We are on the mountain Zion, We are on the mountain Zion, We are on the mountain Zion, we are here to worship You Lord. O! We are on the mountain Zion, We are on the mountain Zion, We are on the mountain Zion, we are here to worship You Lord.// What I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord. What I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord. 2x
Yes! Lord Yes! Lord Yes Yes Lord! Our Father in heaven O God! we bow before You we exalt Your Holy Name, we give You Praise adoration and honour, thank You for the gift of this week, thank You for watching over us from January up to this moment, You are Great and Mighty is Your Name. receive our Praise O Lord! receive our adoration, glorious God be Thou exalted above every other gods in Jesus Name.
Faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord! You are so faithful Lord! Faithful are You Lord! O Faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord! ou are so faithful Lord.
Thank You for Your faithfulness O my God! we cannot thank You enough for everything written about You is great. We humbly hand over this week into Your hand, have it and bless it and bring to pass in our situation according to Your Word in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing today? Glory be to God on high, His Name be Praise forever more. Thank God for the gift of November, thank Him for the last week of it, the Lord promised us Uncommon Restoration, that many has receive and some are yet to, but I know before the end of this month every promise will come to pass, no power is strong enough to withstand the Word of God. let that be you confident and so is mine. Alleluia, Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, we are in the last lap of this month and the might Hand of God will surely do us good. Yes! He perform that which His mouth has spoken concerning us and our heart will be glad indeed in Jesus Name.
The topic before us was made by our Jesus and was passed on to us, to delivery as many as are held bound by satan and his cohorts. Yes! The Lord will break their chain over destinies, and bound them with chains that cannot be broken in Jesus Name.
Blessed is the man who God is their God, and honour will be him when in stands in gate, for every eyes that seeth him will know that he is blessed of the Lord, and great peace will be his.
Join me dear beloved as we look deeply into today’s ministration and be blessed, Praise the Lord:
“To preach deliverance to the captives.” Luke 4:18
None but Jesus can give deliverance to captives. Real liberty cometh from Him only. It is a liberty righteously bestowed; for the Son, who is Heir of all things, has a right to make men free. The saints honour the justice of God, which now secures their salvation. It is a liberty which has been dearly purchased.
Christ speaks it by His power, but He bought it by His blood. He makes thee free, but it is by His own bonds. Thou goest clear, because He bare thy burden for thee: thou art set at liberty, because He has suffered in thy stead. But, though dearly purchased, He freely gives it. Jesus asks nothing of us as a preparation for this liberty. He finds us sitting in sackcloth and ashes, and bids us put on the beautiful array of freedom; He saves us just as we are, and all without our help or merit.
When Jesus sets free, the liberty is perpetually entailed; no chains can bind again. Let the Master say to me, “Captive, I have delivered thee,” and it is done for ever. Satan may plot to enslave us, but if the Lord be on our side, whom shall we fear? The world, with its temptations, may seek to ensnare us, but mightier is He who is for us than all they who be against us.
The machinations of our own deceitful hearts may harass and annoy us, but He who hath begun the good work in us will carry it on and perfect it to the end. The foes of God and the enemies of man may gather their hosts together, and come with concentrated fury against us, but if God acquitteth, who is he that condemneth? Not more free is the eagle which mounts to his rocky eyrie, and afterwards outsoars the clouds, than the soul which Christ hath delivered.
If we are no more under the law, but free from its curse, let our liberty be practically exhibited in our serving God with gratitude and delight. “I am Thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: Thou hast loosed my bonds.” “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?”
Yes, Thou are loose sayeth the Spirit of the Most High God and to who I desire I showeth mercies, come on for more:
“For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Romans 9:15
In these words the Lord in the plainest manner claims the right to give or to withhold His mercy according to His own sovereign will. As the prerogative of life and death is vested in the monarch, so the Judge of all the earth has a right to spare or condemn the guilty, as may seem best in His sight.
Men by their sins have forfeited all claim upon God; they deserve to perish for their sins—and if they all do so, they have no ground for complaint. If the Lord steps in to save any, He may do so if the ends of justice are not thwarted; but if He judges it best to leave the condemned to suffer the righteous sentence, none may arraign Him at their bar.
Foolish and impudent are all those discourses about the rights of men to be all placed on the same footing; ignorant, if not worse, are those contentions against discriminating grace, which are but the rebellions of proud human nature against the crown and sceptre of Jehovah. When we are brought to see our own utter ruin and ill desert, and the justice of the divine verdict against sin, we no longer cavil at the truth that the Lord is not bound to save us; we do not murmur if He chooses to save others, as though He were doing us an injury, but feel that if He deigns to look upon us, it will be His own free act of undeserved goodness, for which we shall for ever bless His name.
How shall those who are the subjects of divine election sufficiently adore the grace of God? They have no room for boasting, for sovereignty most effectually excludes it. The Lord’s will alone is glorified, and the very notion of human merit is cast out to everlasting contempt. There is no more humbling doctrine in Scripture than that of election, none more promotive of gratitude, and, consequently, none more sanctifying.
Believers should not be afraid of it, but adoringly rejoice in it.
Goodness and mercy shall us all the days of our lives, thanks be to God who promise us deliverance, who chose us for mercy by divine election, glory be to Him alone, forever in Jesus Name.
On this act of Divine election to be delivered and receive His mercy we declared the is week open and by the grace at the end we will declare His testimonies in Jesus Name! Go in the power of the Lord and be all He made you to be in Jesus Name.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.