Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the love of my life, Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the love of my life O! Jesus, You are Lord of my life 2x. // Who is like unto thee O! Lord, who is like unto Thee O! Lord, among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiest, fearful in praising doing wonders alleluia.
Father we thank You for watching over us all through the week. We are grateful, we praise You, we worship You for You are God and there is none like Thee for ever and ever. What a wonderful God we serve. He is faithful, He is kind unto us, loving us with an everlasting love. Providing for us all we will ever need. Faithful are You God.
Beloved, thank God is Friday. How did it go this week? Hope you are still standing strong? God will continue to help you. He will not fail neither will let you down. He that made the heaven and earth and all that is in it will be able keep you and preserve you from all evil.
Yesterday, we considered resting on the promise of God. His promises faileth not. We will hold on God at every Word he spoke to us but it as good as guaranteed. Surer than the money in bank vault. Praise God.
Today, we will be considering how we receive the Word of God. What is your disposition when you receive the Word. Are you lackadaisical, lax or do you trembles at God the Word.
The second part of this message might help to you to have the right attitude when you encounter God’s Word.
As we take time every Friday to consider what we should be doing, our way of life. We shall be doing exactly that today by considering the life of those that has gone ahead of us and how they made it through:
I will look favorably on this kind of person:
one who is humble, submissive in spirit,
and who trembles at My word.—Isaiah 66:2
Do you tremble when God speaks? When was the last time you were physically affected by the reality that almighty God just spoke directly to you? John lost all physical strength when God spoke to him (Rev. 1:17); Paul fell to the ground when Christ met him on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:4); Moses trembled when God spoke to him (Acts 7:32); and Peter, when he realized who Jesus was, “fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’”(Luke 5:8).
Have you lost your sense of awe that the Creator still chooses to speak to you, His creation? Do you approach the reading of your Bible with a holy expectation, listening for the life-changing words that God has for you that day? Scripture says that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). There are things you will see and hear out of your fear and reverence for God that you will not experience in any other way.
As you study your Bible, you may sense that God has something to say directly to you through the verses you are reading. Take a moment to consider the awesome reality that the God who spoke and created a universe is now speaking to you. If Jesus could speak and raise the dead, calm a storm, cast out demons, and heal the incurable, then what effect might a word from Him have upon your life? The possibilities should cause you to tremble!
The next time you open God’s Word, do so with a sense of holy expectation.
Discipline might be what you need as you read God’s Word. join me to discover more:
Discipline Is The Price We Pay For Freedom
- Exercise and diet regularly and you’ll probably live better and longer.
- Focus 100 % on one task at a time, and generally you’ll be less frazzled.
Paradoxically, the same holds true in the spiritual realm. For example, when we:
- Take the time and effort to abide in God’s Word we are liberated from the tyranny of sin’s bondage:
“If you continue in my word… you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31, 32)
- Joyfully endure trials, God is then able to forge within us that inner quality of steel belted strength that results in personal freedom:
“When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your lives my brothers, don‘t resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends. Realize that they have come to produce in you the quality of endurance. But let the process go on and you will realize that you have become men of mature character WITH THE RIGHT KIND OF INDEPENDENCE.” (James 1:2-4 Phillips Translation)
- Gain control over the dictates of our lower nature we are insured longevity in effective service:
“Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things… Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim… I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest possibly, after I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified. (literally: rendered ineffective)… for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.” (1 Corinthians 9:25-27; 2 Peter 2:19)
Paul speaks forcefully to this issue of discipline in stating:
“Exercise daily in God – no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.” (1 Timothy 4:7 – The Message Translation)
I need to ask myself whether I AM WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE OF DISCIPLINE TO ACHIEVE FREEDOM. The toll exacted upon me for the lack of discipline will, in the long run, far exceed the price I now pay for freedom through discipline!
Beloved, are you ready to pay the price? Because what looks like stress today, will payoff you tomorrow. Don’t neglect the Word, do a plan and be disciple enough to follow through.
See you next week by God’s grace. Have a lovely week end as you take out time to search through the Word, confess it and tremble at it as God shows up on your behalf. Those Word will be a blessing to you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu