Come and see O! Come and see!!! Come and see O! Come and see!!! Come and see what the Lord has done it is marvelous in our eyes, come and see what the Lord has done, it is wonderful in our eyes! // I have see the light, the light of God! I have the light of the Lord Amen! I have seen the light, the light of God, I have seen the light of the Lord Amen!!!
Every living soul Praise the Lord! Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name! Alleluia to Your Name. Blessed is the Name of Lord Who made heaven and earth. We worship You O! King of kings, bless is our God! Receive our worship as we lift our voices unto the Lord! Glory alleluia in Jesus Name!
Father, we thank for answers to all our prayers, glory be to Your Holy Name. Thank You for keep us in Your safety in spite of all what is going on in the world. Despite the prediction of the agents of satan, the Lord saw us through, we are alive and we are still counting, glory alleluia,
Beloved, let us worship the Lord with this songs,
We bow down and worship Yahweh! We bow down and worship Yahweh! Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh!
Father be glorify in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, how are doing? Hope the Lord has been Faithful to you and all that are your? Praise the Lord!
David had a high time and a low time while he was here but in all of it, he Praise! Can we just learn from him.
Paul is another minister of God that was very strong even in all his moments of trials, even facing death he was still strong not giving up (Acts 25, Acts 14:19-28). Beloveth, may God keep us strong in face of temptations.
Come on for more:
“The sweet psalmist of Israel.” 2 Samuel 23:1
Among all the saints whose lives are recorded in Holy Writ, David possesses an experience of the most striking, varied, and instructive character. In his history we meet with trials and temptations not to be discovered, as a whole, in other saints of ancient times, and hence he is all the more suggestive a type of our Lord.
David knew the trials of all ranks and conditions of men. Kings have their troubles, and David wore a crown: the peasant has his cares, and David handled a shepherd’s crook: the wanderer has many hardships, and David abode in the caves of Engedi: the captain has his difficulties, and David found the sons of Zeruiah too hard for him.
The psalmist was also tried in his friends, his counsellor Ahithophel forsook him, “He that eateth bread with me, hath lifted up his heel against me.” His worst foes were they of his own household: his children were his greatest affliction.
The temptations of poverty and wealth, of honour and reproach, of health and weakness, all tried their power upon him. He had temptations from without to disturb his peace, and from within to mar his joy. David no sooner escaped from one trial than he fell into another; no sooner emerged from one season of despondency and alarm, than he was again brought into the lowest depths, and all God’s waves and billows rolled over him.
It is probably from this cause that David’s psalms are so universally the delight of experienced Christians. Whatever our frame of mind, whether ecstasy or depression, David has exactly described our emotions. He was an able master of the human heart, because he had been tutored in the best of all schools—the school of heart-felt, personal experience.
As we are instructed in the same school, as we grow matured in grace and in years, we increasingly appreciate David’s psalms, and find them to be “green pastures.” My soul, let David’s experience cheer and counsel thee this day.
Beloved, you read it all, David is a like man like us, went through many trials but it is interesting he never blame God rather he question himself on how he missed it and quickly retrace his step. Beloveth we ought live that same way.
We must be alive to the devices of the enemies to take us away from the glory that God has prepared from us from the foundation of the world.
Look up steadily upon the cross and see Jesus comforting and smoothing you, like his grand Father David, Jesus always live according to what His Father “Will,” never an excuse; never a fall.
Beloved let us learn from this servant of the Most High God, lift our voices to sweet melody and we see God walking through all our situations, Amen! Alleluia.
Keep the faith flag up and our God will come through for you as he did for David.
Remain blessed the Lord!