I have found His grace is all complete, He supplieth every need; While I sit and learn at Jesus’ feet, I am free, yes, free indeed. Refrain: It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half has never yet been told. I have found the pleasure I once craved, It is joy and peace within; What a wondrous blessing, I am saved, From the awful gulf of sin. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half has never yet been told. Repeat.
Yes! dear Lord is joy unspeakable of glory that we came into presence to worship and adore You who is enthrone in heaven. Glory be to Your Name on high. Thank You for the gift of life and health You have given us, thank You for watching over us and giving us the grace to stand firm in Your infallible Word, glory be to Your Name on high. Who is like unto Thee Lord, You are Messiah; the Rose of Shadow, You are Messiah; the bright morning star, You are Messiah; the lily of the valley, You are Messiah. Thank You God for the gift of salvation, glory be to Your Name on high. Be exalted far above Lord! we Praise You, we worship You, we give You Praise forever and ever Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, how are doing? How Excellent is our loving Jesus, let us lift up our voice on high to worship and Praise His Name forever, for with Him is our salvation and hope, without Him we are nothing, aside Him we can do nothing. Yes! bless be His Name on high forever and ever in Jesus Name.
It is another prayer time, and I believe that the Holy Spirit is here teach us something new about prayer and also to help us to pray with great understanding according to the power that is rested in Him.
According to our topic today, our God is ever patient with us to do us good, as we will later read that delays we experiences in our prayers is often use by God to build us up. Make us worthy of Him Who was slay on the Cross at Calvary.
Beloved, let us therefore going forward have a better understanding about why our prayers can be delay, let that not put us in despair or make us dejected and confuse or even lead to the rejection of the salvation that Christ purchase for you at Calvary.
Also we will be considering how best to stay tune up to God until our prayers are answered, my prayer for you is that you will not grow faint in the hours of your waiting, may the teaching of today be Jacob’s ladder for you to climb higher until answers come. In our last prayer session we discussed about being in fellowship with God. How well are you doing in that area? Today again we will consider more practical way of ensuring sweet fellowship with God that will be daring and beautiful.
May the Lord help us and hear our prayers and where there should delay, may He give us understanding to patiently for on Him. Amen.
Come along with me for more:
“Therefore will the Lord wait that He may be gracious unto you.” Isaiah 30:18
God often DELAYS IN ANSWERING PRAYER. We have several instances of this in sacred Scripture. Jacob did not get the blessing from the angel until near the dawn of day—he had to wrestle all night for it. The poor woman of Syrophenicia was answered not a word for a long while.
Paul besought the Lord thrice that “the thorn in the flesh” might be taken from him, and he received no assurance that it should be taken away, but instead thereof a promise that God’s grace should be sufficient for him. If thou hast been knocking at the gate of mercy, and hast received no answer, shall I tell thee why the mighty Maker hath not opened the door and let thee in?
Our Father has reasons peculiar to Himself for thus keeping us waiting. Sometimes it is to show His power and His sovereignty, that men may know that Jehovah has a right to give or to withhold. More frequently the delay is for our profit. Thou art perhaps kept waiting in order that thy desires may be more fervent.
God knows that delay will quicken and increase desire, and that if He keeps thee waiting thou wilt see thy necessity more clearly, and wilt seek more earnestly; and that thou wilt prize the mercy all the more for its long tarrying. There may also be something wrong in thee which has need to be removed, before the joy of the Lord is given.
Perhaps thy views of the Gospel plan are confused, or thou mayest be placing some little reliance on thyself, instead of trusting simply and entirely to the Lord Jesus. Or, God makes thee tarry awhile that He may the more fully display the riches of His grace to thee at last. Thy prayers are all filed in heaven, and if not immediately answered they are certainly not forgotten, but in a little while shall be fulfilled to thy delight and satisfaction.
Let not despair make thee silent, but continue instant in earnest supplication.
Did you hear that continue in your prayers until answers come, be instant in prayer for the earnest supplication of the righteous availeth much.
Join me to see practical ways of spending time in the Word of God and as you do that may you receive answers from above in Jesus Name.
Practical Suggestions On How To Spend Time With God
Intimate fellowship with Christ was the purpose of both creation and the cross: “God… has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord… ” (1 Corinthians 1:9b) Here are a few suggestions on how to cultivate that intimacy:
- Make the time regular — preferably in the morning:
Set a goal of 5 days a week, minimum. Solitude and silence should grace the time. If you are new at it, start with 10 minutes. The time will pass surprisingly quickly and soon you will find yourself expanding it to more.
- Have a specific place where you can be alone:
The patio
The car
The bathroom
A closet
- Include in your time:
Confession of sin
Petition (asking God for answers)
Intercession (prayers for others) – Make a list of people
- Read and meditate over Scripture:
Set up an ordered sequence. I find I get more when I take a slow, measured, and in depth approach, rather than race through a specified number of chapters a day. Begin by meditating from a Psalm and a portion of a Proverb. As your appetite (and allotted time) expands, you may also want to add a segment from the New Testament. Once this pattern is well established, you may then want to add a portion from the Old Testament.
- Journal:
Write down what you are gleaning from the Scriptures. I find using different colored pens to circle and underline principles and key words or ideas is helpful.
With appropriate passages ask, “What does this text teach me about Jesus?” Write it down.
Write out a prayer that relates to the passage. Also, jot down specific answers to prayer.
Record applications you are making from your time of prayer and meditation on the Scriptures.
QUESTION: If you are not consistent in your time alone with God, are you willing to begin now by taking the necessary time and effort to develop constancy in this critical area of your life?
This question demands an answer that is workable, therefore with sincerity of heart tell the Holy Spirit to help you in this area if you are yet to find your balance in this area, may God help us in Jesus Name.
I also believe we have a better understanding why our prayers may experience delay sometimes. Father, help us where we are weak in Jesus Name amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget to use Praise to obtain mercy in hour of need, may God hear our melodious voice as we sing in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in Jesus Name.