Every testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good. Every body testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good.// Worthy, You are Worthy, King of kings, Lord of Lord You are worthy, worthy, You are Worthy, King of Kings Lord of Lord I worship You.
Yes Lord I worship You for You are good. Excellent is your Name. Blessed redeemer, Thank You and Thank You again and again. faithful God we worship Thee. Let Your Name be Praise forever.
Beloved, is Friday!!!! Is PCL!!!!!!!!!! Are you happy? Yes am happy, very much happy. Happy because of the little break, happy because it PCL today. Always looking forward to it.
I believe you have been blessed with this week teaching and the promises on the theme of the month. God is good and His mercies endureth forever. Faithful is His Name,
Today’s ministration is still talking about God’s promises his children. We are blessed because our Father is the owner of the world. He does not need to take from anyone to bless u. He does not need to beg before He blessed. Why? Because everything belong to Him.
We are going to be cleanse apart from cleansing from the blood, He is going to cleanse us thorough with clean water and that water will purge us from every filthiness and idols.
Beloved do know that Jesus is the clean water. He is the living water which when taken quench all thirst. And when you believe in will flow from inside of you. (Jer 2:13; Jn 4:11; Jn 7:38) My King Jesus is too much. He is my all in all. Come along to see what this cleansing will do in your life:
“Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.” Ezek. 36:25
What an exceeding joy is this! He who has purified us with the blood of Jesus will also cleanse us by the water of the Holy Spirit. God hath said it, and so it must be, “Ye shall be clean.” Lord, we feel and mourn our uncleanness, and it is cheering to be assured by thine own mouth that we shall be clean. Oh that thou wouldst make a speedy work of it!
He will deliver us from our worst sins. The uprisings of unbelief, and the deceitful lusts which war against the soul, the vile thoughts of pride, and the suggestions of Satan to blaspheme the sacred name — all these shall be so purged away as never to return.
He will also cleanse us from all our idols, whether of gold or of clay: our impure loves, and our excessive love of that which in itself is pure. That which we have idolized shall either be broken from us, or we shall be broken off from it.
It is God who speaks of what He Himself will do. Therefore is this word established and sure, and we may boldly look for that which it guarantees to us. Cleansing is a covenant blessing, and the covenant is ordered in all things and sure.
We are cleanse from all unrighteousness. Beloved this is a covenant blessing.as ordain by God, let us embrace it and remain pure. Having been cleanse beloved, may we receive grace to repent from all filthiness in Jesus Name. Come along to read some of the things we need to repent from that will help our Christian race and grow our faith:
Four Areas Where We As God’s People May Need To Repent
- Our Pride: “The desire to impress (others) is not of the Father, but is of the world… “(1 John 2:16)
Prayer: “Lord, I confess to you that I have focused too much on what others think, rather than on what You think. I confess the sin of trying to impress others rather than seeking to please You. I ask your forgiveness, and for the strength to make the necessary changes. In Jesus‘ Name, amen.“
- Our Misplaced Priorities:
With God: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)
With our family: “If anyone does not provide (maintain; have regard) for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Timothy 5:8)
With our job: “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man‘s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.‘” (Luke 12:15b)
Prayer: “Lord, I confess that I have often not put You first. I have often neglected my time with You. I have often put my family needs aside for my career. I have allowed the seduction of work, the fear of failure and the love of money to take priority over seeking to know You and over serving my family. By your grace I will reorder my priorities. I ask your forgiveness in Jesus‘ Name, amen.“
- Our Questionable Ethics: “Simply let your ‘Yes‘ be ‘Yes,‘ and your ‘No,‘ ‘No‘; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37)
Prayer: “Lord, with the pressure of surviving in business in an environment where honesty and integrity are often absent, I confess that I have not always been totally honest. I have not conducted business according to Your standards. I confess that I have allowed myself to believe that I, rather than You are my provider of our needs. Therefore, I have not always had the courage to say ‘no‘ when my integrity and personal ethics were on the line. I ask Your forgiveness, and for the determination to make the changes. In Jesus‘ Name, amen.“
- Our Flirtation with Impurity: “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1)
Prayer: “Lord, I confess that I have been taken by the glamour of the ‘world‘, at the expense of knowing You. I confess that I have often been double-minded in my walk: seeking to follow You on the one hand and allowing my sensual nature to take control on the other. I repent and ask Your forgiveness, and for help to live a life of single-mindedness, focused on You and Kingdom values. In Jesus‘ Name, amen.“
Beloved, do you want to enjoy the promises of this month theme as giving to us by God, then repent and be save. Let the Word of God dwell in you richly.
Come and be cleanse; come to the Living water. Drink from the fountain other than from the broken cisterns. May God give us fuller understanding as we mediate and seek to know Him more through this ministration. May He teach us to love Him, serve him, and above all depend on Him in Jesus Name.
Have a wonderful weekend. See you again on Monday by His grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.