When I come into Your presence Lord am happy, when I come into Your presence Lord am glad, in Your presence there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me, in Your presence anointing break the yoke.// You are Messiah (You are messiah) 2x, You are Messiah the Rose of the Sharon, You are messiah, the Bright Morning Star, You are messiah the Lilly of the valley, You are Messiah.

Gracious God, we Thank You for the miracle of today, the gift life You have given us again today to praise and worship Your Holy Name. Thank You Father for only the living can praise the Name of the Lord. The dead are silent until the resurrection morning. Father therefore as long as their left a breathe in me, help me Lord to worship You and adore You I pray in Jesus Name.

Beloved, never remain silent, always desire to praise the Lord. Even that is the only thing you can do. Don’t ever remain silent no matter what the devil is doing around, ask  for the grace to worship, that is where you deliverance where eventually come from.

Do you remember Paul and Silas, there was nowhere in the bible that it was recorded that they sing unto the Lord. However when the enemy succeeded in condemning them to death, what happened, they used the last weapon of praise and worship.

These two prisoners sang until heaven cut their attention and glory of God filled the prison yard and set them free.  Therefore my beloved, never give up. No matter what the devil is doing around You, hold on to this God, our God, He will deliver you, and set you free and whoever the Lord set free is free indeed. Praise the Lord.

In the world today, there are many devices use by the enemy to trap believers down by the forces of darkness. These can come in form of Persecutions, Molestation, Abuse of diverse forms, Deceit, Endless T.V shows and Telephone calls. However, every child of God must be alert in the Spirit else this evil web envelope you and silence you forever, God forbid.

Beloved, it hold on us daily as we receive grace to abound unto every good works. One of which is evangelism, evangelism is another weapon of worship that heaven must not overlook. The bible called them wise who seek after souls (Prov 30:11). Let us deliberately seek out our brethren the enemy of our soul has held bound and lead them back to the Lord. Do not be like the rich fool who told his soul to relax and make merry but that same night his very soul was taken away from him.

Make a deliberate effort to help those in need, not all needs are financial needs. There are so many in need of salvation, so many in need of companion, they need someone to talk to, some one that will listen as they pour out their heart, this is what Jesus does for you and he will also want you to do it another until such a person come to know Jesus, the great friend, our silent listener to every conversations. O! what a Might friend we have in Him.

This is a clarion call to go out, reach out to your unbelieving friends and family members who are yet to come to the true knowledge of God. To reach out to our backsliding friends and family who are racing into hell fire.

Arise dearly beloved to rescue the perishing, if all your family members are saved, then reach out to others as we can also read in our teaching of today, may God help us not to sit back and watch souls go to hell.

Let get going:

“They weave the spider’s web.” Isaiah 59:5


See the spider’s web, and behold in it a most suggestive picture of the hypocrite’s religion. It is meant to catch his prey: the spider fattens himself on flies, and the Pharisee has his reward. Foolish persons are easily entrapped by the loud professions of pretenders, and even the more judicious cannot always escape.

Philip baptized Simon Magus, whose guileful declaration of faith was so soon exploded by the stern rebuke of Peter. Custom, reputation, praise, advancement, and other flies, are the small game which hypocrites take in their nets.

A spider’s web is a marvel of skill: look at it and admire the cunning hunter’s wiles. Is not a deceiver’s religion equally wonderful? How does he make so barefaced a lie appear to be a truth? How can he make his tinsel answer so well the purpose of gold?

A spider’s web comes all from the creature’s own bowels. The bee gathers her wax from flowers, the spider sucks no flowers, and yet she spins out her material to any length. Even so hypocrites find their trust and hope within themselves; their anchor was forged on their own anvil, and their cable twisted by their own hands. They lay their own foundation, and hew out the pillars of their own house, disdaining to be debtors to the sovereign grace of God.

But a spider’s web is very frail. It is curiously wrought, but not enduringly manufactured. It is no match for the servant’s broom, or the traveller’s staff. The hypocrite needs no battery of Armstrongs to blow his hope to pieces, a mere puff of wind will do it.

Hypocritical cobwebs will soon come down when the besom of destruction begins its purifying work. Which reminds us of one more thought, viz., that such cobwebs are not to be endured in the Lord’s house: He will see to it that they and those who spin them shall be destroyed for ever.

O my soul, be thou resting on something better than a spider’s web. Be the Lord Jesus thine eternal hiding-place.

Yes my soul, let Jesus be thou own hiding place, let not the world or its vain glory be my hiding place. When the enemy rose up against me, the weapon of evangelism became a weapon of warfare in my hand. I told myself ‘if that is the only thing I can do, I am determined to do it till I pass unto glory.’ But God, Who is rich in mercy and Who is ever faithful and dependable came to my rescue and delivered me and made a testimony. I see God’s hand working in your life to deliver and make you whole as well in Jesus Name.

By the grace of God, am still doing it till today and many are receiving help through the Word that comes from this altar. Join me in this work, make evangelism your top priority and you will be richly blessed and be counted among the wise too.

Are there percussion, yes there are. Are there distractions, yes there are abound but it only emboldens me. It makes the work better and spread the goodnews aboard more it should have been if there had been none at all. And at each point, I see God real in all the situation. And God who was with Abraham, Isaac his son, and Jacob is still our God of today. Praise the Lord

Beloved rise and go to war. Do not sit back and watch Satan take captive of your family and friends. Moses admonished them in his time and I am doing same today. Heed this clarion call:

“Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?” Numbers 32:6


Kindred has its obligations. The Reubenites and Gadites would have been unbrotherly if they had claimed the land which had been conquered, and had left the rest of the people to fight for their portions alone.

We have received much by means of the efforts and sufferings of the saints in years gone by, and if we do not make some return to the church of Christ by giving her our best energies, we are unworthy to be enrolled in her ranks.

Others are combating the errors of the age manfully, or excavating perishing ones from amid the ruins of the fall, and if we fold our hands in idleness we had need be warned, lest the curse of Meroz fall upon us. The Master of the vineyard saith, “Why stand ye here all the day idle?” What is the idler’s excuse?

Personal service of Jesus becomes all the more the duty of all because it is cheerfully and abundantly rendered by some. The toils of devoted missionaries and fervent ministers shame us if we sit still in indolence. Shrinking from trial is the temptation of those who are at ease in Zion: they would fain escape the cross and yet wear the crown; to them the question for this evening’s meditation is very applicable.

If the most precious are tried in the fire, are we to escape the crucible? If the diamond must be vexed upon the wheel, are we to be made perfect without suffering? Who hath commanded the wind to cease from blowing because our bark is on the deep? Why and wherefore should we be treated better than our Lord? The firstborn felt the rod, and why not the younger brethren?

It is a cowardly pride which would choose a downy pillow and a silken couch for a soldier of the cross. Wiser far is he who, being first resigned to the divine will, groweth by the energy of grace to be pleased with it, and so learns to gather lilies at the cross foot, and, like Samson, to find honey in the lion.

Do not linger any longer, be swift as we recue the perishing souls from hell. This one goodness will establish your dominion forever and ever. (Phil 2:13)

Read 1 Cor 1:17-31 to see the mind of God and His son concerning you and Matt 25:30 for your reward after here on earth.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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