Jehovah is Your Name Jehovah is Your Name. Jehovah is Your Name, mighty warrior great in battle Jehovah is Your Name! (Jehovah is Your Name! Repeat)// Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. Glorious! Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. We bow before Thy throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before Your throne You are glorious God! We bow before Your throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before Your throne Your are glorious God!

Our Father in heaven we bow before Your throne, we worship and adore You for Who You are. You are a Mighty Man in battle! El-Shaddai is Your Name. Thank You for answers to prayers, we magnify Your Name forever, we give you Praise everyday! We dance and worship You Father in heaven, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how are doing today? Hope you prayed according yesterday? Have you receive any revelation from the Father? Did you ask Him of any?

Our Father is ever willing to reveal to us great and mighty things which we knoweth not, remember that a close mouth is a closed destiny, open your mouth wide and He will fill it up for You. Praise the Lord.

In our faith clinic today we want remind us to keep faith in God. It is not him that willeth or him that runneth but is God that showeth mercy. May the mercy of God abound unto us in this season in Jesus Name.

Every weariness, every fear, every doubt die by fire in Jesus Name. I have been seeing some disturbing video going viral and prompting the success and danger of Covid-19. I got worried not because it is not the best to keep safe but I got worried because of the fear such video is promoting in the lives of the believers who before now hungry and thirst after street or bus evangelism, even hospital evangelism slowly down their pace and laying down their tools for the want of staying life as against ministering the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Our pastors are left out it, they claimed that so many pastors have passed on and encouraged those left behind to be careful, to pray only phone and seldom attains to funeral of members. This venue has proven to be a high source of soul winning for the church as many souls come to the Lord during such outing.

What about brethren who were massacred by the opposing religion groups but the church kept sending many to the field with message of “go yea “ as commanded by our Lord Jesus.

What happens to those preaching that “you were saved to save others.” It bring tears to my eyes that the church of God is losing it relevant in the eyes of unbelievers who in the past came to Christ base on demonstration of powers in the Word of God. Who were healed by the “in the Name of Jesus,”  “who were cleanseth by the Blood of Jesus,”

What happens to this scripture in Col 3:2- “set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Every message and video clips sent out by these demons and enemies of the gospel of Lord Jesus aim at installing fear in the hearts of the hearers who want live eternity here on earth. What a pity to Christian faith.

Is very disturbing because there is no true fellowship in the church any longer, nobody wants to die for a just course.

Where is the power of God we received from those that gone ahead of us? Interesting, they search the same Bible and take out verses from them and preach same to us and we believe while they refuse to believe in God by whose Spirit those Word were sent.

Beloveth, the worst is yet to be. They believe that churches were being funded by you and I. when they succeed in keeping most people at home and get some others frustrated out by the employers due to crisis in the economy. When the take out the funds though which the gospel is been sent across nations, they would have succeed in hindering the gospel.

They first trial met the wall when the church resorted to online preaching no more physical gathering. Whether you like it or not income dwindled, most churches could no longer pay their rent or pay their ministers and they have to close down.

Soon even the mega churches will run into crisis if the leaders did not stand up against this evil in the land. What are we going to tell our children who we once told about the Mightiest of our God that parted the Red Sea, the River Jordan and provided manna in the wilderness; where has that God gone to (Deut 11:19, 1King 18:21-39).

Some one is saying they also closed bars and hotels, don’t be deceived, evil is promoted naturally but salvation comes will work (Ps 51:5, Rom 10:1-15).

Beloveth, when Jesus return again will they still be any in faith. May God help us to stand and defend the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, may we not be weary but with help of the Holy Spirit take the gospel to where it is needed. Let us rescue souls from hell as they are trooping down in masses.

Come let us discover more:


“Then Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain, and overran Cushi.” 2 Samuel 18:23

Running is not everything, there is much in the way which we select: a swift foot over hill and down dale will not keep pace with a slower traveller upon level ground. How is it with my spiritual journey, am I labouring up the hill of my own works and down into the ravines of my own humiliations and resolutions, or do I run by the plain way of “Believe and live”?

How blessed is it to wait upon the Lord by faith! The soul runs without weariness, and walks without fainting, in the way of believing. Christ Jesus is the way of life, and He is a plain way, a pleasant way, a way suitable for the tottering feet and feeble knees of trembling sinners: am I found in this way, or am I hunting after another track such as priestcraft or metaphysics may promise me?

I read of the way of holiness, that the wayfaring man, though a fool, shall not err therein: have I been delivered from proud reason and been brought as a little child to rest in Jesus’ love and blood? If so, by God’s grace I shall outrun the strongest runner who chooses any other path. This truth I may remember to my profit in my daily cares and needs.

It will be my wisest course to go at once to my God, and not to wander in a roundabout manner to this friend and that. He knows my wants and can relieve them, to whom should I repair but to Himself by the direct appeal of prayer, and the plain argument of the promise. “Straightforward makes the best runner.” I will not parlay with the servants, but hasten to their master.

In reading this passage, it strikes me that if men vie with each other in common matters, and one outruns the other, I ought to be in solemn earnestness so to run that I may obtain. Lord, help me to gird up the loins of my mind, and may I press forward towards the mark for the prize of my high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Let our running be to obtain the crown of righteousness and victory at last in Jesus Name. May God help us all in Jesus Name.

I decree that God will you and to the end. I pray that the finally solution to this menace will be given to us by God and men shall be liberated from the bounds and chains of the children of Lucifer in Jesus Name.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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