We come to say Thank You, we come to say thank You, all have to say is thank You Lord. Thank You Lord thank You Lord all I have to say is thank You Lord. 2x// Glory be to God in the Highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies endureth forever Amen! For His mercies endureth forever Amen. Take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Ghost now and forever Amen!
Our Father we thank You, blessed be Your Holy Name. Thank You for giving us life and health that only You can do. We blessed Your Name forever. Thank You for answering our prayers, thank You for miracles and blessings in our lives. Thank You and thank You forever more Amen
Beloved, how was your prayer time yesterday? I was lost in praises because when I look around me and it seems as if am getting overwhelmed beloved, I raise my voice unto the Lord. The rest is His manifestation of His glory all round me.
The Word of God is True and True. As I sing yesterday, beloved, my voice became stronger and gain more confidence because the power in the Word became realm to me. Powerful, Marvelous are You. In all things You are great. Receive our praise O Lord!
The hope of the righteous is gladness. May the joy of the Lord never cease in your life in Jesus Name. Our joy will not be cut short. This month theme must deliver fully in our life. Our rejoicing will not be cut short in Jesus Name.
What make your confident strong in the Lord? When you have the assurance that God’s Word and promises faileth not, you cannot but be confident in the Lord Jesus.
Beloved, do you know that the faith in us result in trust and this trust produces joy. Praise God somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let us by the teaching of today put our trust God Who can do all things. The God that parted the Red sea for His children to pass through is still alive, He will surely part that sea for you to walk through. The God that mountain skip before His Presence is still the Creator of the whole Universe therefore we should be afraid.
He will perfect all that concerns You. Great are You Lord! Great is our God. Beloved learn to “let go” and “let God.” Sometime it might be very difficult but always remember that our God is more than able and He is our ever Presence Help.
Let our trust in Him produces joy unspeakable in Jesus Name:
“For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.” Ps. 33:21
The root of faith produces the flower of heart-joy. We may not at the first rejoice, but it comes in due time. We trust the Lord when we are sad, and in due season He so answers our confidence that our faith turns to fruition and we rejoice in the Lord. Doubt breeds distress, but trust means joy in the long run.
The assurance expressed by the Psalmist in this verse is really a promise held out in the hands of holy confidence. Oh for grace to appropriate it. If we do not rejoice at this moment, yet we shall do so, as surely as David’s God is our God.
Let us meditate upon the Lord’s holy name, that we may trust Him the better and rejoice the more readily. He is in character holy, just, true, gracious, faithful and unchanging. Is not such a God to be trusted? He is all-wise, almighty, and everywhere present; can we not cheerfully rely upon Him?
Yes, we will do so at once, and do so without reserve. Jehovah-Jireh will provide, Jehovah-Shalom will send peace, Jehovah-Tsidkenu will justify, Jehovah-Shammah will be for ever near, and in Jehovah-Nissi we will conquer every foe. They that know thy name will trust thee; and they that trust thee will rejoice in thee, O Lord.
Beloved, our God is more than able to defend our courses at all level. Let us trust in Him who cannot fail. Jacob trusted Him and he was disappointed. We will trust in Him and we will not be disappointed either. Let us discover more:
“Fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up again.” Genesis 46:3,4
Jacob must have shuddered at the thought of leaving the land of his father’s sojourning, and dwelling among heathen strangers. It was a new scene, and likely to be a trying one: who shall venture among couriers of a foreign monarch without anxiety? Yet the way was evidently appointed for him, and therefore he resolved to go.
This is frequently the position of believers now—they are called to perils and temptations altogether untried: at such seasons let them imitate Jacob’s example by offering sacrifices of prayer unto God, and seeking His direction; let them not take a step until they have waited upon the Lord for His blessing: then they will have Jacob’s companion to be their friend and helper.
How blessed to feel assured that the Lord is with us in all our ways, and condescends to go down into our humiliations and banishments with us! Even beyond the ocean our Father’s love beams like the sun in its strength. We cannot hesitate to go where Jehovah promises His presence; even the valley of deathshade grows bright with the radiance of this assurance.
Marching onwards with faith in their God, believers shall have Jacob’s promise. They shall be brought up again, whether it be from the troubles of life or the chambers of death. Jacob’s seed came out of Egypt in due time, and so shall all the faithful pass unscathed through the tribulation of life, and the terror of death.
Let us exercise Jacob’s confidence. “Fear not,” is the Lord’s command and His divine encouragement to those who at His bidding are launching upon new seas; the divine presence and preservation forbid so much as one unbelieving fear.
Without our God we should fear to move; but when He bids us to, it would be dangerous to tarry. Reader, go forward, and fear not.
Yes! that is the Word of God to us “fear not”. Are still in doubt or fear? Beloved the Lord is saying fear not for I will help you. Fear not for I am with you. Isa 41:13
Another promise of the Lord is to “be Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 2:1 (KJV)
Whatever is the situation you are passing through read Isa 41: 17-20. And you will see all these and know that is the Hand of the Lord that has done this. Praise the Lord.
Finally beloved, “For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.” even in the land of our foes we will prosper glory be to God in the highest.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu