Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the love of my life…. O! Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the love of my life … O Jesus.. You are the love of my life… My Jesus You are the love of my life…// Who is like unto the Thee…O Lord… Who is like unto Thee… O Lord… Among the gods who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness… fearful in Praising doing wonders Alleluia!!!… Always doing wonders alleluia!!!

Wonderful God, Wonderful Messiah, we worship You… we adore Thee… we give You Praise… hallow be to Your Name… Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it in heaven…. Faithful Father I worship You… Thank You for the gift of a new month… Glory Alleluia to You Father… it is only You that has the power to give life and to take it… May Your Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!!!!!!!!

Ancient of Days we bow before Thee… We worship and adore Thee… Jesus we love Thee… but we know that You love us more… Your death and resurrection… is one sure proof that You have an undying love for us… O! Jesus, You continuous intercession before the Throne also is a sure evidence that You care for us and wish that where ever You are … Your disciples will also be… alleluia Father…

You are the Lord… let Your Name be glorified… You are the Lord… let Your Name be glorified… O! Lord we give you glory… and honour… You are the Lord… let Your Name be glorified in Jesus Name…

Beloveth…is PCL… another TGIF is here again… Praise the Lord… and we cannot but celebrate the Lord for the grace to be all God made us to be… Yes! we learn daily at His feet… what can be more blessing that ingesting the Living Word daily into our spirit man… Yes! Nothing can be more satisfying than having to walk daily with Jesus besides you… Am so excited… it can be hard at times because the Spirit of God will convict you where He need to but it is for your own good to make good of your error before it will be too late…

So as we engage daily with Jesus and we are saved likewise is the desire of your Master Jesus that you get out there and disciple others… Yes bring in as many as you can to embrace Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour…

Beloveth… Is important that you know that “The Devil is not Anti- Religion. He is Anti-Christ. He has devised so many Religions to blind people of the truth of God’s gospel….”

Do you also know that “The Serpent did not tempt Adam and Eve to steal, to Kill, to commit adultery; he simply tempted them to question God’s Word…

So for you to be a shepherd or a discipler how well deep is your walk with God?… How well do you know God’s Word?… Do you have fellowship with Jesus Your Master and Mentor?….

Beloveth is good you know that The Bible is real. Jesus is real… and Heaven is real…Amen!

Let that encourage you in your walk and as go about your daily business don’t forget to take the Word of God along with you… Ensure that you speak of Jesus to someone… especially those the Lord brought your way… Don’t neglect them… Don’t let go to hell…

May the Spirit of God help us and open our eyes to see what He wants us to see and do what He wants to do in Jesus Name…

Come along with us for more:

The True Measure Of A Shepherd — Discipler

I wonder how much of what is accepted today as “shepherding” or “discipling” has the imprimatur of Christ’s life upon it?


  • Appear to be indiscriminate in their selection of people:
  • Jesus ministered at large to lepers and princes, outcasts and the elite. In selecting the twelve disciples, He chose rebels. Working-class men. Nondescripts. Their one commonality seemed to be a mutual hunger for God (Judas excepted).
  • By contrast, we tend to choose those with whom we find a natural affinity: Those who “fit in” with our social, educational, or economic milieu.
  • Are willing to suffer whatever is necessary to see their sheep mature:

Consider Paul’s example:

Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the electI am in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” (2 Timothy 2:10a; Galatians 4:19b)

  • By contrast, we tend to evaluate “success” in our ministry by such relatively superficial criteria as our disciples’ (1) mastery of certain disciplines, (2) their endorsement of our ministry objectives for them, or (3) their continued affirmation of us as their spiritual leader.

When John’s disciples met Jesus, John immediately stepped into the background, thereby allowing them to follow the Master. (John 1:35-39; 3:30)

 By contrast, we run the risk of developing in our sheep an unhealthy sense of dependency upon us, or obligation to us. Unwittingly, this aberration is fostered through subtle manipulation or abuse of authority, thus delaying or inhibiting their matriculation toward healthy independence.

Make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brothers way.” (Romans 14:13b)

QUESTION: In ministering to others, what is our primary motivation: The furtherance of God’s Kingdom and Glory, or something as mundane or minuscule as our personal fulfillment or aggrandizement?

Living in sin, Shacking up, Playing church, Telling lies, Committing adultery, and you want God’s blessing? It Ain’t Gonna happen…. If you want God to bless you, you have to live His way, not yours!
With all these in mind go out there and make disciples of all nations as commanded us by our Jesus…(Matt. 28:18-20). Receive the Holy Ghost as we commemorated last Sunday…(Acts.2:1-4). Don’t spare anything in gaining the lost to the Christ Kingdom… Don’t judge any man… rather remember that Jesus stands for Justifies Every Sinners under Salvation… Let them come as they are…

Don’t be the reason why anyone will fall out of faith… rather be the reason why they will desire to have fellowship with Christ even when you are not there….(1Thess.5:15).

Also remember that you are commanded to preach/teach this Word in season and out of season… (2Tim.4:2). Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

I love you beloveth just as Jesus loves us… The power to save others is in your hand… use it… Amen!!!

Further Reading- Rev.4:8, 2Tim.4:2, Heb.7:22,25, Acts.13:39, Ps.107:9, Jn.13:15, 2Pet.1:3-9.

Have a pleasant weekend… See you on Monday…. if Jesus tarry…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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