Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness …morning by morning new mercies I see…all that I needed Thy Hand has provided Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto Thee.// I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be Praise…I will glorify Thy Lord Who is worthy to be Praise.. the Lord reigneth… blessed be the Rock…hour to the Rock…let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…. The Lord reigneth, blessed the Rock, honour to the Rock Let the Rock of my salvation be Exalted…
Our Father we exalt Your Holy Name…Alleluia to the King of kings the Lord of Lord. the Beginning and the End, the only wise God Who reigneth forever more… You are Mighty man in battle…glory be to Your Name o Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Our Father have Your way again today, do that which no man can do… have You will be done in our lives… Let us magnify our Father forever in Him alone is our strength and joy. Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, good morning, happy new year once again… hope you find favour before God… beloveth this is the time we look up to Him in prayers, in fasting, in worship.
The Lord has spoken His mind concerning us, we must reciprocate back through daily seeking Him in His Word, in prayer and singing songs of Praise.
Prophesy has gone forth concerning us but beloveth we need prayers to see it manifest in our lives. we must pray it into reality.
Oftentimes when promise or declaration has gone ahead of us, we relax and except God to bring it to pass… that shouldn’t be. When we receive the mind of God concerning an issue, it is expected of us to pray as Mary did when she received the Word from angel about conception. She said “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy Word.” And the angel departed from her (Lk 1:38).
Can you compare her with Zachariah, who was a priest but asked for a sign when the angel came to tell him the mind of God concerning him and his wife who have served the Lord diligently, He made excuse for the manifestation of God’s and because of that the angel declared to him that he will remain dumb till the manifestation of God’s promise to His people comes to pass. Don’t forget that John the Baptist is the forerunner for Jesus Christ so no power can stop his conception.
Beloveth, how do you receive God’s word when it is sent forth? Are you seeking for signs or making excuses or do you believe God’s Word?
As earlier stated every Word of God manifests through praying, Praise the Lord.
Let us stop doubting the Word of God but rather trembles at His word for that alone is what is expected of us as children of God.
Join us for more revelation:
Trembling at God’s Word
I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and who trembles at My word.—Isaiah 66:2
Do you tremble when God speaks? When was the last time you were physically affected by the reality that almighty God just spoke directly to you? John lost all physical strength when God spoke to him (Rev. 1:17); Paul fell to the ground when Christ met him on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:4); Moses trembled when God spoke to him (Acts 7:32); and Peter, when he realized who Jesus was, “fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’”(Luke 5:8).
Have you lost your sense of awe that the Creator still chooses to speak to you, His creation? Do you approach the reading of your Bible with a holy expectation, listening for the life-changing words that God has for you that day? Scripture says that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). There are things you will see and hear out of your fear and reverence for God that you will not experience in any other way.
As you study your Bible, you may sense that God has something to say directly to you through the verses you are reading. Take a moment to consider the awesome reality that the God who spoke and created a universe is now speaking to you. If Jesus could speak and raise the dead, calm a storm, cast out demons, and heal the incurable, then what effect might a word from Him have upon your life? The possibilities should cause you to tremble! The next time you open God’s Word, do so with a sense of holy expectation.
Yes! We must approach God’s Word with Holy expectation; more so, we must receive God’s Word with Great expectation and performance until you believe it will not come to pass but when you believe God’s Word to you and believe same, the power of the Holy Spirit will bring it to pass as we saw in the case of Mary… may God help us all in Jesus Name.
Our theme for this year is “Supernatural Breakthrough’ I see God breaking protocols for your sake in Jesus Name. By this Name next year you will indeed glorify this our God and worship Him for all He has done for you… alleluia Amen!!!
But you must first believe that God is able to do it and secondly you must read and study the Word of God deiligently, thirdly you must continue to pray the God’s Word until something happens…not under minding the Kingdom service Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.