us in diverse ways… be Thou exalted Father, adoration to You alone in Jesus Name.
Beloveth Christmas is here again…Wow! Praise the Lord!!! We will welcome in our midst the King of kings, the Lion of the Tribe of Judea… Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, The Great I AM, The Bright Morning Star, Who is like unto Thee Jehovah, The Ancient Of Days…
As follower of the Living Jesus like His disciples we should take the goodnews along everywhere we go…talking about baby Jesus in the manger at one time but now The Soon Coming King. Not forgetting to warn people about the pending danger with living as usual.
As we get into the celebration mood let us remember the Reason for the Season – Jesus Christ- Immanuel- God with us…The Promise fulfilled long after it was declared. Yes God fulfilled His promise to us by giving us His Son to redeem us from all evil and hell and to turn us to righteousness and to eternal life…glory be to God alleluia!!!
Whatever you are trusting God for don’t ever give up because he will surely come and not keep silent… Remain steadfast, remain faithful, remain loyal, and humble in Jesus Name…
Beloveth join us to discover more:
“The spot of His children.” Deuteronomy 32:5
What is the secret spot which infallibly betokens the child of God? It were vain presumption to decide this upon our own judgment; but God’s word reveals it to us, and we may tread surely where we have revelation to be our guide.
Now, we are told concerning our Lord, “to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believed on His name.” Then, if I have received Christ Jesus into my heart, I am a child of God. That reception is described in the same verse as believing on the name of Jesus Christ.
If, then, I believe on Jesus Christ’s name—that is, simply from my heart trust myself with the crucified, but now exalted, Redeemer, I am a member of the family of the Most High. Whatever else I may not have, if I have this, I have the privilege to become a child of God.
Our Lord Jesus puts it in another shape. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Here is the matter in a nutshell. Christ appears as a shepherd to His own sheep, not to others.
As soon as He appears, His own sheep perceive Him—they trust Him, they are prepared to follow Him; He knows them, and they know Him—there is a mutual knowledge—there is a constant connection between them. Thus the one mark, the sure mark, the infallible mark of regeneration and adoption is a hearty faith in the appointed Redeemer.
Reader, are you in doubt, are you uncertain whether you bear the secret mark of God’s children? Then let not an hour pass over your head till you have said, “Search me, O God, and know my heart.”
Trifle not here, I adjure you! If you must trifle anywhere, let it be about some secondary matter: your health, if you will, or the title deeds of your estate; but about your soul, your never-dying soul and its eternal destinies, I beseech you to be in earnest. Make sure work for eternity.
Beloveth trifle not about your salvation, go about it with sense of seriousness. Is there any besides you that need salvation don’t fail to mention them in prayer as we read last week “God opened her heart” same will happen concerning all those you are witnessing to, God will surely bring salvation to them at due course alleluia!!!
Beloveth for “we receive not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might know the things that we are freely given to us of God” 1 Cor 2:12
Further Reading: Jer 15:20 2 Cor 5:20, 1 Jn 5:11, Rom 6:4, Ps 119:117
To this end beloveth, we are so glad to wish you a Merry Christmas; have a wonderful celebration as we look forward again to seeing you on Monday if Jesus tarries… Alleluia! Alleluia!!Alleluia!!! Click here to give your life to Jesus if you have not done that before now…that is the starting point…
Merry Christmas from
Remain blessed in the Lord.