Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus how wonderful You are, You are brighter than the morning star. You are beautiful, more beautiful than the lily that grows by the way, You are precious, more precious than gold!!!!!!!!!!!! // You are beautiful to walk in the street of Jesus, walk in the light, in the light of God. You are beautiful to walk in the street of Jesus, walk in the light of God. Oh walk walk walk in the light, Oh walk, walk, walk in the light, Oh walk walk walk walk in the light, walk in the light of God!
Faithful Father we thank You for the gift of new day, faithful are You Lord! Thank You for Your mercies that enduerth forever more, all power belongs to You, You are Bigger than the biggest, You are Larger than the largest, You are Wider than the widest, glory alleluia to Your Holy Name, we bless You we worship You, be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!
Faithful are You Lord! faithful are You Lord, faithful are You Lord You are so faithful! Faithful are You Lord! faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord! faithful are You Lord You are so faithful!!!
What a Mighty God we serve, what a Mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Thee, angels bow before Thee what a Mighty God we serve.
Beloved, good morning how are doing today? Hope our God has been gracious to you? Praise the Living Jesus!!!! Am glad you are still in faith, am delighted that God is still on the throne, am dancing because God has not forgetting us in this part of eternity, alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God will do which concerneth You, He will perfect that which you are looking up to Him to do, He said it, and will also do because He is not a man that fail, He is Powerful enough to deliver, that which He has promise. He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, in Him there is no turning of shadows. In Him is our Redemption and promises, Praise the Lord!!!
Arise beloveth it is time to favour Zion, shout a alleluia!!!!!!!!!!, your set time is here dance unto the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, today we will be praying for our Zion our local church, our Ministers, and our ministry. Praise the living Jesus.
Let us pray that the promise of God concerning His church will continue to be our anchor in this trying time in the world as a whole. The church of God will march on; though in some part of the world some of the physical churches are under lock but the spiritual church which you and I represent will feed our spirit man richly with the Word of God, that we will be unmovable by what is happening around us.
That our Spirit mind will be so strong enough to confess lifting even when people and society around us is saying it is casting down. And the church of God will march on and the gate of hell will prevail against it. Praise the Name of Jesus.
Let us pray for the ministers of God that God in His infinite mercy will remember each one of them by name and bless and multiply them. That God will make a way to fund His work by empowering His children to have more than enough so that His work will not suffer in Jesus Name.
Let us also pray that God will bless their home with riches and peace so that their home front will be at peace while they are taking care of the flocks in God’s house.
Beloveth pray that no member of our churches will be missing by the way of backsliding or failing health in Jesus Name. Let us remember as many that are sick that God will send his Balm in Gilead and healed them in Jesus Name. We pray that even the dead will rise in Jesus Name.
Let not forget to pray that the ministry that God has committed into our hand will not be hindered by the rising of persecutions from within and without in Jesus Name.
Beloveth pray and pray for as we seek the prosperity of Zion and kingdom work, the Most High God will be doing ours for us in Jesus Name! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!
Come along for more:
“Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants rake pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.” Psalm 102:13,14
A selfish man in trouble is exceedingly hard to comfort, because the springs of his comfort entirely within himself, and when he is sad all his springs are dry. But a large-hearted man full of Christian philanthropy, has other springs from which to supply himself with comfort beside those which lie within.
He can go to his God first of all, and there find abundant help; and he can discover arguments for consolation in things relating to the world at large, to his country, and, above all, to the church. David in this Psalm was exceedingly sorrowful; he wrote, “I am like an owl of the desert, I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.”
The only way in which he could comfort himself, was in the reflection that God would arise, and have mercy upon Zion: though he was sad, yet Zion should prosper; however low his own estate, yet Zion should arise. Christian man! learn to comfort thyself in God’s gracious dealing towards the church.
That which is so dear to thy Master, should it not be dear above all else to thee? What though thy way be dark, canst thou not gladden thine heart with the triumphs of His cross and the spread of His truth? Our own personal troubles are forgotten while we look, not only upon what God has done, and is doing for Zion, but on the glorious things He will yet do for His church.
Try this receipt, O believer, whenever thou art sad of heart and in heaviness of spirit: forget thyself and thy little concerns, and seek the welfare and prosperity of Zion.
When thou bendest thy knee in prayer to God, limit not thy petition to the narrow circle of thine own life, tried though it be, but send out thy longing prayers for the church’s prosperity, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” and thine own soul shall be refreshed.
Beloveth have you seen the reasons while you must pray and continue to pray for the church. I have testimony to what Brother David did.
Sometime last year when my son was sick and we were referred to another hospital, it was running late and I also know that when I get there they may not allow me to step out from the hospital, it is possible that I will be quarantine with my son because the doctor declared it infectious disease and since I have taken care of him, is likely I would have contacted the virus, (You know what is happening now with covid-19).
I took my son home from that hospital and tomorrow was Sunday and I have a Sunday school class to take. I bought some drugs that will keep his temperature under control and drugs that will take care of His throat since he was complaining that he is finding it difficult to swallow saliva from a pharmacy since the doctor I met in hospital was so scared and no empathy to even elevate his pains.
So the next day I went to church, in morning prayer I said “God as I go to church today to serve in Your vineyard, to do my bit in today’s service, Father send Your Word and heal my son. All through the service during prayer session, the person leading us to pray use this same word “ and the Lord sent His word and deliver them that was oppressed of the devil.” The lead chorister leading the songs use this same word and when the Man of God that delivered the Word came up the altar He said this same word and I know of the true of the truth that the Spirit of God has visited me and He is sending a Word that will deliver my son.
So after the service I left and came home. I forget to tell you the topic of the Sunday school teaching. It is “The Seven Outstanding Miracles Jesus did while on earth.” (yet has not been replicated), among “is the turning water into wine … etc. Praise the Lord. God sent one of our ministers to tell us that what Jesus did in His time, we can also do in our time. And I knew that word was for me.
So after the services I went home and I held my son by his hand together with my elderly son, we prayed for Him after praying with Him and declared the virus or whatever it is called to die from its root then afterward as I sat down the “Word” for his healing came, Praise the Lord!
The Spirit asked me, “How did you forget?” I didn’t get that, He said “you that help others to get better, how come you forgot when it came to your turn.” Then He instructed on what do and as I did that, in less two hours those red things on his palms started turning black, the boils started shrinking and dying off as we declared during our prayer, God honoured our prayer and sent His Word and healed him.
Beloveth, when you work for God, He is committed to things pertaining you, He brings your heart desires to past and bless the works of your hands. Praise the Lord! Alleluia, somebody!!!
Alleluia! alleluia!! alleluia!!! Make sure that you pray and as you are committed in praying for Zion (church) the Lord will meet you at the point of your need, Praise the Lord!
Father we thank You, be Thou glorify, listen to our prayers for the church and His ministers and ministries. Give us vision that will bring your “Will” to past at this season.
Beloved let us pray!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.