Let the Living water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit come and take control…of every situations that troubles my heart… All my care and burden unto Thee I come….Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!! Father, Father, Father… Spirit… Holy Spirit of God…Spirit….
Our Father we thank You… we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee we give Thee Praise… Thank You Father foe Who You are… You are the Mighty Man in battle… Ancient of Days Who can be compared with Thee… nobody Father… nobody can be likened unto Thee… Alleluia Jesus…
Blessed Redeemer, we worship and glorify Your Holy Name… arise and be God indeed unto us… let Your Name be Praise O God in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Come and see the Lord is good…come and see the Lord is good.. There is nothing He cannot do…come and see the Lord is good… He gave me victory… He gave me peace of mind…come and see the Lord is good…I have seen the Lord is good…
Beloveth…isn’t God good? Yes! He is all the time…. faithful God Oooo! Faithful God… faithful God Oooo faithful God… Only You deserve the glory in my life…Only You deserve the glory O faithful God……
Yes! When we give God Praise… He heals and deliver us… He rains His blessings on us… Praise the Name of Jesus…. alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes! Today again we are in God’s Presence to be taught by Him… interesting we are not going back the way we came… God is going to make us beautiful inside out… yes! We will radiate beauty and love like Jesus … God will make His grace sufficient unto us for every good works in Jesus Name…
Today by the grace of God we will be considering a topic “The Three Temptation” experienced by Jesus while on earth…of course in heaven there is no temptation… alleluia somebody!
Yesterday we treated that God has given us all things pertaining to godliness… but because of our ignorance satan come with some mouth-watering offerings that are not godly… and we fall by acceptance… alleluia Somebody…
Beloveth… do you remember the story in the Garden of Eden… how satan beguile Eve to sin by making her to eat the forbidden fruit… instructed by God… Eve ate and kept for husband, who also ate… truly their eyes were open but from that moment they became dead spiritually….
Often time satan also entice us with what God has given to us which we out of ignorance of the Word of God we fall prey to… last week we were instructed and was taught about daily intake of the Word of God through reading our Bibles… so we must not ignore the Word of God – Bible- which is Basic Instruction before we live the Earth….Did get that?
You cannot successfully operate a sound gadget outsides it manual… same way… you cannot live a successful and a victorious life without the daily dose from God’s Word… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth… what are those temptations up your sleeves…. Don’t fall into it for God Himself Has given to you all that is pertaining to godliness… “go forth and display it… don’t fall into temptations alleluia…
Don’t be intimated by satan and his cohorts for God is able to make all grace abound unto Thee Amen!!!
Come along with us for more:
Then the tempter approached Him and said, “If You are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”—Matthew 4:3
Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, yet He never sinned (Heb. 4:15). Jesus began His public ministry with His baptism. As John the Baptist raised Him from the water, Jesus heard His Father’s affirmation, “Well done!” Immediately afterward, Jesus spent forty days fasting in the wilderness. There, Satan met Him and presented three temptations.
First, Satan enticed Jesus to use His divine power to transform stones into bread. It seemed like a logical thing to do. Jesus was hungry, but He had a much greater need to follow His Father’s leading. The Father had led Him to fast; Satan sought to persuade Him to eat.
Next, Satan tried to convince Jesus to use Satan’s means to accomplish the Father’s ends. “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down” (Matt. 4:6). Jesus understood that this would be presumption, not faith. It would be attempting God’s work in the world’s way. The world looks for spectacular displays; God uses a holy life.
The final temptation Satan proposed for Jesus to achieve God’s will was by worshiping Satan (Matt. 4:8–9). In return, Satan offered to give Him all the kingdoms of the world. By compromising, Jesus could gain a powerful ally, and achieve His mission without suffering the cross. Jesus knew that only God was to be worshiped and to do this would not bring instant success, as Satan promised, but devastating failure.
As you seek to follow God, temptations will inevitably come. Sometimes they will come to you immediately after a spiritual victory. Jesus relied on God’s Word to see Him through the temptations that could have destroyed Him and thwarted God’s plan. He has modeled the way for you to meet every temptation.
Did you read the last paragraph? For every kind of temptations that may come your way Jesus has modeled it all for you so follow suit… then bring many to God’s kingdom as you were saved to save others alleluia Amen!!!
Further Reading- 1Jn.1:3, Heb.12:3, 1Cor.3:16, Mk.10:36, Isa.1:17, Ezek.36:26, Matt.10:8, Prov. 4:23, 1Thess.5:21, Rom.11:33, 2kin.17:39, Gal.1:4, 2Cor.9:8, 1Tim.1:15, 2Cor.5:7.
Remain blessed in the Lord.