I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be Praise I will glorify the Lord who is worthy to be Praise, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted, the Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the rock of my salvation be exalted.// glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord! glory glory glory alleluia, glory, glory Praise the Lord! glory glory Lord we give you glory, we give you glory Lord! alleluia, glory glory Lord you are a Mighty God!
I feel like dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!, I feel like shouting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I feel like jumping!!!!!!, Our Father in heaven above, we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You we give You Praise, alleluia to Your Holy Name, thank You for the gift of another day in this side of eternity, we bow and worship You, thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up, thank You for protection and shield around us, glory be to Your Holy Name, alleluia Amen!
Thank You for the answers to prayers and miracles only can do. Thank You for in You there is no impossibility, Thank You for being there for us even when the world system is collapsing, Father You are there for Your children, when there is nowhere to turn to, O! Lord You are there for us, we come with humility of heart and we say Father, “Your mercies upon Your children!” Father we have nowhere to turn to except to You, look down with pity upon us and show us Your mercies, according to Your Word to us, let Your miracle be done amongst us, save us from the evil of the day, at noon, even in the night Lord! Have mercies on us O Lord! we prayed Thee in Jesus Name.
Beloved, hope you are good? There is a lot going on over the world, the need to partner with Jesus need not be over emphasis. From the recent happenings, maybe the picture of eternity will be clearer more than ever before. The message that we came into this world with nothing and will go with nothing is clearer now than ever before.
The situation we are in now is no respecter of person, it cut across the young and the elderly. There is no safe place, it does not respect the rich nor the poor, another teaching about the kingdom of heaven. In heaven there is no rich either will anyone be regarded as poor (Lk 16:19-31).
Beloved, if there is any time to keep close to God is now, you must be in sheepfold where the Shepherd will preserve you and protect you also. This is not a time to be careless about your faith. You are not also trying to be keep nearer to God only to go your own way when the siege is over (Jn 10:11,14-16, Gen 20:6-7, Deut 8:2, Jer 17:9-10).
Beloved, God knows the heart of every man and nothing is hidden from Him (Ps 139:1-12). Therefore, as we have brought the goodnews of salvation to you, humble thyself before God and ask God for His Divine covering as such a time like this.
Your safety is in no other place than God, therefore run and be secure under His refuge and be there, call on Him for His divine intervention for the world. And can we do rest from spreading fear but faith at this time? And the Lord will honour us in Jesus Name (Ps 91, Ps 28:1, 88:2, 70).
Come as the Lord will not be silent forever, He will surely show mercy, He will not let you be destroyed for He knew what He made you with. Be calm, come on for you are still in His plan, He will keep you and preserve you from all evil and falling, come on for more:
“Then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.” Genesis 8:9
Wearied out with her wanderings, the dove returns at length to the ark as her only resting place. How heavily she flies—she will drop—she will never reach the ark! But she struggles on. Noah has been looking out for his dove all day long, and is ready to receive her. She has just strength to reach the edge of the ark, she can hardly alight upon it, and is ready to drop, when Noah puts forth his hand and pulls her in unto him.
Mark that: “pulled her in unto him.” She did not fly right in herself, but was too fearful, or too weary to do so. She flew as far as she could, and then he put forth his hand and pulled her in unto him. This act of mercy was shown to the wandering dove, and she was not chidden for her wanderings. Just as she was she was pulled into the ark. So you, seeking sinner, with all your sin, will be received.
“Only return”—those are God’s two gracious words—”only return.” What! nothing else? No, “only return.” She had no olive branch in her mouth this time, nothing at all but just herself and her wanderings; but it is “only return,” and she does return, and Noah pulls her in.
Fly, thou wanderer; fly thou fainting one, dove as thou art, though thou thinkest thyself to be black as the raven with the mire of sin, back, back to the Saviour. Every moment thou waitest does but increase thy misery; thine attempts to plume thyself and make thyself fit for Jesus are all vanity.
Come thou to Him just as thou art. “Return, thou backsliding Israel.” He does not say, “Return, thou repenting Israel” (there is such an invitation doubtless), but “thou backsliding one,” as a backslider with all thy backslidings about thee, Return, return, return! Jesus is waiting for thee! He will stretch forth His hand and “pull thee in”—in to Himself, thy heart’s true home.
Beloved, this is the concluding part of the message we had this week, and a good fit for our admonition for today too.
The Lord is waiting for you /O! wandering one, the Lord inputs no iniquity on you, just return. Come home you that has backsliding one, come home, you at the valley of decision come on for this is the acceptable time all you need do is simply “Just give your life to Jesus” by click here now!
Now that you have done that, you are welcome into the family of God, we rejoice with you and we want to announce to you that you are in for this undeniable miracles promised us by our Father as such a time like this. At the beginning of this month I never see it coming, but you and I will agree with me that it is miracle of God that will see us through at such a time like this and according to His world to us “it will surely come to pass” because the mouth of God has spoken it and it must accomplished that which He sent it for to do and must not return to Him void.
Once again welcome to the house hold of God, the church of the firstborn-…. (Heb 12:23).
Hear what the Spirit of God is saying to each of us at this time “ Nay, in all these things we are more than conqueror through Him that loved us”(Rom 8:37) and again hear what the Spirit of God is saying to you and I … “fear not (insert your name): I AM Thy shield, and Thy exceeding great reward (Gen 15:1).
Let these be your confidence at this time dearly beloved, don’t panic, don’t process any unholy thought, always remember that with your eyes you will see and never forget that there is distinguish between you and those outside the household of God (Phil 4:8, Ps 91:8, Exo 8:22-23, 9:25-26).
This is the Word of God to you and I. it is not my word so put on your confident and trust in your God. Maintain your person hygiene even the bible recommended it too. I love you and I believe we will all be here when the siege is over (Jas 5:10-11).
Read your bible for more personal discoveries (Eph 1:15-23) Have a wonderful weekend, be full of Joy in the Holy Ghost Amen!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!! See you on Monday by God’s grace!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.