I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will lift Up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Names. I will lift You up Jehovah, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other names.// Come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. He gave victory; He gave me peace of mind, there nothing He cannot do, come see the Lord is good.
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name. thank You for the gift of this week. Thank You for Your mercies and Your goodness that knows no bound. You are Highly lifted up, there is no one like You, highly highly alleluia. thank You for the victory Your granted to Your servant, thank You for strength and vitality, thank You for peace that passeth all understanding, thank You for being God indeed unto us glory be to Your Name on high.
Beloved, are you bouncing in the Lord? I am bouncing in the Lord everyday and what about you? I special happy today for the surprise God pulled on this morning. I woke up and was saying my prayer but my Spirit bore me witness that my manner of prayer is of worry and of concern. He simply asked my question “is God not able to do it and this verse of the bible came to my mind “be careful for nothing” because God is in not unaware of what you are asking for, He know what He is doing and I stop praying and went back to sleep. It was an early hour prayer. So when I woke up again in the morning. I did not pray a prayer of need but rather I started declaring God faithfulness over my life and I silence every other voice in me to align with my confession and declarations. And I gave Him songs of praise and declared Him Lord over me, because His though towards me are for good and not evil.
I tell you, He came in down in His glory and Majesty and took over from me and give me peace in the area of my concern and I could not “Thank Him and Praise His Holy Name.” He did this because He loved me and because His faithfulness is forever. Hope you have not forgot what we were thought yesterday in our Father clinic, “He is indeed “Faithful” Praise the Name of my God alleluia.
Thank God is Friday; thank God is PCL, alleluia somebody!!!!!!! Our topic today best fit for Wednesday for prayers or Thursday for faith clinic but it is the Lord doing and it is marvelous in our sight. The Spirit of God Himself makes this to be and I just have to follow suit.
Going through the message and my experience early in the morning hours of today, and our teachings from Wednesday I know that the Spirit of God is at work. The truth is that sometimes you will do this job better with experiences even it is bitter. However, when we cannot see or understand what the Spirit of God is teaching us or want us to pass across to someone is praying and asking Him for him, He will simple take through it so that you can from your experience know how to minister on it.
Sincerely this might not be my choice of ministration for PCL but going through it and the recent teaching it is so perfect to convey in full what we have been learning since Wednesday. Praise the Lord. you can agree with me that God is here and where two or three are gathered in His Name, He is there also.
Oftentimes we make prayers but in our mind we have other intention in it. How do you want God to answer it? Which of it will He give answer to the spoken word or the word in your heart? I shared my experience with you this morning how the Holy Spirit help me in the place of prayer. I was prayer no doubt but He placed a “Caution Sign” for me and I got it, so I have to stop praying for that moment and went back to sleep since the day has not yet broken.
And when eventually I got up this morning I prayed with the right attitude as a child looking up to a parent for something good not in begging manner but with heart that my request is granted.
Remember God is not unfaithful and started with me by giving me peace in my area of concern and I was good to go.
So dearly beloved, let us always align our request before presenting it before God and secondly kill ever doubt in you tell you otherwise of God’s faithfulness. Praise the Lord.
Come along with me for more:
Numbers 6:1-7:29. Psalm 33:10-17, Proverbs 8:1-3, Mark 11:12-33
I assure you: If anyone says to this mountain, “Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes … it will be done for him.—Mark 11:23
Just as the deer’s perfect correlation between its front and rear feet allows it to make its way swiftly and safely to the mountaintop, so the Christian who has perfect coordination between the head and heart will rise to new heights with God. For you see, unless a person’s head and heart are properly coordinated and move purposefully together, it is possible to miss one’s step on the steep slopes of Christian experience and become a spiritual casualty.
I have known many Christians in my time who, because they lack coordination between what they ask for with their lips and what they want deep down in their hearts, stay in the same place spiritually year after year. They are not bad people; they just lack the spiritual coordination of the mature Christian, and thus they never know what it is to ascend into the mountain peaks with God.
Perhaps nowhere in Scripture is this truth more clearly portrayed than in the verse before us today. We are told that things happen in the spiritual realm when there is perfect coordination between what we ask for and what we believe. When our mind and our heart are in alignment, when they track together with the sure-footedness of a mountain deer, then nothing shall be impossible to us. How many of us, I wonder, miss our step on the slopes of the Christian life because our hearts and minds are not properly and perfectly coordinated?
Gracious and loving Heavenly Father, slowly I am beginning to see the truth that underlies Your promise to make my feet like deers’ feet. Show me how to be as coordinated in the spiritual realm as the deer is in the natural realm. Amen.
Further Study
Why was the Lord displeased with Israel?
How did Jesus depict the Pharisees?
Beloved, are you here with me? Did you understand what togetherness now meant for us in this ministry? “It means that both our head and head be in one accord.” It means that we appears before God with one intention acceptable both in our head and heart.” It means you will only ask God when both your head and heart has thought it through. It means you will not be wavering in your request before God. With that in mind then watch your steps as becomes sure-footedness as that of dear. Amen alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On this note I say to you have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday by the grace of God.
Remember “Togetherness” each time we appear before God is the sureness way to spiritual growth.
Remain blessed in the Lord