We are gathering together unto Thee… we are gathering together unto Thee… Unto Thee shall the gathering of His people be… We are gathering together unto Thee… Unto the Lord…// Glorious God, Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before the Throne… Glorious God x2… We bow before the Throne.. We worship at Your feet…We bow before Your Throne You are glorious God… We bow before Your Throne we worship at Your feet… We bow before Your Throne You are a Glorious God…

Blessed Redeemer we Thank You… We bow at Your feet.. We give you Praise.. We adore and glorify You for Who You are… Eternal Rock of Ages… Hallow be Thy Name… Thank You Faithful God… Thank You for the gift of a new month… O God You are too much… alleluia… April did us good… In this new month God will move us higher Yes… we will move forward and not back ward in Jesus Name…..

Beloveth come and see the goodness of God in our midst … yes God’s Faithfulness is upholding us as we step into this new month… This month is generally tagged the month of grace being the fifth month … it represent that month where God moves-in to do usual things for His children… Those things you have been struggling to do… The Spirit of God moves in and do it then in the natural it look easy… it becomes achievable because the Spirit of God has brood upon it…. Amen!!!

Beloveth… going in this dimension the Spirit of God declare to me that is a month of New Beginning…. I didn’t get it … I echoed New Beginning in May… the Month of grace…

Yes the Spirit of God said… Yes God is set to do a New Thing in our lives and situations in this month Grace … Praise the Name of the Lord… He said, “His Grace is birthing some Strange Miracles… that can only be delivered through the Power of the Supernatural” … I got excited… because this month is going to be unique and one of its kind…

Beloveth, God is breaking barriers, negative forces and occurrences in our lives and situations… Every evil patterns and circle is being terminated… in Jesus Name… alleluia somebody… Praise the Name of the Lord… it can only be God…

Therefore we are glad to announce to you and declaring what God has reveal to us that “This is Our Month of New Beginning…(Isa 43:18-21) I don’t know whether you understood this but am led to tell you that God is set to turn that situation(s) for good… You better believe it… some people faith are weak to accommodate the Awesome Wonder coming their way… God said “I will demonstrate my power in your life”  … that people around will surely confess and declare of the truth … There is a God that walks in the affairs of men… glory be to God in the highest…

Beloveth… listen you must be obedient unto what the Spirit of God will be instructing us/ you to do… The step to take… The turn to make… The word to utter… above all to keep praying because that is key that will position you in the place of your miracle alleluia!!!!!

Come and discover more when God wants demonstrate His Power in midst of His people…

 Are You Under A Cloud, Or Following The Cloud?

You may recall that during the Jews’ migration across the desert God guided them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The cloud was the visible symbol of God’s presence.

When the cloud moved, it was the Jews’ responsibility to observe the movement and to respond accordingly. When the cloud settled down over the Tent, they also were to settle down. If however, they were inattentive, preoccupied or indifferent to the cloud’s movement, they could easily miss God’s direction and protection.

At the Lords command they encamped, and at the Lords command they set out. (Numbers 9:23)

Responding to the movement of the cloud is a beautiful illustration of our being prompted and led by the Holy Spirit.

 Today, the Holy Spirit, like the cloud that guided the Jews, quietly, gently, and unpretentiously guides us… if we are spiritually attuned to His urging.

Depending upon our spiritual sensitivity, we can either be guided by the Spirit or we can grieve the Spirit:

  • All who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” (Romans 8:14)
  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)

How easy it is for us to be under a cloud, so to speak… fogged in by spiritual dullness and insensitivity to the things of God, thereby missing His leading, convicting, and sustaining force.

So today, are you under a cloud of spiritual mediocrity, or are you following the cloud in response to God’s direction and purpose for your life?

Beloveth… be sensitive in your Spirit as you can see that is the only way to know the mind of God as you walk Him…. amen…

Someone is about to sing a new song…. Someone is about the lifted higher…. Somebody is about be blessed beyond measure….  O! I see someone whom the Lord Himself will speak and defend by Himself… Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia somebody…. Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!

Beloveth we declare this week opened and blessed in the Name of Jesus…. Amen in the Name of Jesus…. Alleluia!!!!! at the end we will return

Further Reading- Rom.12:1-2, Isa.1:17,Lam.3:25, Col.2:15, Isa.41:17, Phil.1:27, Heb.11:1, P.29:11.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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