He is the Lord! He is the Lord Amen! He has risen from the dead He is the Lord… Every knee shall bow… Every tongue mouth confess… that Jesus Christ is the Lord// Alleluia… what a Mighty God we serve…Alleluia!!! What a Mighty God we serve… Alleluia… heaven and earth adore Thee… Angels bow before Thee…what a mighty God we serve…

I will lift up Jesus!!!!!!!!!! Higher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee…we give You Praise , we honour and worship Thee…. Father…. who is like unto Thee… Father there is none like unto Thee…. there is none to be compared with Thee… heaven an earth are full of your glory… O Lord… we worship Thee… Father…. we honour Thee… we glorify Your Holy Name…. be Thou exalted o Lord forever and ever Amen!!!

Thank You for answers to our prayers… Thank You for making a way where there seems to be no way… be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever Amen!!! and Amen!!!

Come and see what the Lord has done for me… He has taken away my sorrow and I am healed…Amen! Alleluia!!! Somebody!!! Our God is a good God!!! Amen!!! Alleluia!!!

Beloveth… Jesus answers prayers and He answers by fire… He does that which no man can do… He the Beginning and the End… therefore He is the Author and Finisher of your Faith… and Faith is Now! Somebody shout Alleluia!!!

Beloveth, we move higher!!!… We are matching forward!!! Jesus dey here …. He dey!!!

Today we will be looking again on “Three Godless Values that confront You Daily”

As a child of God we are called to a life “Faith”…. Life of “Faith.” A Walk of “Faith.” A Work by “Faith.”

How easy it is for you to access all these by “Faith.” And mind you Faith is not tangible…. It cannot be seen…. Is not an object that you can hold… or see…. You are just meant to believe that it is…(Heb 11:6).

So you believe that God exist by “Faith”… yeah! Not like your parents who you see physically… not at all… you have seen God but you believe that there is a God that superintend over the affairs of men… Yes! Alleluia!!! and this God Sees you, Speaks to you, Answers you, Makes a way for you, Directs you and Holds you on in difficult moments…

Beloveth… you are just have to believe and it works… so what happens to “Facts”… “Figures”…”Logic” what happens when facts, figure and logic are not looking right… what happens when it is not adding up… what happens when the doctors report is saying otherwise… contrary to what it should be or what you want it to be… Beloveth what happens when in your very eyes life is slipping away, barrens is starring you in your face, The oil in the jar is just enough for one meal and a prophet is saying to you do for me first… how? But you have to obey if you want to keep engaging the supernatural!!!

Did I hear someone shouted…Yes! that is it…. that is the Life of “Faith.” That is “Faith” at Walk and that is “Faith” at work… can I hear a shout of “Faith”… Scream it “Faith”… Alleluia!!!….

Yes even when it not “Adding Up”… when the doctors’ reports are negative….. When it seems as if it can never happen again… Even when the physical eyes cannot see… “The Eyes of Faith See It” and declare it “I shall yet sing a new song”… “I will shall carry my baby(ies)…”  “I shall yet dance my dance”…. Alleluia somebody…..

Beloveth, there is a God in heaven and the earth…. Yes He walks in the affairs of men if you believe shout a thunderous alleluia!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!! Our God is a Good God…. Praise the Living Jesus Amen! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes! The three Godless values that confronts us daily are “When reason is superior to Faith”… which we have taken time to discuss above… for the remaining two join us as we discover more them below:

Three Godless Values That Confront You Daily

  1. Reason is superior to faith.”

That is, facts and faith inhabit two separate realms and must not be mixed. In this age of reason, most folks view God as irrelevant. Redundant. Therefore, Christianity is “severely questioned, contemptuously repudiated, or studiously ignored.”

Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” (Romans 1:28)

  1. Business practices are amoral. Value-free.

That is, pragmatic realism dictates the modus operandi. Just get the job done. Religious idealism has no place in the hard-nosed business world of Machiavellian reality.

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.” (Romans 1:29-31)

  1. We are emancipated, self-sufficient individuals who are free to do as we so choose.”

That is, democracy means I am owed individual freedoms as I understand them. Personal responsibility for my actions does not enter into the picture.

In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” (Judges 17:6)

CONCLUSION: A cursory review of the 20th Century (Auschwitz, Hiroshima, etc.) makes it self-evident that this philosophy has led to a profound sense of isolation, “fear, [and] disenchantment… A feeling of abandonment, doubt, a sense of danger, alienation, and anxiety.”

The wicked man flees though no one pursuesThere they were, overwhelmed with dread, where there was nothing to dread.” (Proverbs 28:1a; Psalm 53:5a)

CHALLENGE: That as Jesus’ disciple we take counsel of the Scriptural injunction, Be sure that no one leads you away with false and empty teaching that is only human wisdom, which comes from the ruling spirits of this world, and not from Christ.” (Colossians 2:8 – New Century Version.)

Beloveth… did you read the last paragraph? Are you one of Christ disciples then “Take heed that no one leads you away with false and empty teaching that is only human wisdom, which comes from the ruling spirits of this world, not from Christ.”

Beloveth, let consider Heb.4 from the foundation God have put everything in place … but the satan came to sow tares – (Matt.13:27). He sows deceit, doubt, world wisdom, fallacy, wickedness, pains, sickness, anxiety, social uproars, etc… the list is endless but what did Prov.4:23 says “Guide (Keep) your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issue of life.”

Beloveth that is the only way to stay safe in this godless time… keep reading/studying the Word of God… mediate therein… resolve to trust God with every events of your life… don’t stop believing… don’t quit saying “I know in Whom I believe… He will come through for you…. Yes He will surely come through for you…Amen!!! it doesn’t matter how long… He will surely come…. (Matt.25:6).

May God help us to keep faith (2Cor.10:5-6) and shun satan, doubt, sin, reasons, selfishness, evil practices, wickedness from the pit of hell… in Jesus Name…

Further Reading Jas.2:22, Ps.103:1-5, Rev.3:21, Rom.8:14, Ps.91:2, 1Cor.1:23, Heb.4:3, Rom.10:15, Eph.1:13, 5:2, Prov.14:27.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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