You are a Mighty God the great I am … Alleluia! Alleluia! You are a Mighty God The Great I am… Alleluia! Alleluia!// I will Praise Your Name… I will Praise Your Name… I will Praise Your Name I will Praise Your Name… if nobody will Praise Your Name… I will Praise Your Name … if nobody will Praise Your Name… I will Praise Your Name….

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we give You praises and honour and adorations… Alleluia to the King of kings… The Ancient of days… The Lion of the tribe of Judea…. Faithful are You Lord… x3 You are so Faithful….

Father come and have Your way again in our lives and may Your peace reign supreme in our lives in Jesus Name….

Beloveth, “The worth of the Individual…” that’s the topic we are considering today… have you ever given a thought to that? The Lord taught me so many things with this in mind at the inception of this ministry… and that shaped my thought and my decisions in running this ministry and interaction with people or call it individual..…

Beloveth… check the scriptures… most of Jesus ministration are to individuals …. Jesus went to the pool of Bethesda… to heal one man…. Jn.5:1-9, He cleanse the leper… Matt. 8:1-4, if you read the whole chapter of Matt. 8… you will see many healings Jesus wrought… The woman with issues of blood and The woman that was demon oppressed for seventeen years… daughter (Lk.13:16)… The Samaria woman at the well Jn.4:2, On some occasions He heals two or more ……

Their numbers are uncountable.. about individuals our Lord Jesus ministered to… so we are also encourage to have the same level of interest in our fellow individuals…. Why?

What a joy in heaven in the repentance of one individual (Lk.15:10)… secondly, our labour of love will be rewarded (Heb.6:10)…. may God help us to see things the way He see it (1 Tim.1:15)…. in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Come along with us for more:

The Worth Of The Individual  

The story is told of a little girl walking along the beach who discovers hundreds of starfish washed up onto the shore, dying from the heat of the sun. Here and there, as she skips along, she tosses a starfish back into the surf. They will live while the hundreds remaining on the shore will die.

Upon returning home the little girl tells here mother what she has done. “What you did with those few starfish doesn’t make any difference,” replies her mother.

“Well it made a difference with the ONEs I threw back,” retorts the little girl.

  • Jesus left 99 sheep for the ONE who was lost. It made a difference to him. (Luke 15:1-7)
  • Jesus healed ONE man by a pool of water. It made a difference to him. (John 5:1-17)
  • Jesus walked 90 miles through the desert to find and win Philip. It made a difference to him. (John 1:43)

Some ONE probably singled you out – as an INDIVIDUAL. And it made a difference to YOU.

In a world where numbers impress; where people are herded around like cattle and analyzed, counted, and generalized to death, keep in mind the fact that God still died for each INDIVIDUAL.

And the deep, significant differences made in people’s lives are usually done at the INDIVIDUAL level: ONE by ONE, and ONE on ONE.

Paul understood the worth of the INDIVIDUAL: “As you well know, we dealt with you ONE by ONE, as a father deals with his children.” (1 Thessalonians 2:11 neb)

QUESTION: Has God placed a beached and parched “starfish” across your path who could use a helping hand in getting to the cool healing waters of Jesus Christ, the living water? (John 4:14). Why not decide today… this week… to make a difference to him?

Yes beloveth… plan to make a difference in that individual’s life placed along your path by praying, evangelizing, and showing an act of kindness, favour, mercy…. Receive unlimited grace to be everything you can be to do the Will of God in Jesus Name….

Today, we will start by praying for that individual …. And as you pray may God answer you from on high in Jesus Name….

Our Father in heaven… make us conscious of ministering even if it is to one individual…. Make a ONE and ONE interaction paramount in our lives in Jesus Name Amen….

Beloveth, prayerful pick an individual and begin to minister to such a person … pray and nurture to maturity …. May God give you wisdom to obey and do His Will in Jesus Name….

Further Reading- Gal.5:24, Tit.3:5, 1Cor.15:57, Ps.149:4, Col.3:3;17, Matt.11:30, 2Tim.4:2, 1Cor.3:8

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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